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September 19, 2015 at 12:43 a.m.


Ever run across one of those people that just get under you skin the moment you come in contact with them?

Had one at Home Desperate the while back that boxed me in by backing his truck and trailer across the loading bay. I had people parked behind me and when I asked if he could back up a bit more to let people out he was like " I only be a few minutes, I load some fence panels and cement" in his foreigner voice.

A few minutes is now 15 minutes and everyone is blocked in by this idiot. I go back and tell him to back his truck up 5 feet and as I head back to my truck I see that someone has scratched a message on his truck door in the paint with something sharp. "I CAN'T OFF THE SIDEWALK HANDICAP RAMP" He must have a past history of parking where he isn't supposed too.

November 5, 2015 at 9:26 p.m.

Mike H

Much appreciated John

October 29, 2015 at 6:16 p.m.

Old School

That was my exact words after I had my knees replaced. You just don[t know how much the pain affects everything until it is gone! Good luck with that. Praying for you.

October 28, 2015 at 11:18 p.m.

Mike H

Appreciate the wishes and recommendations.

I've had trouble in my three lower cervical vertebrae and lower 2 lumbars for many years. Early spinal deterioration is a long standing hereditary blessing passed down from my paternal grandmother. Have had several MRI's and done everyting possible to stay away from the knife. Almost everyone in the family line below her has had issues, many of which have led to surgery. I have had buldges or ruptures in 8 different discs, and serious calcium build-up, but they've been manageable until now. July 30th I blew a disc at C5-6, and blew it pretty good too. Nothing helped over 9 weeks, got an epidural 2 weeks ago, and have been tolerable ie: the shooting pain is controlled and strength is enough to keep me from dropping things I think I have solid grasp of. But looks like avoiding surgery is not going to be an option. Dealing with a Dr. that likes surgery as a last option ONLY, and he's saying "It's a quality of life issue, Mike, and I think this one has run it's course, the time has come."

I knew the day was coming... I just hope when it's done, I say "dang, why didn't I do this 5 years ago?

October 27, 2015 at 8:03 p.m.


I'll second the Calm endorsement. Earlier this year I had some ridiculous back spasms and constant muscle issues by the spine. Doc said it had probably been building for years. Calm really helped ease the pain when a full blown muscle relaxer would have been too much or inappropriate. Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxer but has a variety of other benefits. I take it occasionally after a particularly hard or stressful day.

It helps the bowels too. :ohmy:

October 27, 2015 at 11:35 a.m.


Mike Try a magnesium product named Calm. Works wonders. Might avoid surgery B) :) :) B) Deep Down In Florida Where The Sun Shines Damn Near Every Day

October 27, 2015 at 10:03 a.m.


Our family refers to those as "Type B" people

September 26, 2015 at 5:26 a.m.


Mike H Said:
egg Said: Howve you been anyway??

Working twice as hard to keep half the work in front of us.... with a neck thats shooting constant electrical signals down my arm and spasming lemon sized knots that circumnavigate my shoulder blade..... but other than that, WONDERFUL!

Never gotta look very far to find someone I wouldnt trade places with.

Sorry to hear it mike. I feel for you. Hang tough! I know you can pull through this. I'm pulling for you. :(

September 26, 2015 at 3:45 a.m.

Mike H

Stress? LOL

Would we be roofers if we didn't like stress?

Saw the surgeon today, MRI on Monday, follow up on Thursday, been going for 8 weeks now. Bother's have all had surgery before they were 40, so maybe it's my turn. Family spine is not a good one.

You're blessed to find that satisfaction.

September 25, 2015 at 10:18 p.m.


For me it's the same old steady peak season diet of hot, long days and hard, hard work. How I continue to find satisfaction in that regimen is completely beyond me to explain. Can't account for it.

At least you're not working twice as hard for half the money. Seems like we all get to do that from time to time. Sounds like an awful lot of stress Mike. Take care of yourself. I know that's easy to say, but I'm saying it anyway.

