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Public Option?

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October 7, 2009 at 8:46 p.m.


I haven't paid enough attention to know for sure, but what I have gleaned over the last few months leads me to believe that businesses with very few employees would be exempt.

Workers Comp doesn't play in any of this and is a separate issue. It won't be obviated, believe me.

October 7, 2009 at 5:39 p.m.


I prefer coconut oil , olive is OK. I drink Coconut oil straight up . Lard is best for cooking . Not the stuff you buy in the grocery store with the BHT etc in it . There is plenty of science behind lots of fat and red fatty meats . It may feel counter intuitive to think that fruit out of season is not good either . My body ,after being in an office has reset it's metabolism and body my body is regenerating. I eat bacon and egg on a slice of sourdough homemade bread with unpasteurized butter every morning . In my fresh CIAK Roast I'll pour unpasteurized cream I'll eat fatty grass feed steak for lunch along with plenty of coconut oils . For dinner I'll have fatty pork or some fatty meat with a small portion of vegetables .

October 7, 2009 at 1:37 p.m.

Mike M.

I don't need insurance at any point in my life, no one crying here, worked my you know what off my whole life , stayed in extremely good shape, 6 foot four , 205 lbs., been the same for past 25 years, the only time I was less weight is when I was pounding turf on the "Z" In Nam with Charlie co. 1st bn., 9th Marines, Camp Carroll. Con thien, Gio linh, Rockpile, Khe Sanh in 67 , 68. Still can carry shingles all day, question here was, Do you know any actual details of this crap,I kind of already figured it's a control thing, a big government move to hold more control over my business. You forgot to mention, either roof or exercise, also, use olive oil, no Crisco, Eat more fruit, eat less red meat. Don't over indulge on anything but roofing, of course. By the way my crew is in tip top shape also, we don't want health insurance. I think the ones un-insured that can't afford it are about 20%, the ones that work hard for a living, the other 80% want another free ride, as usual, and since we don,t need or want it, they are going to try to make us 20% pay for the donut eating other 80%. Been roofing since 1972, how bout you?

October 7, 2009 at 11:19 a.m.


Also take vitamins . Lots of C B6 B12. D , Should not be a problem for most roofers if your out in the sun . Take a look at your Thyroid . Iodine is best . Look it up . Take control of your life , health . Stress is another killer . You can regenerate your body . It is your responsibility not someone else's . Stop crying !!!! ,it is in your hands .

October 7, 2009 at 11:11 a.m.


"I remember one time seeing the local Blue Cross group requiring premium increases, when their balance sheet showed a $700 million cash reserve, on the basis they may face a pandemic. This is the kind of stuff that requires reform. The rest is nonsensical".

Local radio here tells us now that we all need to get "swine flu shots", the emphasis being on "need to" to stave off the coming pandemic. Flu every year kills people but they don't go on about it to the extent they are now. So why the big fuss.... Personally my own mistrust of the government in general grows stronger every day.

October 7, 2009 at 11:10 a.m.


The Public Option is to practice preventive health care . Take responsibility for your health . Stop eating refined sugar , corn syrup's , PUFA ( poly unsaturated fatty acids ) gluten and soy to start out . If you can't pronounce what is in the ingredients don't buy it and for sure don't eat it. Stop stuffing crap down your pie hole !!!!! That would start your health care plan .

October 7, 2009 at 8:56 a.m.


With the country up to its neck in debt, how in the world can these lame brain congressmen even consider any issue that will put us deeper in the hole. They have no business being in any type of business, cause they have absolutely no conception of what it takes to operate one successfully. To add 47 million people to the system, 1/3 of which are illegals, will not only strain existing medical resources, but will tax us into oblivion, regardless of their bs rhetroic that no new taxes will be required. If they really want to reform the system, why won t they consider permitting insurance companies permission to operate thruout the entire U.S. They can simply overide the individual states mandates that serve to prevent this competition amongst insurers. They might also look into the books of the various insurers in order to make them more transparent. I remember one time seeing the local Blue Cross group requiring premium increases, when their balance sheet showed a $700 million cash reserve, on the basis they may face a pandemic. This is the kind of stuff that requires reform. The rest is nonsensical.

October 7, 2009 at 7:33 a.m.


Of course the whole thing is framed as a class envy thing. The public-run insurance option will eliminate the greedy big payouts to the top executives and save us money. What they don't mention is that the thousands of paperpushers that actually do the work of the company will, instead of having salary/benefit packages of 45 to 65 thousand will become government union workers with salary/benefit packages of 75 to 110 thousand per year, more than offsetting the executive pay.

October 7, 2009 at 5:57 a.m.

Old School

Guess what, any time you get the government involved in something, they scrrew it up. They will punish you for providing jobs and they will run you out of business. You will either work by yourself and be on government welfare, or you will be working for one of the two huge roofing companies in the country; that is all there will be left in the end. Just like the banks and the car companies and all the other businesses.

It is much easier to control several large entities than to try and control thousands of smaller one. That is the ultimate objective...control. Believe it!

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