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March 30, 2009 at 12:39 a.m.

Mike H

I am not going to comment on the following link. I have too much to research, to consider and contemplate. But I am going to post in the hope that some others will do the same.

I warn you, this is not short. You will do one of three things: 1. Click, see the first couple moments and say with apathy, "screw this". 2. Watch a little more, wonder, but close it and forget it. 3. Watch in complete absorption. Questioning all you know, thought you knew and think "A lot of this is making sense." At which point you may most likely feel much like I do at the moment.

I would not post it if I didn't think it worthwhile. Perhaps it has been posted before and I am following the dust trail of a wagon train long passed. I don't much care though, and I'm glad I have seen this through it's completion.


August 27, 2009 at 8:53 p.m.


At this point, I'm not sure which part of all of this stuff is on the line here but I have to say, one more time and probably not the last, that for the record: the Fed (aka Federal Reserve Board), even though it has U.S.government members (a distinct minority mind you) sitting on it, is composed of members of the "Federal Reserve Banks" which are PRIVATE BANKS. There is no other way to say it. They are privately owned banks. They are not government anything. They have quite an exclusive list of owners. They make a LOT of money dealing with the government. Andrew Jackson kicked them out. Woodrow Wilson brought them back in. JFK was going to try to kick them out again.>>>

August 27, 2009 at 11:19 a.m.

Mike H

Seems a little less wacky every day....>>>

April 27, 2009 at 1:16 p.m.


Hi Mike,

Sad to say but there are groups all around the world with their own agenda, some have the ability to make very good movies to suit their way of thinking and they very often get thinking people to wonder, is it possible ?.

Everyone knows my thinking on GW however I am happy to say that I didn't fall the movie that made a very good case for the conspiracy plot that had one of the Presidents brothers responsible or in league with the 9/11 terorists.

The plane took off without the candidate ?????? wow the intrigue, maybe he had to go home or away for the weekend with his wife ? I am sure as a relatively young couple they must have found being in the public eye did not exactly give them a lot of room to do what married couples do in private, have a good row (it can help the air) then make up (the fun part).

The fact that the "Fed" is not controlled by the government may not be such a bad thing, in fact it may be a fail safe in that it makes the Government of the day fiscally responsible instead of borrowing to appeal to the voters ?

I agree with you in that I was surprised to learn that they are not a government department.


April 27, 2009 at 12:42 p.m.

Mike H

I quite plainly do not believe we should bail out industry. My dad and I were looking at an old Studebaker along the road the other day, pulling an old restored sail boat. Dad says "There's a fine example of making what the people want."

"Huh?" says I.

"Studebaker. The people didn't want it, at least not enough of them, and they went belly up. We should be letting GM do the same thing." said dad.

I agree completely. The pain will be real, but the end result far less so.

As for me, the posting of the video had nothing to do with the bail outs. I found the the concepts intriguing regarding the fed reserve. Made enough sense to be plausible.>>>

April 27, 2009 at 11:47 a.m.


As an aside to this type of thing, I have'nt watched either film in it's entirety, largely due to an abundance of apathy.......which I suppose (if there is anything to it) means I am doing exactly what the powers that be want me to do........>>>

April 27, 2009 at 8:08 a.m.


My contention with this movie is that it tries to convince you of motives which may or may not exist. If you don't like what Obama is doing then make that your point of protest. When you start assigning possible motives you dilute your argument. When you hook your argument to ideas they will be considered by some to be wacky you get marginalized.

If you think we should stop bailing out irresponsible industries then just say that. It doesn't benefit the cause to fracture your position.>>>

April 27, 2009 at 7:26 a.m.


Tap "New World Order" into U tube if you are into this stuff. There is a film on there a couple of hours long that will take you a step further........here it is......


............I'll probably end up in a camp for posting this........ :laugh:>>>

April 26, 2009 at 8:12 p.m.


Watched the whole video, to be honest I found it very entertaining.

It is no secret that the US president is choosen I said the same of GWB after seeing an interview before he was nominated and could not name 3 world leaders shucks he was already up 2 if he named the Pesident and vice President of the USA.

I have not seen any evidence of who may be behind President Obama he appears to be the real deal however he is constrained as to what he can do because the cash is limited, maybe he can get the US back to work as a nation that produces for itself rather than relying on cheap imports while their jobs are moved abroad, Fruit of The loom being a great example.

What it does show is how dangerous it can be to have a Federal Republic, all you need to do is control the President one man or woman, I know the European Union is heading that way personally I like it with each country or as they call us now "member state" has its own government.

If I was a multi gozillionaire would I want to meet my fellow gozillionaires ? you bet I would much the same way as I liked to meet my fellow roofing contractors so much I was one of the founding members of the Irish Association of Roofing Contractors.

If I had any of my zillions invested in the USA would I like to know I was at least going to receive the interest on my money ? You bet I would, if a further investment spread among my fellow investors would ensure we got paid would I invest ? You bet I would, just the same as I would want to secure my investments world wide.

