This is a roof top over a pool filter. It will be soldered when done as the roof is almost flat. The lady wanted something unique. Hope she likes it.
Now that's a nice roof.
The one on the shed looks good too, but I think I would have gone with horizontal panels in varying widths to match the stone.
Just got an email a guy wants a dormer just like this one I did 20 years ago. Could use the work right about now. He saw this one and is having it copied to the last detail. Only difference is the main roof is cedar. He says he has his own roofer for doing that but the guy has no clue on how to do the metal work.
I use gas fired torches. I do have a nice collection of old ones and a charcoal pot just for show.
I have found that people who have stained glass windows love the look of heavy solder on copper. I guess you just have to judge the clients taste.
I think it is an inspiring piece of work. I like it, a lot!
Just wondering, do you use a fire pot and irons or do you use a hand torch?
We still have one of the old fire pots that used coal and then charcoal to heat the irons but the guys use a propane fire pot now.
No offense taken Vaa. The home owner is real artsy and she just loved it, and that's all that matters. If you walk around her property there are unique expressions of art. Something simple with clean lines would not do. It had to be different. She as I speak is trying to think up something else for me to do as she just loves the look of copper and of stone.
Looks awesome!
Nice work.! :cheer:
Sweet i like that,i have a pool to!
just went back on this roof I did about 10 years ago. One of the counter flashing's popped out and had to be riveted back in place
here's that panel I made put in place. notice the stone outside shower in the back ground.
Here it is complete. Installed it yesterday. I will take some pictures next week when I go back to do some other copper work.
Man that looks sharp copperman..