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Fired Entire Crew Yesterday

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May 27, 2009 at 6:23 p.m.


I had 5 guys working on Friday. We finished a job on Wednesday. I told them it was thier choice. They either have Thursday and Friday off, with the weekend and Memorial Day. Or they work Thursday and Friday. I told them we can't start a job on Thursday and then leave it for four days. They decided to work both days. I got them organized on the job thursday and went to some sales. On Friday morning I had a repair first thing, then a sale, then I was going to the kob. They called at 9;30 and said they wanted to leave. I told them they couldn't. They left by ten. Two of the guys have been with me since 2004. Two have been with me for two years. For some reason they all have been showing up late this year and leaving early one day then wanting to work to 8 pm another day and just wanting to keep an insane schedule.The economy here is slow, not terrible. But no one is hiring anyone in construction. Why would someone walk away from thier job? These guys were the highest paid roofers in the area by a lot and last year they were worth it.I was back on the roof myself for a day yesterday. Rain today. I like working by myself. My three boys are heading back fromm thier colleges today, so I won't be working alone come Monday. How is everyone's employees doing?>>>

June 4, 2009 at 6:42 p.m.


Crews working great now. Two of my boys are home from school and the old man can manage to get a roofing nail in a couple of times a day. It actually feels good to get on the roof all day for a week. OOOps it's 7:40 I gotta get to bed so I can keep up with those bas@^&ds tommorow.>>>

June 1, 2009 at 8:30 a.m.


What I've noticed is that if the crew is operating in unison and doing a good job then you and the foreman deserve a pat on the back. If the crew is operating both in unison and irrationally, you got yourself a drug problem.>>>

June 1, 2009 at 7:33 a.m.


To me it sounds like they have a drug problem. Side jobs are side Jobs, you do them when you don't have work. ie.. weekends.>>>

May 29, 2009 at 7:41 a.m.

Terry D

Look for my resume in the mail>>>

May 29, 2009 at 6:50 a.m.


I am applying for a federally funded baillout. I think 10 Billion should cover it. I will get a new truck, some tools, hire a few people to help on the unemployment front and then have a conference in an exotic local to go over the new changes to the company and how we will avoid bankruptcy with the infusion of cash from the governmmant. I will however retain the right to go back to the governmant at some point in the future and ask and recieve more billions as I think that is ny right as an american company in this new age of ask and you shall recieve. I shall also reserve the right to follow all that up with a bankruptcy filing to remove any debt and absolve my company from the thought of the american taxpayer getting thier money back. I mean come on, am I actually expected to pay back billions of dollars????? What are they crazy?>>>

May 28, 2009 at 8:52 a.m.


They may have had a side job.Thta's the mentality of a lot of roofers, Hey I have a job to do today, no need to worry or plan beyond that. It's actually gonna work out pretty good I think. I did at least as much as two of them do in a day on Tuesday. So I can just put there pay in my pocket and they were paid well. Rain last two days. A real solid steady rain. I don't mind days like these, it's the days where it's raining in the morning and suppose to rain all day, so you call off working, then it clears up and you can't enjoy the day at all because you know you should be working. I have two estimates to do today. Friday i will be back on the roof alone. It'll be nice! Kids start Monday!>>>

May 28, 2009 at 7:33 a.m.

Terry D

We have a guy who started in early October, so he got a couple of months in before the winter slow-down. We tried to keep him busy over the winter as much as possible because he was not eligible for unemployment and had just had a baby.

Once the warmer weather kicked in he was working relatively well. Gave him a $2.00 an hour raise (he is the only one who is getting one this year). The day the raise went into effect, he started showing up late! Every day! Yesterday, we get a call from the foreman saying this bozo refused to work and was sitting in the truck! The GM had the foreman give this kid the cell phone and he hung up on the GM! I sure hope that baby is still nursing because things are going to get mighty lean in his house.>>>

May 27, 2009 at 8:30 p.m.

OLE Willie

Me and a helper did about 5-6 repairs tuesday and my crew did a 30 sq. tear off and put back. Then the very next morning i find myself in a conversation with my sales guy. He's telling me all about why he couldn't work on tuesday becuase of the rain! YEAH RIGHT! WHATEVER! LOL>>>

May 27, 2009 at 7:55 p.m.

Mike H

My guess is that they were doing some side jobs. But that sucks.

We just got everyone back to work a couple weeks ago. Looks like we're good through most of the summer, but need stuff to keep coming in.>>>

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