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CIAK......Question om MSB

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June 12, 2010 at 11:02 p.m.


CIAK, I mentioned how Hanover was wanting to pay off MSB in that other post. I tried calling the adjuster and he was suppose to look over my estimate I faxed him (which was $20,000, his was 11,000). Its been two weeks and he wont return my calls. The customer is calling me wanting to now what is going on and I cant tell her anything because I am waiting on her adjuster.

The problem on this house is the adjuster wants me to replace 2 of 4 sides of aluminum siding, roof, gutters and shutters but no soffit or fascia....the soffit is over the siding and already falling out. When I remove siding the soffit will fall out. Then he wants to pay 16 a square per layer for tearing off 3 layers..........and wants to only pay 116 for shingles and install!?!?

You mentioned filing a supplement, how is that best done?


July 13, 2010 at 5:48 p.m.


One thing that xactimate will do ...every program has a communiction between the two parties . Using the Xactimate address will allow you to send your sketches etc to the insurance company's . They will be able to see where you made any changes to the program . It is going to be harder to fool around with the programing with out it showing up . Sophistacted software. Everry thing on the program reveals itself. I have been studying how to work that end of it . It is easy and intellegent software . 30% higher on the priceing than the MSB integra.

July 13, 2010 at 10:15 a.m.


I'm going to be installing it too based on the conversations in this thread and because of the price changes that I've already seen here in OK. We should be able to get significant supplements on all the work we do moving forward because of the increases here.

I just saw a printout for 5" gutters at $7 per foot! That increase alone will pay the exactimate bill.

July 10, 2010 at 9:28 a.m.


Randy I just installed Xactimate 27.0 I'll be reviewing it for the next week before heading out on my next great adventure .I'm going to start a new topic to the Great All Knowing All Powerful Web Master Steve keep your eyes peeled for Words and Wisdom from on HIGH B) ;) ;) B)

July 8, 2010 at 8:05 p.m.


We would have to consult the All Great and Powerful Web Master Steve . I just started back on this site after a Hyades , I can't remember how to post pics, The All Great and Powerful Web Master Steve is more than helpful if he knows we need help , Perhaps someone else could help ???

July 8, 2010 at 6:41 p.m.


CIAK Said: The type of job and or knowledge of the staff using xactimate can make a difference . Im thinking of heading up to Mobile this next week . I can further this discussion when Im back . It might be of some interest if you could post an estimate you have completed and we could go over it with the xactimate program . No cheating now :laugh: :laugh:

I don't know how to attach things here.

Basically, my spreadsheet requires me to enter in the basic multipliers and accessories. It spits out the purchase order, work order, invoices, fax sheets, etc. If I measure a roof, I send out my Purchase order, not the adjuster's.

It's all a crapshoot anyways with the waste factors and crew variables. My crew is pretty good about using the materials wisely but we all know that not everyone is as diligent as when the boss is watching...eh?

It will be a fun exercise so if it's not too hard to post documents, I'm game.

July 8, 2010 at 6:36 p.m.


The type of job and or knowledge of the staff using xactimate can make a difference . I'm thinking of heading up to Mobile this next week . I would like to further this discussion when I'm back . It might be of some interest if you could post an estimate you have completed and we could go over it with the xactimate program . No cheating now :laugh: :laugh:

July 8, 2010 at 6:36 p.m.


Here's my take on exactimate:

The biggest value that the monthly subscription offers is that you get the update/d prices in times when the suppliers are gouging....errrr...raising prices. We would instantly want to know when the prices go up so we can request increases for the materials and labor if we are building in the months that the prices escalated. For me, that would be the biggest value and if we are doing enough roofs, it would certainly pay the subscription fee.

I still wouldn't spend the time sketching everything out with exactimate though. I just don't see the need because of the spreadsheet system that I've already developed.

I can somewhat see the value of offering an adjuster my drawings...but then again....why wouldn't I just let him draw it up as a double check to my work? I'd rather see his unbiased report and compare it against mine. Of course, my motives are selfish...I'm trying to get the exact amount of materials shipped the first time! If we end up with the same scope, I'm reasonably assured that we'll have the right materials out there.

And occasionally, they'll add a lot more materials than I think we need. I use the extra monies to balance the jobs where I don't hit my markup (and profit) goal. In the end, it usually comes out in the wash.

