Rough openings will leak - learn how to properly sequence rough opening installation materials and allow the “leaks” to drain out and away from the building structure. Credit: 1LU Hour, 1 IIBEC CEH Class Code: AIACESVS301 Host: Scott Wood Review the learning objectives. Register today!
This comprehensive course offers a fresh look on how increased permeability in water-resistive barriers will enhance wall assembly performance for the life of the building. Credit: 1LU/HSW Hour / 1 IIBEC CEH Class Code: AIACESVS300.2 Host: Scott Wood Review the learning objectives. Register today!
Mass timber offers challenges and benefits as a construction material. This course reviews the critical importance of creating a moisture protection strategy to preserve the beauty of the wood and reduce liability and structural damage. Credit: 1 LU/HSW Hour, 1 IIBEC CEH Class Code: AIACESVS310 Host: Scott Wood Review the learning objectives. Register today!
This new course will equip you with the insights needed to make informed choices between air/vapor barriers and permeable vapor retarders for low-slope roofing, enhancing your proficiency in creating resilient and sustainable building envelopes. Credit: 1 LU/HSW Hour / 1 IIBEC CEH Class Code: AIACESVS315 Host: Scott Wood Review the learning objectives. Register today!
Draining and venting stucco assemblies is critical to successful long-term wall assembly performance. This new course will explore case studies from failure to remediation, including successful projects utilizing the innovative all-in-one drainage matrix and weather-resistive air barrier technology. Credit: 1LU Hour / 1 IIBEC CEH Class Code: AIACESVS305 Host: Scott Wood Review ...
1 LU/HSW Hour, 1 IIBEC CEH, AIACESVS310 Mass timber offers challenges and benefits as a construction material. This course reviews the critical importance of creating a moisture protection strategy to preserve the beauty of the wood and reduce liability and structural damage. Learn more and review the learning objectives. Register today!
Every year, contractors install millions of square feet of commercial roofing for both new construction and re-roofing projects. Traditionally, low-slope roofing systems have prioritized vapor restriction over air tightness. In this newly accredited AIA presentation, we will delve into the advancements in air barrier technology and permeable vapor retarder membranes, ...
This live presentation will cover mass timber moisture protection strategies, the building science of mass timber, rainscreen design, and mass timber building enclosure assembly details. As interest in cross-laminated timber (CLT) buildings grows, the market for building enclosure products as a whole has yet to fully provide the water-resistant barriers, ...
Mass timber offers challenges and benefits as a construction material. This course reviews the critical importance of creating a moisture protection strategy to preserve the beauty of the wood and reduce liability and structural damage. As interest in mass timber building design grows, there are new protection strategies that must ...
The roofing assembly is a critical element in a building's infrastructure. This webinar investigates the history of roofing underlayments and how advancements in breathable roofing underlayment technology can extend the life of the roofing assembly. Some roof underlayments can trap moisture, degrade insulation performance, and create excessive condensation accumulation. Breathable, ...