As part of the Virtual International Roofing Expo, NWiR is sponsoring a virtual Poker Night on March 3rd at 5pm EST to get you ready for Las Vegas and the next in-person IRE this August! This fun, interactive session features a private poker platform and a live dealer through Zoom, ...
By Karen L. Edwards, RCS Editor. Each week someone wins a prize for answering a question, next week’s winner could be you! One of our most popular giveaways is sponsored by Gibraltar Building Accessories as part of their ‘Construction Solutions’ campaign designed to supply feedback from contractors to help ...
By Lauren White, RCS Assistant Editor. Log in March 2-4, 2021 for educational sessions, a virtual tradeshow, whiskey and cigar pairings and more! No matter where you are in the world, make sure you’re near your computer March 2-4, 2021 for the virtual portion of the International Roofing Expo (IRE). ...
By Heidi J. Ellsworth, RCS Partner. Three days of education, networking and live presentations at the 2021 Virtual International Roofing Expo. COVID-19 has changed our world, but roofing continues to protect structures across the country. The International Roofing Expo (IRE) also continues to provide what the industry needs with their upcoming IRE ...
By Karen L. Edwards, RCS Editor. Here’s what’s trending on RoofersCoffeeShop® (RCS) this past month. We were all so excited for 2021 to arrive and hopeful that it would bring less chaos and more normalcy. 2020 saw us struggling to secure materials and watching as prices crept up. Our ...
By Leap. Are your sales and marketing teams working together? If not, chances are good you’re losing money. RoofersCoffeeShop® partner, Heidi J. Ellsworth and RoofersCoffeeShop editor, Karen L. Edwards came together to provide an informative webinar about building a successful marketing strategy. This webinar is available to watch on-demand and incorporates a ...
By Heidi J. Ellsworth, HJE Consulting. Increase productivity and profitability by creating an inclusive company culture. As I have talked about many times, a roofing contractor’s employees can be their best marketing tool. Happy, challenged and empowered employees are your brand ambassadors, promoting your brand and working to ...
An active member of ARCA and NWIR, Minnie was awarded Volunteer of the Year for her enthusiasm and hard work. Minnie Robles, CSI, the Arizona and southern Nevada product representative for ATAS International, received the 2020 Volunteer of the Year award from the Arizona Roofing Contractors Association (ARCA). She is an ...
By Colin Sheehan, RCS Reporter. Make friends, get inspired and support the cause of inclusion in the roofing industry during this year’s NWiR Day. Sunday, August 8, 2021 from 10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. in Las Vegas, Nevada National Women in Roofing (NWiR) will be hosting their 4th annual National ...
By National Roofing Contractors Association. NRCA has partnered with several industry associations to conduct reroofing market research. A coalition of industry trade associations representing contractors, consultants and manufacturers in the U.S. and Canada have hired Association Research Inc. to compile and analyze the Market Index Survey for Reroofing. The ...