well its time to buy another gun. My senco served me well. only problems I had was the feeder spring breaking every once in a while, but it is a cheap and easy fix. i kinda like the bostich and hitiachi . any suggestions?>>>
i've got another one that i absultly love, light weight and you can go like snot. I might even say HITACHI there silver with alittle green on them, might be better than Bostich...>>>
Stanley Bostitch.. for over 20 years now..>>>
Leak Medic - Love the line! :laugh: "Its the Toyota of nail guns.">>>
If you aint usin a Hitachi you aint usin the best in the biz. Its the Toyota of nail guns.>>>
Plumb Hatchett works pretty well! lol>>>
I'm going to try that Senco on the shorter nails. Thanks for the tip. Gonna try the Bostich too then. Not too happy with the Hitachi guns anymore.>>>
BOSTICH!!!!! :laugh: 8 guns 5 bostich all work fine only 1 of the others works at all.>>>
i have a bostitch and a porter-cable. both very good guns never douched the bostitch in10 years. replaced the nose piece on the porter-cable once.the bostitch sets nails great with less air preasure , but is a little heaver .>>>
MAXsuperroofer:2 years and no problems.>>>