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Crying for Kenndy?...Don't

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August 26, 2009 at 1:08 p.m.


Gerald Warner.

Senator, you were expelled from Harvard for cheating, then you left a woman to drown in your car at Chappaquiddick. What makes you think you have what it takes to be President?” That was the opening question of an interview with the late Senator Edward Kennedy during his unsuccessful bid to secure the Democratic nomination for the US presidency. It might equally now serve as an obituary.

The answer to that embarrassing question, of course, can be given in one word: entitlement. The Kennedy dynasty has long assumed a divine right to high office and privilege that accords ill with the spirit of the American constitution. We saw it yet again, earlier this year, with the attempt to shoo-in the totally inexperienced Caroline Kennedy as successor to Hillary Clinton representing New York in the Senate. It failed: the Kennedy clan, as used to be said of effete Chinese dynasties, has exhausted the mandate of heaven.

Now that Edward Kennedy has died, the liberal establishment and its media acolytes have the onions in the handkerchiefs to orchestrate a show of grief over the loss of a “great leader”, as Barack Obama ludicrously termed this discredited playboy. No doubt the modernist Catholic Church in America will bury this indefatigable proponent of federally funded abortion with full honours. Despite his having led a life of extravagant degeneracy, the liberal “Catholic” caucus of the Pelosi/Biden orientation will fervently claim him as their own.

In Britain, Kennedy will be remembered for his championing of IRA terror, on the same knee-jerk anti-British principles that inspired his father, Ambassador Joseph Kennedy, to support Hitler. Yet Kennedy was awarded an honorary knighthood, just as America gave him its Presidential Medal of Freedom. What for? For being a Kennedy, of course. The Kennedy humbug was incisively deflated by a Republican bumper sticker that memorably claimed: “More people were killed at Chappaquiddick than at Three Mile Island”. Another succinctly said: “No one drowned at Watergate”.

What is it that motivates people in so-called democratic societies to create reverential myths around hollow idols with feet of clay? America is the one country on earth where only the rich are socialists. That East Coast tribe will now indulge in false hero worship and wild hyperbole about a man who, if his surname had been anything other than Kennedy, would have provoked widespread distaste and social ostracism. This time, the liberal elite is burying not just an individual but the political aspirations of a dynasty whose objectives were incompatible with the best interests of America. >>>

September 3, 2009 at 7:37 p.m.

Old School

The "Federal Reserve" is as "Federal" as Federal Express co. same thing!>>>

September 1, 2009 at 5:40 p.m.

Old School

Patty, I have no idea. The point is that they circulate their notes as money and we pay interest on every one. Why not pass a bill that make the "old School Notes" legal tender. I can print them on a laser printer and they could be just as pretty as the Fed notes. A hell of a scam, and perfectly legal. The rich get richer and the poor have kids. that will equalize in the future.>>>

August 29, 2009 at 2:42 p.m.

Old School

Wow EGG, you know that the FED is a private company too eh!; with a license to steal. There is a bill in congress to audit the FED. Way overdue!>>>

August 29, 2009 at 2:37 p.m.


Jed Said: Thats right. And who is ruling us now?

PAC people baby........you gotta know this ;) ;)


August 29, 2009 at 10:54 a.m.


Well, we have to go back to the JFK era. In the first place, he was a Republican. In the second place, as a moderate he was considered kindly disposed to the average Joe. Thirdly, he died of a massive heart attack in the arms of his lover, causing his wife not a little embarrassment. Fourthly, he bears the name of a family renowned for its manipulation of events that affect the general public, a family name that at one time was synonymous with elitism and double-standard. I haven't checked lately, but I imagine they are firmly ensconced on the list of those private individuals who own the federal reserve banks.>>>

August 29, 2009 at 10:22 a.m.


That's the second time I have seen the name Rockerfeller come up in relation to this topic. I can't remember where...maybe another news article or something. I am not familiar with what he did.>>>

August 28, 2009 at 6:23 p.m.


