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April 26, 2018 at 10:03 p.m.


Wow, long time no see.?

When the RCS forum was upgraded I couldn't log in, tried few times then gave up. Got a new Tablet for Christmas and just now clicked on a email that Vickies sent out to an email I hardly use, whatdayaknow I tried the login and it worked.

May 12, 2018 at 8:01 a.m.

Tropical Roofer

My sincere condolences Mike.

May 11, 2018 at 3:46 p.m.


Hi Mike, Vickie, Twill!

Thanks for the kind words.

I hope your Dad isn't suffering MikeH, we were told that there is no reason anyone should suffer pain now here in the 21st century with all the drugs available, but go to far with that and you get Delirum, which is not pretty to watch, or a nice place to be (she said when concious)


May 7, 2018 at 4:46 p.m.


Dearest Mike:

I am so sorry for your loss.  I loved that for many years she worked with you.  I still have a photo of her somewhere.  What an act of love for you to care for her.  Look for little signs that she is around, a penny on the ground, a butterfly, a favorite song, and talk to her as she is just in the other room it is very comforting that she is just on the other side waiting for you.  I once asked my husband if he thought we would be together in heaven and he said 'then it wouldn't be heaven now would it', so I hit him.

So glad your back.


May 6, 2018 at 1:05 p.m.

Mike H

So sorry Mike.  I really liked the times I got to talk to Marlene.  She was necessary ingredient to talking with you,  cuz I can't understand a word of that Scot infused New Zenglish that you speak.  She was a true gem, and I know a real friend.  I don't believe my dad is going to be with us a lot longer, whether that's a month, or six.... I dunno.  Brain cancer and after two years fighting, he's starting to show regression quickly.


I am sure the past few months have been a real adjustment, and adjustments are still to come, but I wish you a strong back and good health, as you move on with life without these two prime figures, fine Sir.

April 30, 2018 at 12:15 p.m.


Hi andyk, Parkinsons is a strange disease, my Grandmother had it for 30 years (the shaking hands) but she lived to 92. Maybe there are different types, I havent really looked into it too closely.

Time is precious indeed, make the most of what you have.

April 30, 2018 at 11:54 a.m.


Sorry to hear about this , guys.  Just last week we put my 87 year old father under hospice care for end stage Parkinsons.  He's been diagnosed for about 18 years, with symptoms beginning 20 years ago or so.  Swallowing is very difficult for him.  He's still pretty sharp . . . says he would rather be here than not . . . typical of him.   He and my mother have had a good run together of 67 years.  Time is precious . . .


April 30, 2018 at 11:33 a.m.


There was a medication that my Dad took for a couple of days. It was to be took with food. My Dad sharpened his own knives. Something I never could do. He slice a piece of bread to eat with the medication. He had no appetite. It was amazing to watch. He sliced a piece of bread so thin, I would swear you could see through it. He buttered the bread and ate it so he could take the medication. I will never forget that moment.

We drank coffee around the clock till the end. The last day and half just wet his lips.

April 29, 2018 at 12:44 p.m.


Hi Lefty, Yeah its tough doing that. The days I went up to see my Dad I stayed overnight in the hospital room with him hoping he might wake up and be able to talk. He never did, just a lot if groaning in his sleep. At one point in the morning he opened his eyes, his eyes were black, no pupils, quite scary, but he didnt speak. I talked to him for hours, I dont know if he heard any of it, if he did he didnt acknowledge. It was only after he passed away that the Doctors said he was in  Coma for 3 days.

Marlene was in a better state at the end, although she had Delirium and was in the Hospice the last 14 days at least I got a few words from her each day, the last 1/2hr she couldnt talk but blinked her eyes in response to my voice. Right at the end when I said "I love you" she blinked twice, I think it was her saying the same back.

But there was so much left unsaid

April 29, 2018 at 7:35 a.m.


Sorry for your loss Mike.

November 27 my Dad passed. I moved in with my Dad when we brought him home from the hospital on hospice. I was there from 9pm to 8am. You do not get any sleep at night. He was up most of the night. Would get an hour or two here and there. He got most of his rest during the day when there were people around. I was down to doing only what I had to get done during the day. I only did that for 2 weeks till he passed. Can not imagine what it was like to do that for months. My hat is off to you Mike. I was there more and more as the days passed. The house was a busy place during the day. Family and friends coming and going. He was not alone that last 2 weeks.

I knew that going in. I did not want my brother and sisters to deal with those hours. I also knew he would pass at night. I fell asleep between midnight and 2am. I woke up at 2am. Looked over at him. Looked like he was not breathing. His breathing had been shallow. My mind started to play tricks on me. He was still warm. Finally I called hospice and told them that I think he passed. They came over and pronouced him dead. The funeral home came and took him. Everything was done before anyone came in the morning.

Mission accomplished. My brother and sisters did not need to deal with that.

I had to laugh at myself, you are in good company. Just like Peter, I fell asleep on my watch, Christ said you could not even stand watch for an hour with me.

April 28, 2018 at 11:02 p.m.


I wrote a fairly long reply to Eric yesterday,  but it didnt post. Thanks for the kind words Eric.

It was about my Dad, he passed away 26 days after Marlene!. He was 88. I went up to see him in hospital 600km away but he was in a Coma, I missed saying goodbye by one day. It was Parkinsons Disease got him in the end.

April 28, 2018 at 10:56 p.m.


Thanks Gerry and Alba.

April 28, 2018 at 4:36 p.m.


I'm sorry for your loss Mike.my deepest sympathy and condolences.

April 28, 2018 at 7:49 a.m.


Sorry about your loss Mike. Can only imagine what it would be like losing someone that close to you.

Always admired the fact you were able to work together on a job. My wife and I usually end up in an argument doing any simple task together. Always a 1000 questions about why I am doing it this way or that.

April 27, 2018 at 7:21 a.m.


Must have been a very hard two months to say nothing about the three months before it.  My heart goes out to you, Mike.

I still have the greenstone on my keychain from when the two of you were running that roofer quiz contest way back when. I remember she posted one time and included an icon on the post and you came on and said, "Uh-oh, you don't want to be around her when she's wearing those cowboy boots."   Greenstone is next to a flat, round, screwdriver disc with different sized tits on it that my grandfather got from Sears back in the 1950's. There's always room for a little sentiment.

I "retired" last year, but I'm still working six days a week and booked through to 2019.  Like you, I'm also keeping the company going a bit longer.  It helps when you love what you do, doesn't it?  I've always felt sorry for people who don't like their jobs.

I've missed all the pictures you used to post of your work.  I'll try to post one of mine here, some fitted flashings for a clay tile job I'm in the middle of.  The hoods aren't on them yet.

Hang in there, man!




April 26, 2018 at 10:18 p.m.


So, great to see some old friends still around.

Some devestating news, my Marlene passed away at the end of January from Pancreatic Cancer.

She was diagnosed beginning of Sept 2017 and given 3 months. There is no cure. She lasted 5 months, but the last 2 were horrible, in and out of hospital for various organ infections, and she stopped eating altogether after Boxing Day, but still lived another month.

She ended up with Delirium and it was so tragic to live through that with her.

I took 2 months off work to look after her at home when she wasn't in hospital, did the best I could but I'm no Nurse. She was on Morphine (liquid) for the last 2 months, but in the end the last 14 days we got her in to a pallative care unit and they had her on a morphine drip.

I'm sure you all probably think of Mike&Marlene as one unit, the roofers from down under, well it is just Mike now, but I'm keeping the company going for another couple of years, retirement is not far off.

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