What would I have to gain by bringing down the economy of any of those countries ? don't forget I am a greedy capitalist who only believes in money making me more money, at this time we have a world wide recession much of it caused by money being too freely available to those who can't repay.

What is the worst that could happen from the introduction of a few months public service by young people ? maybe they would have to work on community projects, better than roaming the streets with nothing to do except damage.

They had public service in the UK into 60's I think they had it in Australia and New Zealand too, as far as I know the only thing that happened was young people emerged able to polish their boots, (shave where applicable) and show some respect to their elders !


April 26, 2009 at 2:43 p.m.


Just in on FOX NEWS. The US CONGRESS will be voting on an international treaty in the upcoming weeks thru the UNITED NATIONS. The treaty would allow the UN to require parents to make certain their child goes to church once per week. They had a constitutional lawyer on that said this is against your constitutional rights; but a treaty supercides the Constitution. The lawyer also said the treaty read that your child could be taken away from you for noncompliance. This would be international. wtf

They went on to say that the feds have been allowd in the past to take dna samples of newbord children and were to dispose ot it within 3 years. Now they have a bill allowing the feds to keep it indefinitly for possible research at a much later date.

wierd -------------H>>>

April 26, 2009 at 9:24 a.m.


I checked this out; very enlightening. Took it one step farther and researched the FREEMASONS. My research showed that they are a satanic occult. The new world order has been in the making way before the USA was formed. All US presidents, excluding Nixon and JFK, were FREEMASONS. Some were even of the 33rd degree. This is of the highest level of the secret occult. Behind closed doors they worship Lucifer. Also the other day while listening to our local talk radio it was said that our high school seniors will be required to perform 40 hours of community service before graduating or they cannot recieve a diploma. This is mandated by the Feds. What is really going on here. There is lots of information about the FREEMASONS; all you have to do is look. I spent bout 5 hours researching after I watched the movie; it was raining anyway. Very interasting and very frightening at the same time.

You may already know this but the US dollar bill has many of the FREEMASONS symbols on it. ----------------H>>>

April 23, 2009 at 11:13 a.m.

Mike H

The "wacko" seems to be more on-the-money every day. I was fence sitting until yesterday. Now I really do believe that Obama's objective is to go extreme socialism, and this video makes more sense than anything I've heard in years.


April 3, 2009 at 12:34 a.m.


I feel compelled to take an in-between position regarding conspiracies. They do exist and we know they exist because we all engage in them to some degree; the human mind turns that way quite naturally, especially if unchecked by ethical restraint. An organized fox hunt is a conspiracy and a very bad one if you consider it from the fox's angle. It's all a question of degree (as we all already know) and some conspiracies are much more powerful and injurious than others. There are different ways of concealing the truth from others and they are neither all bad nor destructive. Some are even good and generous. I'm sure there are a lot of bankers who think tradesmen conspire to rip them off. After all, bankers are human and know the potential exists merely by looking in the mirror. Tradesmen conspire to keep other people out of the trades, or to keep other tradesmen out of the upper echelons of the trades. Monopolies are all conspiracies. The whole concept that something is "too big to fail" breeds a mutant form of conspiracy. So does the concept "so big we need to join forces and bring it down." Now I'm not sure what Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Lincoln, Kennedy, & Wilson (to name just a short list) had in common as personalities, other than that they all were former presidents, but they all expressed a strong dislike for a privately-owned "federal" bank that profited from the printing and control of our national currency. Anyone who thinks the "Fed" is the United States of America is not working with quality raw materials to construct his point of view. Those of us in the roofing business have some pretty touchy notions about roofing. The rest of the world doesn't really care a whole lot, except that they have a little bit of what we're selling. Money on the other hand is a touchy subject with everyone, and those who make it their industry are hanging onto a lightning rod. Eventually they will be struck and that's what they get for standing there. If they conspire even to hide, they eventually get too greedy and make serious mistakes and that is just the way it is. The risk they take. I've known some wonderful people in banking, but it's very easy for them to slip into the permanent irrevocable inability to make an honest living.>>>

April 1, 2009 at 2:00 p.m.


I like your style natty, straight enough for me, I got a couple of questions though. Why do you say conspiracy theories are for small minds? Are you suggesting there was never anything nefarious about JFK, 911, Lady Di, etc. Assuming we all end up in some kind of mad max scenario as opposed to being completely obliterated in a nuclear war, what do you see the currency of choice being if indeed there is one. The only one I can think of is water but I think we may always have a limited supply of even that.

Mike, I don't know much about Celente, I do know that ALL these talking heads make predictions, and the ONLY ones that are recalled are the ones that come about..........just sayin'........ >>>

April 1, 2009 at 12:14 p.m.


The thing about financial forecasting is that those in the know have already made their move and the dabblers are left to take the losses. Sorta like musical chairs only the pros are one step ahead. You can't eat gold and in a real disaster, is pretty much worthless.>>>

April 1, 2009 at 7:31 a.m.


I checked out that sight Vaa. Wow. I'd say both would appeal to the same crowd.

The movie is the updated Illuminati, New World Order, Secret Society blather.>>>

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