I'm not crying. Neither was he what I would call the worst of the bunch. I never forgave the other two Kennedy boys for what I believe they did to Marylyn Monroe. As is often the case, there is a serious disconnect between public and personal action, for people of all political persuasions. I am very skeptical of anyone who craves high position or great wealth. They come and they go. When they don't go and you can't roll them over, you have a problem. It is very very seldom you find someone in high public office who is also the soul of goodness. Anybody want to talk about Nelson Rockefeller? Joe McCarthy? I believe one of the people in public office who made the greatest strides given his background was Gov. George Wallace. At one time I truly hated him but I was saddened when he died. You know, you stumble onto a poker game where the participants are playing with poker chips that represent people and principles and you want to single out one of them as the villain? I don't get it. Never did. Using tinner's metaphor, which I have to say I really don't approve, the closest I am likely to get to relief is when we finally are rid of Dick Cheney. But what is that, really? He's just the manifest voice of a different world view from mine. No matter how much I dislike his point of view and his behavior, I will never refer to him as a turd. Just not seemly.>>>

August 28, 2009 at 12:17 p.m.


That's right. And who is ruling us now?>>>

August 28, 2009 at 11:51 a.m.


Jed Said: Not to argue semantics or anything, but there was no invasion by the Brits. The island was under English rule since the beginning and granted independance in 1922. This presented a dilema because although it was majority Catholic, what to do with the Protestant population that remained loyal to the crown. Their niche was alloted and named Ulster (Northern Ireland) where they remain today. Since the thirties the fight has been largely about gangsterism. Blackmail, protection rackets, money lending, drugs......all under the guise of religion. I see today that Kennedy is to be buried at Arlington. Gonna take a while to get my head around that one...... Is there no respect anymore?

I think we were under "English rule" here.......took a war to settle it if memory serves.


August 27, 2009 at 8:13 p.m.

Old School

They are all lawyers and don't deserve the air they breathe. Just my opinion!>>>

August 27, 2009 at 12:17 p.m.

Mike H

Jed Said:

I see today that Kennedy is to be buried at Arlington. Gonna take a while to get my head around that one...... Is there no respect anymore?

Finding it difficult to even dignify the figurehead with a reply, I cannot resist the urge to offer one comment to the above quote:

AMEN!! >>>

August 27, 2009 at 12:08 p.m.


Not to argue semantics or anything, but there was no "invasion by the Brits". The island was under English rule since the beginning and granted independance in 1922. This presented a dilema because although it was majority Catholic, what to do with the Protestant population that remained loyal to the crown. Their niche was alloted and named Ulster (Northern Ireland) where they remain today. Since the thirties the "fight" has been largely about gangsterism. Blackmail, protection rackets, money lending, drugs......all under the guise of religion. I see today that Kennedy is to be buried at Arlington. Gonna take a while to get my head around that one...... Is there no respect anymore?>>>

August 27, 2009 at 9:41 a.m.


While I feel it wrong to speak ill of the deceased I have to concur with what's been stated. I remember the "drowning" incident very well (I was 19 at the time) and felt this guy should be in prison instead of any political office. After watching a one hour ABC show last night I learned quite a bit more about this family. Being Irish myself I have to say that while I didn't approve of the IRA or their methods I understood their "plight" with the Brits invasion and occupation of their country. Personally I'm glad he's out of the Senate and would hope that the MA voters would put someone in there who has (at the very least) better moral judgement. RIP Kennedy.........


August 26, 2009 at 9:58 p.m.


The man was the lion of the Senate. But what do male lions do. They gather a harem of females that do the work for them, then feel entitled to feast first. They kill the young of other lions and only value their own. Mysogyny, abortion, yeah, the guys a lion.>>>

August 26, 2009 at 8:39 p.m.


I feel like I got an early Xmas! Yeah man, the turd is gone! :laugh:>>>

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