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CertainTeed Shingles Failed

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November 10, 2010 at 6:17 p.m.


I had a customer call today and he has a roof that is 7 years old and CT shingles, not sure which style(gonna look at it tomorrow). He had the roof looked at by CertainTeed rep and they said roof was defective. They offered him 25% of replacement cost(not sure if just material, labor or both). Is this typical of CT on failure of their product? You would think they would at least supply new shingles at no cost.

Any suggestions?


November 22, 2010 at 7:56 a.m.


Going to also go on a limb here and say the last 5 years of the Sealdon production was really bad for longevity.

Had a home owner recently with an 03 installed Sealdon roof 24 squares and got a check for $3,000.

November 22, 2010 at 7:50 a.m.


For many many years CT would compensate new shingles for defective roofs. If you had Horizon for example you were given the choice of XT30, New Horizons, or Landmarks (hopefully you chose Landmark). However you were not compensated for any other components. This was back when the three options were $35-40 a square). My father got in on this and strangly enough when hail hit his roof it was loaded with "free" shingles. The adjuster left the shingles out of the pics and he paid for a new roof. If questions my father would have said just pay labor I got the new shingles. Instead the adjuster even covered his deductible by paying for hail damage on his camper which had it's own policy!

Up until last year or the settlement of the class action law suit against CT and organic shingles home owners were offered $25 per square additional if they chose CT again. This was for the standard Sealdon roofs. From my experiance before the settlement they paid more than after the settlement. The only time they pay more now is if the roof is newer than 10 years old and deffective.

I'm a Shingle Master Co. so know all to well the problems CT had with it's organic shingles. However the Landmark line is one of the best 30 year laminates in the market, imo.

November 15, 2010 at 8:36 p.m.


saw the homeowner sunday at church. they are only giving him $860.00 that is crazy i'll be on the phone to somebody soon.

November 14, 2010 at 5:51 p.m.


Talk to your CertainTeed Rep. I had a customer get 75% of his total cost given to him. Demand better treatment from your rep.

November 12, 2010 at 8:10 p.m.


in the process right now of working with a homeowner filing a claim. 35yr hallmarks installed in 93-94. all curled up and most of the granuals are flaking off down to the matt. at the time this was the best shingle on the market, waranty and looks wise. wait and see what happens, hope for the best.

November 11, 2010 at 6:28 p.m.


Man Twill.......They tried and got denied. I seen this roof today and my Lord is it trashed! It looks like it is 40-50 years old. Every tab edge is curled up and raised 2" or higher. This is a 100 square house and I would guess at least half the shingles have no granulars left on them, they have just delaminated from the mat. I would be ashamed to show my face if I was a CertainTeed rep. It was installed in 2004. They gave him around $6500 settlement....and asked him to please trust CertainTeed materials for his replacement shingles, he laughed at them. His new roof will be around $20,000 and NOT CT product.

You know, I understand shit happens, but CT should stand behind their product. They should have at least offered them people free or discounted shingles.....just to prove to the customer the CT product really is good, and thus better their reputation. Instead, they give them $6500 which is not even enough to cover new materials....and you still have to pay the labor. Them people will tell everyone how bad CT is, and I will agree with them and help spread the word. I will never install a CT product again if given my choice and I will tell everyone to check out their past reputation before purchasing CT products.

I had some Owens-Corning Oakridge shingles that failed and they at least pro-rated the customer on the entire invoice and gave them $1500 Credit towards next shingle purchase. So he got 70% of replacement cost + credit, that's how business should work!

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