Im starting this roof which has to be one of the most cut up roofs ive ever done. 60 sqs/ 89 facets according to eagleview up roof.jpeg
Eagle view for the win.
I guess if it is a re-roof with that many facets you could call it a diamond in the ruff.
Max just take it a sq at a time just make sure that you got enough cash for the extra work, as the man said face the fear and the fear dies, remember someone roofed it before you lol
shakes off W GM back 10/sq ft
Did one very similar to that for the new home of the owner of a metal roofing materials manufacturing company. Said I'd only be willing to do it T&M, and I think he only did it because there were parts that would absolutely require a crane to complete, and we were the only guys that owned one.
By the time it was done, I suspect that he probably told himself "I'll never do that again". But it sure was (is) pretty now. Hopefully he doesn't think about how much it cost him every time he looks at it.
^--No kidding. That can make a hard roof much less cluttered and stressful as we all know.
What are you installing on it?