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New post...the OBAMA thing

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May 28, 2010 at 5:44 p.m.

Robby the Roofer

Hey....I voted for BUSH and he got a bad rep after the 911 thing. Things happen in office that is not your fault. You have to react as best as you can.

Now I voted for OBAMA and he got the credit crisis and the worst oil spill ever. Since 1996 we have been installing presidents to fix past problems and it only gets worse with each new president.

We should change our laws to allow a president to serve 4 terms until the this mess is fixed....we let FDR do it!

Give OBAMA a chance, maybe HE could solve all of our problems in 16 years.


June 21, 2010 at 9:39 a.m.


I'm undecided on my classification of just what Obama is. Is he just an incompetent tunnel-visioned idealist? Is he following one of the 'evil' plans put out by anarchist socialists over the years? Is he just George Soros's or Chicago dealmaker's talking pawn? Is he so enthralled with his new Cribs digs and lifestyle (movin on up.... to the) that he thinks we should all be enthralled, too?

The answer is it doesn't matter. The Dems seem to think increased spending is revenge back at the Republicans overspending?! We have no choice but to hope for split government. Republicans need to take over both houses this fall for a check on the rest of Obamatime.

The only thing Obama promissed he'd do that I wanted was he was going to accept responsibility for defeat in two wars and bring them home. Instead we're looking at Viet Nams II and III, going on forever with a Dem president.

June 16, 2010 at 2:27 p.m.


Obama is trying to fix the mess he inherited from the republicans.They were in power for 8 years before he took office.When Bill Clinton left office the country was in good shape.

Boy ain't that the typically pathetic liberal line. waaah waaaaah fkn waaaah........jeeeeeez

June 16, 2010 at 10:24 a.m.


jimAKAblue Said: Im of the opinion that the Democrats are setting themselves up for another long hiatus from power. I can imagine another Ronad Reagan type campaign in 2012.
Obama is trying to fix the mess he inherited from the republicans.They were in power for 8 years before he took office.When Bill Clinton left office the country was in good shape.

June 14, 2010 at 9:17 p.m.


RE: Minnesotaroofin' "- I just went and looked at a 60 year old 3 ply built up rock and gravel roof ( probaly could still be maintained) but they are willing to do a coating or a new tpo/pvc -- will that go 60 years? doubt it "

It is likely the felts are asbestos on that three-ply. Several years ago I was tearing off a single ply roofing system which was also sixty-plus years old, and in remarkably good condition. It was simply a 60# base sheet applied over the 2/12 pitch sheathing, face nailed, and coated every so often with aluminum roof coating. While tearing it off, I happened upon a wrapper which said asbestos base sheet.

The homeowner was trying to determine if that was, in fact, the original roof; in which case it would have been closer to ninety years old. It was the original roof on that deck segment, which may have been a later addition to the house.

June 9, 2010 at 9:33 p.m.


Hope he stays there, all does here is pose for photos with his buddies at BP

June 8, 2010 at 7:18 p.m.

Old School

Obama was in Kalamazoo yesterday speaking to the high school graduating class. Lord knows how much money was spent by the city and county on protection. I am glad I was on the other side of town. the helicopters did fly right over my house though.

June 6, 2010 at 12:11 p.m.


A little speech Obama gave when running for President!

June 6, 2010 at 12:10 p.m.



June 3, 2010 at 1:37 p.m.

Robby the Roofer

How many of us has paid car insurance? Well it is the law, we have to pay it so you work your magic to make sure it gets paid every month/quarter/year. I know there is a chance you could never get a return on your insurance payments (if you don't have an accident). I have only claimed $600 in the last 20 years, but you have to do it or pay the price. I have let go of the thoughts of anger everytime I have to make a payment, now I work on ways to make more money where it doesn't affect my payment. Its called "management of finances". You put yourself in a position to PAY more...you have to MAKE more.

Now plug the word "taxes" in place of car insurance then read the paragraph one more time!

Our taxes (one way or another) are going to be raised every year, wether it be the Obama or Palin adiministration. Taxes may be cut under Palin, but she is going to get you somewhere else. It is how its done...in the end...we all pay one way or the other some more than others as it is fitting.

Just be lucky Obama is not the King of the U.S. under mid-evil times. Taxes are about taking everything that you might have of value...and you don's pay....it is the end of the world for you!

June 3, 2010 at 11:15 a.m.

Mike H

Socialism castrates the male need to provide and succeed. It cuts straight to the heart of our desire to be a provider. It has castrated every nation that tried it. It has castrated our inner cities. It's growth is castrating our entire nation. China did not take off until the regime opened up the economy.

Socialism has never succeeded in building a great nation. It never will. Rome took about 500 years to fall, but Obama, and the communist/socialist class that he was raised under, educated by and whom he has embraced as an adult, are doing their level best to undo the most successful government and social structure in recorded history. He seems to be a likeable chap. As is an old and dear liberal high school friend in Seattle, but I have no use for his politics and the end of his Presidential term can't come soon enough to suit me. I wish we could just skip 2011 and get straight to the election.

June 3, 2010 at 6:36 a.m.


On topic with Lannys post let me polarize one key point. The "poor" are the liberal base, so appeasing them, thus ensuring their vote is vital. Obama is the worst of the worst as politicians go and he continues to show it as every day passes. Undoing the damage he has done and continues to do once we get him out in 2012 may well prove impossible. A real lying scumbag.

June 2, 2010 at 4:24 p.m.


What redeeming qualities or Obama do you like???!!!

A rhetorical trick question! Wow this place gets better every day :laugh:

June 2, 2010 at 4:06 p.m.


Robby the Roofer Said: I agree that he is more real now...that anyone in office. I think his achilles heal will be that he waits too long to make a decision, which gives the american people the idea that he cant make those decisions.

To change this reflection upon him change he will have to act immediately on our next crisis.

Again....I like OBAMA...and I liked BUSH...but I also liked PEROT too.

What redeeming qualities or Obama do you like???!!!

June 2, 2010 at 12:04 p.m.

Robby the Roofer

I agree that he is more real now...that anyone in office. I think his achilles heal will be that he waits too long to make a decision, which gives the american people the idea that he can't make those decisions.

To change this reflection upon him change he will have to act immediately on our next crisis.

Again....I like OBAMA...and I liked BUSH...but I also liked PEROT too.

June 1, 2010 at 5:38 p.m.

Robby the Roofer

Wether you have dem's or rep's big gov't, and there pay, are always going to be the same. All the representives and congress persons the country votes in will eventually fall into the gov't good ole boy system.....That is ....you scratch mine and I will scratch yours, and the people who voted them in are left to pick up the sraps/

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