September 22, 2015 at 11:30 p.m.

Mike H

egg Said: Howve you been anyway??

Working twice as hard to keep half the work in front of us.... with a neck that's shooting constant electrical signals down my arm and spasming lemon sized knots that circumnavigate my shoulder blade..... but other than that, WONDERFUL!

Never gotta look very far to find someone I wouldn't trade places with.

And you?

September 22, 2015 at 5:04 p.m.


EGG's stoplight sequence reminded me of something I witnessed some years ago.

How do you get a Ford Tempo upside down spinning 360's in the middle of the road. All it takes is three dumb asses in a row.

I was driving a stakebed truck, the kind nobody likes to be behind. I pulled into a left turn lane approaching a light. There were two vehicles in front of me, one stopped at the light, the other moving very slowly towards the light, I was about 2 car lengths behind him, when a Tempo pulled right in front of me, then slammed on her brakes to avoid running into the car ahead. I had to lock on my brakes and skid.

The light changes. Car 1 was a little slow moving. Car 2 makes his turn into the left land, but decides to go to the 7-11 on the corner, so moves to the right lane. The Tempo having already gone to the right lane to pass, had to once again slam on her brakes to avoid a wreck. She cuts back to the left lane and turns back to the flip the bird at car 2.

Which is why she didn't see that car 1 was starting to do a U-turn on a 4 lane road. Car 1 caught the right front of the Tempo in such a way that the Tempo went up on 2 wheels like a Joey Chitwood stunt car for about 50', rolled on its top and did a couple of 360's.

I went up and asked the "lady" if she needed an ambulance and called it for her. There were plenty of other people around to help her, but after witnessing her in two near-misses and a wreck within a half-block, I couldn't muster up any sympathy for her.

September 22, 2015 at 11:44 a.m.


Egg: you left out the "Nervous Nelly" that stays two car lengths back from the left turn stop line and doesn't trigger the sensor to activate the left turn arrow.

Shall we talk about the PITA people that come to a full stop in a merge lane? :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

No wonder I perfer to start at 9:00 am and work to 6:00 pm. I miss the road rage commuters and all the old grey hairs that are driving the same way that they use their walkers. Just painful to watch that Honda Civic turn a corner as if it was a semi truck with a B train.

September 22, 2015 at 8:48 a.m.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

September 22, 2015 at 2:01 a.m.


Yeah... (and I left out more than a few while I was at it.) How've you been anyway??

September 22, 2015 at 1:53 a.m.

Mike H

Spoken like a man who's been all 13 at one time or'nother. ;)

egg Said: At least you have an identifiable villain in a case like that. Thirteen people in a line at a stop light. You are number thirteen. Light turns green. Car number one is selfish and retarded. Oh, yeah, I think I can go now. I believe it just turned green. Getting-going-is-probably-something-I -could-wrap-my-mind-around-at-this-point... Car number two tailgates car number one. Car number three is texting something. Oh, gee, theyre off...better go now...three car lengths later. Car number four is tailgating car number three, filled with frustration for not having the guts to honk. Car number five is a conservative driver. W-e-l-l n-o-w g-u-e-s-s I b-e-t-t-e-r m-a-k-e s-u-r-e I l-e-a-v-e a s-a-f-e g-a-p h-e-r-e. Car number six, seven, eight, nine and ten are live sentient beings and engage their drive-trains with adequate alacrity. Car number eleven is another texter. Oh, gee, theyre off...better go now...but shucks, I was hoping to be able to finish these potato chips...three car lengths later. The light turns orange. Car number twelve, apparently knowing you are about to burst into road rage, d---r----a----g----s into the forbidden zone, burning up the last sweet dilectible drops of yellow so it turns red just as you are about to enter...you can see his moronic head tilted so that he can watch you in his rear-view mirror. Take that, sucka!!! I made eet and you deednt. harharhar... I know, I know...you cant just go and blame the entire human race. Or can you?

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