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Public Option?

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October 6, 2009 at 10:32 p.m.

Mike M.

I havr no health insurance on my own family or myself , or anyone on my crew or their families, I get ate up with work comp, unemployment, etc., as to where I just can't afford health insurance, and still compete against all the jacklegs,hard enough as it is. So putting aside all the bull you see on T.V. talking heads, who would this public option actually help? Would it be a fail-safe to go to when these thieving big insurance companies are ripping you off? Would it be a high cost mandatory regulation that would hurt my business? Would there be penalties involved for not covering employees and their families, when you can't even insure your own family? I have heard nothing but a bunch of idiots ranting and raving one way or the other on this. Does anyone know, or has anyone found access to the actual details involved?

October 13, 2009 at 6:34 p.m.


Mike Your original post stated you had no health insurance , Do to the non response to the post about taking control of your own health. Avoidance to suggestions about how you can have good health for you and your family. Educate yourself about good nutrition . It is a mute question as far as any thing constructive if you don't . Good luck to ya . You and your family's health may suffer . It will be your own fault. Take your responsibility seriously . If you think the perception of some on here is better to blather than action . IMO it is foolishness . There is a better life in front of you and your family if you take control of your own education about your health issues .

October 13, 2009 at 8:54 a.m.


Egg and Wywoody mentioned workmens comp in this thread. If i am not mistaken a portion of these premiums are required to finance any injuries to the employees. If Congress mandates employers contributions for health care, wouldn t it be dupicating coverage. I wonder if this issue was even considered by the Washington gurus. Is health care really a right guaranteed by the Constitution - if so - I think food and shelter rank more importantly.

October 10, 2009 at 10:33 a.m.


IMO don't get sick . It can be done . If you think that or even entertain the idea the goverment is going to take care of your health . You must be sniffing glue ( not paying attention ).

October 10, 2009 at 12:32 a.m.

OLE Willie

If they really wanted to do something worthwhile they would ease the high cost of health "CARE"! Thus lowering the high cost of health insurance. Making it much more affordable for all of us! j.m.h.o. ( Over the last 25 years I've been in enough doctors and other health care providers homes to know they are not hurting! ) lol

October 9, 2009 at 5:47 p.m.


Lets take this in a different direction. If what you pay for health insurance was put to good personal responsibility ie. good nutrition proper diet and exercise . Your life would change . Feeling better thinking better more vibrant alive. You could take the money that is spent on health care and create a better life . IMO . I love being alive and my life with THE LOVELY MRS CIAK . THE LOVELY MRS CIAK and I eat grass feed beef, lots of fat, bacon pork coconut oils straight up Olive oil and as I've mentioned in another post a few vegs , minimum fruit. Exercise is the least but not last in importance. The world is upside down . Take your life back . No one gets out of here alive that is for sure . Your character is the only thing you get to take with you . Life is full and with the right attitudes and proper diet is grand . :) :) I'm loving it . B) :) :) B)

October 9, 2009 at 5:29 p.m.

Mike M.

I will guarantee you they will wait until after Christmas to pass any health care reform. Then watch out, it will get pushed through as quick as possible. They don't want to be wrangling over this with the big shopping season coming up, it would upset their wall street cronies. What did happen to the trillion or so dollars we lost in 401 K's, IRA's, etc. Hang that thief Madoff out to dry, and not a word about the rest of the pack of thieves, why the hell is that? He stole 50 billion or so, where the hell is the accountant????

October 9, 2009 at 10:49 a.m.


Well, the CBO said only last month that the current proposition would increase the budget defecit by so many trillions and now they say it is the exact opposite. They will now claim changes have been made to facilitate the turn around. Bullshit. The fundamentals remain the same and it is ALL about control.

October 9, 2009 at 9:00 a.m.


Jed: In the news this morning, everyone was shocked that the president got a Noble Prize. The selection committee was composed of 5 Scandanavian "politicians" who made the selection within 5 days after the inaugaration. Now what in the world could he have done in such short a time to merit such an award. Seems very suspicous, since there were a number of potential recipients who have toiled a number of years w/ laudable projects that were far more deserving. Perhaps it could be labeled as "political solidarity". Insofar as health reform, the committee on this legislation claim they will "save" the taxpayers $829 Billion in 10 years without any tax increases - to paraphrase General McAullifes famous remark at Bastogne-NUTS. They are going to reduce Medicare by $400 Billion by increased cost efficiencies, then where have they been till now. Also, they now intend to eliminate illegals from their new legislation, fine, knowing full well, that this will never pass muster w/ the Supreme Court, for they will declare this an unconstitutional provision inasmuch it would be prejudicial. Years ago my attorney informed me, that Congress oftimes writes legislation ambiguously, to maintain their political status, and purposely lets the Supreme Court interpret what is meant.

