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Done With this topic

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September 20, 2009 at 6:51 p.m.


Hello Everyone. I am done talking about this issue.>>>

September 24, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.


Well I was an insurance agent/underwriter for 15 years. With the exception of one time in my life when I had the cheapest price in FL on a mandatory product for certain businesses to keep there occupational license the insurance field was a "Dead End" job for me.

So I decided that I wanted to become an adjuster. I got an adjuster's license but I did not know anything about construction or how to assess damage. Then someone told me that I should go sell roofs as it will teach me about roofing, gutters, drywall, painting, siding, and general exterior damage.

I have hoped to work as an adjuster but I do not believe that I will ever get the call from Independents unless they are "hard up" and then anyone with a license will get hired.

I have found selling roofs to be easy for me because I see it as an insurance sale. Unfortunately I have worked for a few scumbags that either never paid me or did not pay me or cheated me. So I do not want to prevent myself from being able to take an adjuster job if it were ever offered to me. But I am considering working for a Public Adjuster because I can honestly say that I do not like the insurance industry. I have a short term need for money so that I can achieve long term goals.

I might even start my own residential roofing company and get a group of good workers and build 4-8 roofs per months which will provide enough money for me and my workers to get by until something better comes along.

Anyway hope good things happen to all of you folks reading this post.

September 24, 2009 at 1:47 p.m.


Steve This is one of the beauty's of this forum . There is exactly no definition of done . Some time it feels like someone might not be honest. Or someone or someones are assuming too much? Then there is the definitions formal, verb the past participle of do1 interj an expression of agreement: $60.00 seems reasonable, done! Adjective 1. (of a task) completed 2. (of food) cooked enough 3. used up: the milk is done 4. Brit, Austral & NZ socially acceptable: the done thing 5. Informal cheated or tricked 6. done in or up Informal exhausted So , IMO it isn't over till the fat lady sings . Now there isn't exactly a definition of who the fat lady is . What is a fat lady . What is she singing ? What do you think ?????? B) ;) B) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:>>>

September 24, 2009 at 7:18 a.m.


I have experienced on this forum , in life corporate and private. An undercurrent of cynicism or sarcasm. Dished it out and taken plenty . On this forum , there is a feeling that some of the more ( not ardent ) cynical poster is measuring themselves against you, that they want what you have, that they hate their own life and are looking for something better..... That's life. Honesty is as egg and many other through out history know . Best>>>

September 24, 2009 at 2:05 a.m.


Understood, but it just underscores why the closed ranks feature of the corporate modus operandi engenders such hostility, is in fact a magnet for hostility, and creates such mistrust, not that the ranks of the general public are swelled with angels mind you. But, come on...' insprojohn' could hardly be taken as a positive ID. Around here we make it a point to use only the King's English. That way people can't recognize us. Gotta do what you gotta do, but the less transparency, the less respect. We all find our own way. Maybe the best plan is to only share information you can afford to share and leave it at that. Perhaps speaking in general terms might fly where naming names wouldn't. Pick your battles, but always go for freedom. Honesty. Truth. Stuff like that. The world already has enough cynics and opportunists to last an eternity. No? Yes?>>>

September 23, 2009 at 7:11 p.m.


Well I realized after joining that I should have used a fake name to sign up because I do not want any people in the insurance field to know I am sharing info in this forum. As I have not yet 100% made the move to becoming a Public Adjuster. If I ever cross the line then obviuosly I will not worry about it. :) >>>

September 23, 2009 at 4:57 p.m.


Welcome to the rooferscoffeeshop,you may come but you may never leave. :S>>>

September 23, 2009 at 7:19 a.m.


John You gotta be tough with thick skin on this forum. There are a few vocal cynics here . At the ready to slice dice and tear up . Most either have nothing better to do or have black and blue diploma's and want to dish it out . Traps are laid out waiting for the unsuspecting to step on or in . I for one want to have you around . Hang in there pal. I hope this doesn't mean you are leaving.>>>

September 22, 2009 at 11:50 p.m.


Each policy is different. Some homeowners that have a desire to save $$$ on premiums will take a big deductible or buy an ACV only policy. In some states such as TX, FL, AL, MS and many other coastal areas you have no choice but take a hurricane percentage deducible of 1% to 5%. In all honesty I really want to learn how to start my own roofing company just doing 3-10 roofs per month and staying home. Working as a commission ONLY salesman and then getting RIPPED OFF by some asshole is definitely NOT a turn on. But in the meantime I will do whatever I gotta do.>>>

September 22, 2009 at 8:59 p.m.