I'm still not convinced that I want to spend the couple hundred each month for exactimate. I know for a fact that I don't want to do any of the sketches...unless they are simple ranches with one reversed gable LOL. The reality is, though, that we don't need any sketches for the easy stuff!

As a PM, I did enjoy having a legible copy of each facet. It helped near the end of the day when the roofers were short and they wanted me to run for 2 square or something like that. I could more easily estimate the true shortages by calculating the plane(s) that they were short. Again....I wouldn't sit down and do a sketch for that reason.

July 8, 2010 at 6:22 p.m.


Dr. Rob Said: say this - i use xactimate and you use integra/msb. obviously well have some differences. i dont want to turn this into an argument, but Im sure we can come up with something thats mutually agreeable.

integra is a pain to use and you can increase it very high. at the end of the day - xactimate is where its at, simpler to use and more widely accepted.

you dont need to spend money on 2 estimating programs.

a cheaper solution would be acculynx - its price list is usually only 1 month old from xactimate and its pretty intuitive to use.

I wouldn't characterize an ongoing discussion as "an argument". I'm just trying to learn something.

I had a salesguy in our office today. He stated the same thing "I can make you a lot of money using exactimate". We handed him a 50 sq cedar job and asked him to show us how exactimate is going to help. In the packet was the exactimate report from the insurance company. He pointed out that they hadn't included valley metal and we could request a supplement for it. I had another report from another job that showed the valley metal at $1.08 (or some number like that) per foot. I knew that we needed 40 feet of valley metal from my spreadsheet. I will request a supplement for 40 x 1.08 (or whatever).

He couldn't find any other reason to request a supplement.

My conclusion from this story: I wouldn't want to spend the ten or fifteen minutes drawing an exactimate sketch to determine that I needed 40 feet of valley metal.

July 8, 2010 at 2:09 p.m.

Dr. Rob

say this - i use xactimate and you use integra/msb. obviously we'll have some differences. i don't want to turn this into an argument, but I'm sure we can come up with something that's mutually agreeable.

integra is a pain to use and you can increase it very high. at the end of the day - xactimate is where it's at, simpler to use and more widely accepted.

you don't need to spend money on 2 estimating programs.

a cheaper solution would be acculynx - it's price list is usually only 1 month old from xactimate and it's pretty intuitive to use.

July 8, 2010 at 11:52 a.m.


Next question: If exactimate is a basic requirement to do insurance work, shouldn't everyone also subscribe to MSB/Integra?

July 8, 2010 at 8:26 a.m.


Jim The Doc knows what he is talking about . You don't need Xactimate . It is the best tool to use when working with insurance company. Allstate is flipping over to xactimate after years of MSB . Use it to your advantage learn it . Then you can make an intelligent decision if you need it or not. I would encourage everyone to learn the program . As the economy continues to deteriorate insurance money is the future. Be prepared

July 8, 2010 at 6:10 a.m.


Is there really any need to use Exactimate on every job?

July 7, 2010 at 11:33 p.m.

Dr. Rob

Xactimate is about 20% labor, 40% material and 40% profit... MSB/Integra is material plus labor and usually backends the profit for the contractor towards the end... farm bureau, allstate, hanover...

lock up the owner: work the system. estimate for ridge cap, sat dish, starter, painting pipe jacks, felt, hvac, steep, use building codes to your advantage.

the siding - spend a hundred bucks and send to itel unless it's a white straight 8 without woodgrain, odds are it's not on the market or anywhere near you and they will replace it and pay you on the proper thickness - tyvek, foam backing, etc...

Sounds like you need to work for another contractor to mentor you though on the insurance game... no offence - you have to learn xactimate and the software alone costs about 1800 for the year - then you need to figure out how to use it.

get that homeowner on your side and don't give up

June 17, 2010 at 11:50 a.m.


Thanks Minnesotaroofin, that makes sense to me now.

June 16, 2010 at 10:02 p.m.


minnesotaroofin Said: just so you know the authorization from the homeowner for the ins company to write you a check instead of the H.O. never works with the ins companies -- best it will do is get you the complete dollar amount no RCV held back with a signed contract on the spot from some companies. Auto Owners and AAA do this alot Full payment up front if it is scoped out or you help them with the scope either way.

What does "help them with the scope mean"?

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