Long time no talk.....another computer crash has made me miss alot of the goings on of the internet. I am using my daughters computer now, and this is the only site I can get on.
things are doing great, I am busy with work, a few roofs left to do before>>>
If you have seen one, you have seen them both. Gosh, mine don't excite me all that much anymore!>>>
Boobies? did someone say Boobies?>>>
The last couple of weeks have ben alright for me. Before that, I could hardly ever get onto the forum. It would take 10 minutes to laod onto the screen and the it would dump me after looking at one thread. Much better now.>>>
Welocme back.:laugh: You're one of the few to get in. Took me 6 clicks to reply after i clicked reply and wasn't signed in. Redirects drive me nuts in here.:huh:>>>
Good to hear from you! Let's see. You have seen boobs, you get to beat people up, you get to work inside remodeling a building to beat people up in and ..oh yeah, you have some roofs to do. It doesn't get any better than that.
I taught the same Ka>>>