Southeast Contracting Services has taken the lead in addressing the critical workforce shortage in the roofing industry by helping companies in the construction field fulfill immediate and future job openings. We are prepared with a workforce ready for your company when you need them. Short-term and long-term agreements can be made, giving you the peace of mind of always having enough manpower to complete your projects in a timely manner.
States we work in:
States we don't work in:
There is no problem if you only speak Spanish. In the construction industry, it is very common to speak the Spanish language in the work area. You will be equally welcome to our team as well as to most of our clients. We do all we can to facilitate a relationship between our clients and workers. In some cases, we even provide housing and transportation close to the work area. Southeast Contracting Services embraces the diversity of cultures with great emotion. It is a fundamental part of the success of our team and we welcome applicants as dreamers with temporary work permits, legal residents, and anyone who is interested in working with us, as long as they have permission authorized by Homeland Security to do work in the United States.
There is no problem if you only speak Spanish. In the construction industry, it is very common to speak the Spanish language in the work area. You will be equally welcome to our team as well as to most of our clients. We do all we can to facilitate a relationship between our clients and workers. In some cases, we even provide housing and transportation close to the work area.
Our Job Positions are: TPO Roofer, Carpenter, Sheet Metal, Packer
Whether you are a commercial or residential builder, we can provide you with the skilled labor force to fulfill your contracts. No matter how big your project is, we have a solution for you.
Por Jessica Bravo.
Cómo los líderes pueden reforzar su gestión de equipos y obtener resultados sobresalientes.
SRS Distribution Para Latinos y RoofersCoffeeShop® se unieron para un episodio de Almuerzo y Aprendizaje. Julissa Chávez, de SRS, se conectó con Teresa Ramírez, de Southeast Contracting Services, donde discutieron las estrategias clave ...
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En este episodio de La Voz de los Ruferos, exploramos la próxima Exposición Internacional de Techos (IRE) 2025 y su importancia para los contratistas hispanos. Únase a nosotros mientras discutimos la creciente influencia de los profesionales hispanos en la industria de techos con representantes de Southeast Contractors y Latinos En ...
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By Teresa Ramírez, Southeast Contracting Services.
Celebremos el Mes de la Herencia Hispana con nuestra increíble comunidad de techadores.
Es el mes de la Herencia Hispana, me gustaría tocar algunos temas con Ustedes, creo que lo que a continuación leerán, será de gran importancia para nuestras comunidades. Les envío un cordial ...
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