The decision to install a photovoltaic (PV) array on your building is complex and requires understanding several critical issues. Determining the size and scope, retaining a design professional and photovoltaic contractor and understanding the costs and benefits take time and focus. The presence of a PV system likely will make other projects more complex and costly. Ideally, if the roof and other components are in sufficient condition, major service or replacement will not typically be required over the lifecycle of the PV array.
A multitude of PV arrays is available for commercial applications. Some provide much easier interfaces with the roofing system. Given the critical nature of the roofing asset, it is important to consider how PV system components and overall design will affect the roofing system. The PV system should be designed to resist or accommodate movement due to weather changes, seismic activity, thermal expansion and/or structural load. One of the most critical design aspects is how the PV system is attached to the building structure.
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