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Roof Repair As A Business Model

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December 17, 2017 at 1:21 p.m.


I few years back, we moved away from commercial roof installations into service and repair only...and never looked back.

Less overhead, risk and higher margins. Management is easier, crews are happier and overall, satisfied.

Any other contractors here performing repairs and maintenance as a complete business model.

May 12, 2024 at 5:31 a.m.


Roof repair stands as an enduring business model, providing essential services for homeowners and commercial property owners alike. As the sheltering shield against nature's elements, roofs inevitably undergo wear and tear, necessitating periodic repairs or replacements. In recent years, this sector has witnessed a surge in demand, driven by factors such as extreme weather events and aging infrastructure. Entrepreneurs keen on establishing a foothold in the roofing industry find themselves navigating a landscape ripe with opportunities for growth and innovation. From traditional shingle replacements to advanced solar panel installations, the scope for diversification within the roof repair domain is vast. Moreover, with the advent of digital marketing and online platforms, reaching potential clients has become more accessible than ever before. However, like any business venture, success hinges not only on technical expertise but also on financial acumen. Understanding the intricacies of financing options is crucial for sustaining operations and fueling expansion. Websites like bussodoo.com provide invaluable insights into how lenders facilitate growth within the construction sector, including roof repair businesses. By leveraging such resources, entrepreneurs can make informed decisions regarding capital allocation and strategic planning, ensuring long-term viability and profitability. Visit https://bussodoo.com/how-lenders-make-money-by-issuing-loans-en/ for more information on how lenders support businesses in the construction industry.

December 19, 2017 at 9:59 a.m.


That's great! It seems to be pretty on track with what we're doing now (in the planning phases anyway).

I need to dive deeper into the "product to sell, not just a service" part. I think that's definitely important, but not something I've done a lot of.

But thank you so much for taking the time to respond! It was very helpful!!


December 19, 2017 at 5:31 a.m.



Here are a few things that over the last couple years have been critical. Something to remember, most customers look at leaks this way, " If it ain't leaking, I ain't calling", so the success of this model is to change that mindset.

  • Developing a lead generation system
  • Finding a way to stay in front of our existing customers consistently
  • Developing an actual product to sell, not just a service
  • Centering the entire model around a recurring revenue approach, can't look at it as one and done
  • And developing a complete marketing system (this was so important)

I hope this helps.



December 18, 2017 at 6:56 a.m.


Hi there! We're actually about to launch a division of roof repair/preventative maintenance this coming year.

I'm in charge of marketing it and wanted to know if you had any suggestions/tips.

We're planning to start with our current customers before really advertising to new ones.

Sounds like it really worked well for you...I'm excited for what it might bring us!

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