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October 22, 2015 at 9:28 a.m.

Pot Gregory

It's been a while since I checked in with you guys. I just dropping in to announce my retirement after 32 yrs in the roofing business. It's been a good run for me. Residential roofing has made me a decent living, & let me stick a little back in the ole cuvey hole. Hopefully that & my SS will let me live. I do still have my little hay farming operation to fill in the gaps & give me something to do with my idle time. I will probably check in on occasion to see how you guys are fairing. For Mike...it's time to let ole Jack Legge go free...AAAAAArgh

February 1, 2016 at 5:45 p.m.


Pot Gregory Said: Yeah Chuck, Ole Jack wood never be the same, being as how everybody knows who he is now...ARRRRRRRR...HE BE AWAITIN FER HIS SHIPAH THA DINAR TREASURES TO COME IN FER SHURRRRRR THER HE BE.
ha ha lol,classic. I'm thinking the Dinar will make great lamp shades. B) :) :) B) Deep Down In Florida Where The Sun Shines Damn Near Every Day

February 1, 2016 at 8:54 a.m.

Pot Gregory

Yeah Chuck, Ole Jack wood never be the same, being as how everybody knows who he is now...ARRRRRRRR...HE BE AWAITIN FER HIS SHIP'AH THA DINAR TREASURES TO COME IN FER SHURRRRRR THER HE BE.

February 1, 2016 at 8:49 a.m.

Pot Gregory

Thanks Lefty, I hope I can have some enjoyment out of retirement. Since I turned 60, 2 yrs ago everything bout my body seems to be on the downhill. Hips going bad , knees going bad, just had rotator cuff surgery last Sept. Which is coming along real good. I found out last week that the cartilage in my right hip is gone, & the left one probably ain't far behind. We are going to do injections with some type of lubricant first, to see if it helps. I am staying away from replacements as long as possible. Not being very mobile is a pain.

January 23, 2016 at 3:42 p.m.


Thanks Pot. Jack...one of the best. Hey, you could continue Jack. Although the mystery was part of the attraction. :-) B) :) :) B) Deep Down In Florida Where The Sun Shines Damn Near Every Day

January 23, 2016 at 8:54 a.m.


Pot Gregory Said: Its been a while since I checked in with you guys. I just dropping in to announce my retirement after 32 yrs in the roofing business. Its been a good run for me. Residential roofing has made me a decent living, & let me stick a little back in the ole cuvey hole. Hopefully that & my SS will let me live. I do still have my little hay farming operation to fill in the gaps & give me something to do with my idle time. I will probably check in on occasion to see how you guys are fairing. For Mike...its time to let ole Jack Legge go free...AAAAAArgh

Congradulations on your retirement from roofing.

Thank you for all the Jack Legge Posts.

January 21, 2016 at 10:00 a.m.


I always had River Rat Dad "pegged" as Cap'n Jack. I wonder what happened to him. Also, for years I thought CIAK was black.

You just can't assume things on the internet. Maybe VAA really lives in Ireland and waits 6 months to post his pictures. Maybe Tinner is a Bible thumper that sleeps in his clothes.

I don't know what to believe.

January 20, 2016 at 10:05 a.m.

Pot Gregory

wywoody Said: Good luck on your retirement, Pot. That hay farm looks like it could be in the West. I thought you southern guys only had fields of okra, collard greens and cotton. How many cuttings a year do you get?

You should have more time now to get on the innernet and rankle the too pc Yankees.

Thanks Woody, Upper Middle Tennessee, go 50 to 100 miles SoWest from me and all you see is cotton fields. It's too hilly around here. Oker, & collard greens is garden material, even tho collard greens are not as popular as turnip greens cuntry eatin for sure. As far a cuttings go. If the weather gives enough rain we usually git 2 cuttings on our regular fieldgrass hay. My Bermuda Grass field git cut every 28 days thru the season from June to Sept

January 20, 2016 at 9:57 a.m.

Pot Gregory

Mike H Said:
Pot Gregory Said: Its been a while since I checked in with you guys. I just dropping in to announce my retirement after 32 yrs in the roofing business. Its been a good run for me. Residential roofing has made me a decent living, & let me stick a little back in the ole cuvey hole. Hopefully that & my SS will let me live. I do still have my little hay farming operation to fill in the gaps & give me something to do with my idle time. I will probably check in on occasion to see how you guys are fairing. For Mike...its time to let ole Jack Legge go free...AAAAAArgh

OH YOU DIRTY OLD JACK!!!! I would have never guessed. I swear over the years I was sure I had it pegged on three different people, but YOU!!! I never saw coming.

Well played Pot! I tip my tattered, torn and sweat stained hillbilly dew rag to the man in the Tricorne, and wish you both a healthy, and prosperous retirement.

Enjoyed your pics, especially the chronicle of building the new hay shed. Good times, well captured. What kind of grass are you growing?

I have about 100 acres with 50 acres tillable, the rest is deer habitat. The hay we grow here is mainly what we call fieldgrass hay. It's about a 50/50 mix of fescue & orchard grass. I do have a 5 acre field that I grow Cheyenne Bermuda grass on. It is a very high protein alternative to alfalfa. It always tickled me at you guys tryin to figger out Ole Jack.

October 28, 2015 at 10:59 p.m.

Mike H

Pot Gregory Said: Its been a while since I checked in with you guys. I just dropping in to announce my retirement after 32 yrs in the roofing business. Its been a good run for me. Residential roofing has made me a decent living, & let me stick a little back in the ole cuvey hole. Hopefully that & my SS will let me live. I do still have my little hay farming operation to fill in the gaps & give me something to do with my idle time. I will probably check in on occasion to see how you guys are fairing. For Mike...its time to let ole Jack Legge go free...AAAAAArgh

OH YOU DIRTY OLD JACK!!!! I would have never guessed. I swear over the years I was sure I had it pegged on three different people, but YOU!!! I never saw coming.

Well played Pot! I tip my tattered, torn and sweat stained hillbilly dew rag to the man in the Tricorne, and wish you both a healthy, and prosperous retirement.

Enjoyed your pics, especially the chronicle of building the new hay shed. Good times, well captured. What kind of grass are you growing?

October 28, 2015 at 9:42 a.m.


Good luck on your retirement, Pot. That hay farm looks like it could be in the West. I thought you southern guys only had fields of okra, collard greens and cotton. How many cuttings a year do you get?

You should have more time now to get on the innernet and rankle the too pc Yankees.

October 24, 2015 at 11:52 p.m.


I'm semi retired now......that's what my wife tells me since I've been only doing repairs.

October 23, 2015 at 8:01 a.m.

Pot Gregory

I turned 62 this month OS. Time to recoop some of my investment in our good ole SS system...lol. My body is not to roofing friendly as it used to be. Bad knees, hips, etc. Too many falls over the years. If an individual can & has the will to carry on , I say more power to'em. I can now devote my time to my farming operation. https://www.facebook.com/Gregory-Son-Hay-Farms-110214015665183/?ref=bookmarks

October 22, 2015 at 7:35 p.m.

Old School

I am only 63 and I love doing what I am doing, so as long as I don'[t hurt, I will keep on keeping on. Glad you get to stop though. good luck!

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