October 9, 2009 at 7:38 a.m.


Basically you gotta buy health ins that is gonna take 3, 4, $500 whatever a month out of your pocket, and if you don't then you'll be in all kinds of trouble with the law, and it'll be levied on you forcibly, like say, child support...... and deducted via the taxman. I come from a country that has government healthcare and can tell you from experience that if you need the ER then it is great. But if it is serious (a hip replacement due to old age) or a life threatening progressive illness then the preferable option is to shell out your hard earned cash and go private.

......And they just awarded this twat the nobel peace prize?! Jeezus H christ whatta joke....Three yrs ago nobody even new this idiots name and now he is recognised for what he has done for WORLD PEACE............someone help me out here....

October 8, 2009 at 9:31 p.m.

Robby the Roofer

I worked for a mom and pop outfit about four years ago, they provided free medical for each roofer and paid as high as $18 per square installed on 4/12. Now the medical is gone and starting rates are down to $15 per sq, just to compete. We were paid $13 per sq in 2001 with the same company. Some how the government will end up forcing employers to pay out for medical compensation. If you haven't done already, your square rates could be cut now....Set aside what you would have paid out, then when the the economy gets better or the forced compensation becomes law. (which ever comes first)....provide your employees the 8% or whatever it would come out to be.

What you will find out is that your employees will either work harder or longer hrs to compensate for the rate loss...and thier production will stay the same and/or may increase. It may not sound right to do this to you workers, as loyal as they are, but business is business and now is the time to care more about the business then your employees. Just an idea!

October 8, 2009 at 8:11 p.m.

Mike M.

Robby, Your explanation is more precise than anything I have heard yet. I do not like the sound of it though, fines, for employees , employers paying 8% of gross wages. This has got to be a joke , if I hand my employees a cuple to three or four thousand to then turn over to the government, they mighrt as well just fine them right now, and straight to jail, no way could I afford to match 8% of all gross pays. That would end up costing anywhere from $20,000 to $30,000, then work comp, etc., etc., I would be out, no doubt. I hope they all get their heads together and realize what they do here, could and will, hurt, if not destroy a lot of businesses.

October 8, 2009 at 10:12 a.m.

Robby the Roofer

Recently in our local paper an article states that there are three different versions of a health plan in the works. The article focused on one plan, in which a republican was describing it as demcratic plan. It states that a family of four with an income of $66,000 a year will pay about $7,100 per year, that is after the $3,900 credit the government will provide....The total plan cost about $11,000 per year. The question is...Which cost is going to be out of pocket? $11 or $7 g's? At $7000, that is about $563 per month out of pocket!

When they started discusion of a health bill, there were rumors of employers grossing a certain level of income will be required to provide a medical plan to thier employees. If a medical plan can not be offered, employers will be required to pay up to 8% (of each employees gross pay check) as compensation. The employees will then need to buy into a medical plan or government option as this will be mandated by law or employees can face fines for not providing medical coverage to thier family.

October 8, 2009 at 7:33 a.m.


The only way workmans comp would be involved would have been if a single payer system would have been adopted. Even then, it would have only been for medical expenses and the lost wages/retraining part of workmans comp would have still been there. Probably even expanded when they suddenly had extra time on their hands.

October 7, 2009 at 10:50 p.m.


Hi Tom, I'm laughing now because your question made me look it up. Appears I am misapplying the word because "...Only things which have not yet occurred can be obviated. For example, one can obviate a possible future difficulty, but not one which already exists..."

Means to render unnecessary, or in the case you mentioned, 'inapplicable.' Never knew about the 'not yet occurred' condition. Always more to learn.

I have used it frequently and correctly (by accident) to describe what can be done to obviate claims or legal actions or job site issues which might otherwise occur. As in obviate the need for something. Block something from coming into play. Very useful word.

October 7, 2009 at 9:37 p.m.

Mike M.

Twil59, Exactly, I have no real clue how this is going to play out, and what it will mean a couple years from now. When they see they can make big money, they will add amendments to this thing, so they can make more, probably, then allowing you a tax deductable loophole, that really won't help you that much, once it is put up against actual cost. I am sure they have the thought of revising it to meet their needs. They play the game for one reason, VOTES= power, if they can give free health insurance to the ones that don't take care of themselves anyhow, the ones who never worked hard, ever, who they can then get to the voting booth, well then , more votes for them, meaning power to them, then they can twist it into any shape they want. Keyword is "free", no way nothings free, and we will be the ones paying the bill, as uaual.

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