Alright guys, here's a good one. the compressor crapped out on use on Friday. The job Had maybe 5 Sq left do complete. I told the young lads to start hand banging. They looked at me like I was asking for there first born. My point being this generation of roofers can't swing a hatchet. I know that I've been roofing for 24 years now "how time flies when your having fun". When they lay felt down they use hammer tackers, when they install they use guns. Ask them to install with a hatchet, and the job will never get done, little frustrating.
I hand nailed a small job a little while ago. It's amazing how you don't forget how. I got right back into the groove.
When I was a framing subcontractor, I hired a couple of apprentices. I made them hand pound until they were proficient, then I let them use the nail guns.