Took all his posts and left. We're all scared of our shadows anymore.>>>

September 22, 2009 at 7:41 p.m.


Fascinating discussion. btw, are these roof settlements getting reduced for years of use?>>>

September 22, 2009 at 6:38 p.m.


insprojohn Said: So it may be better to wait until the next hailstorm and then it will get bought.

5 months left on the wait,maybe 6.>>>

September 21, 2009 at 6:15 p.m.


As I read it they didn't have insurnace when the Hail hit . B) ;) B) " i dunno ">>>

September 21, 2009 at 2:40 p.m.


The Engineering firm is the last word for the insurance company . Oxidation is the key for the Old hail compared to new . NOA weather is the key for timing and date of the hail storm .>>>

September 21, 2009 at 11:44 a.m.


We used to do quite a bit of work for Allstate claims back in the early nineties. At the time they were a great company to work with, they bought a lot of work for us. Then regional management changed and our work load dried up from Allstate. You may want to press the issue with higher level management at Allstate and get past the adjuster. Any records of when a call was placed for an adjuster to inspect and when they actually inspected may help too. If you have complaints about the adjuster, go to management...worked for us.


September 21, 2009 at 9:52 a.m.


take this how you want. the roofing trade has been destroyed,and replaced by your employer.it is now an insurance fraud industry.This opinion is gathered from working as A salesman myself for A "national"co.what A flim flam skim scam that IS!!! when you take someone unskilled at roofing,and then pit them against A seasoned adjuster,(or even A newb thats bright and well trained)this is what happens. first, you didn't tell us whether the present damage went to the mat or if it just knocked off the granules. second,with the H/O uninsured it's A moot point. third,go back next year and sell them A roof after the next storm.they're gonna get one within the next few years. for the record,Allstate would have covered the roof had the H/O been timed to coverage. your in Huntsville if my memory serves me right.they had A storm early april. you aren't dealing with Wayne Sessions or Eddie Martinez are you?from Allstate.if so drop it.they are good.they know what they are doing. Wayne, like all real roofers, and seasoned adjusters can walk on A roof and tell you whether you've mechanically altered the shingle,hand torn it or bent it,scuffed it,pulled them from the nails,or placed debris under it to catch the claim. also each state has an ins. commission.your best bet is to call them and find out what the timeline for previous damage is.they will let you know whether it's 2 yearswhich allstae has,and 3 for farmers etc. etc. suggestion,get away from the national co's. that go all over the place they claim to not be storm chasers,yet go to their offices from previous years.they are not there.they maintain skeleton crews to close out deals and finish jobs. and sometimes the storms overlap from year to year. work for A true local.they won't mismanage your money.the office won't be flooded with junkies,liars and thieves and they will fire your ass for selling anything less than A damaged roof. the big co's thrive on margainal damage,meaning not quite ruined but lets wear down the adjusters,lie to the homeowner,and if that don't work damage it.yes they do it. then they beat them down on the exactimate.there's ways to do that. biggest moral error I've made in my life was to work for A "national" co. I hope God don't send me to HELL for that. homeowners are idiots if they choose someone from out of town.that wants every cent of the deductible,every fraction for the upgrade,and then they truly do not have A repair crew that WILL do the repair.cause they got some manufacturers,warranty. look at what some big manufacturers did with the claims folks filed for roofs.they desqualified them for the wrong nail. every supply or Lowes or H/D has A generic galv 1 1/4.the supplier throws them on the truck and now manufacturers say it's the wrong nail. with the duration from O/C I can tell you this from bein in this trade for too long,the solid seal from end to continuous end of the layered roof is A problem.with water that floods between joints it travels and settles at it's lowest point.the nail head,your nail will 99%of the time have A recessed imbeddment.with out the ability to weep the water away anything less than stainless will erode. I know times are tough.I've not worked for awhile now.but man,to know that I'm not out hammering H/O's and adjusters feels good. look into A local guy,with all your leads provided,smaller percentage and support.support from someone that will assist you,not badger you and turn you into A drone for A company thats gonna win your money in the end.


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