By Emma Peterson. Learn how the roofing industry is engaging and supporting the next generation in a variety of ways In response to the ongoing labor and skill shortage, the roofing industry has truly come together to create innovative and engaging workforce development and education opportunities. In this Read, Listen, Watch® (RLW), ...
Editor's note: The following is the transcript of a live interview with Erin Dennison of Miles Roofing. You can read the interview below, listen to the podcast or watch the recording. Intro: Hello everyone, and welcome to the very first Ask A Roofer minisode. This is a new podcast initiative from ...
Editor's note: The following is the transcript of a live interview with Sherri Miles of Miles Roofing, Rick Damato of Damato Enterprises, Tim Stephens of Architectural Sheet Metal and John Esbenshade of National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA). You can read the interview below, listen to the podcast or watch the ...
The Roofing Pavillion provided an opportunity for people to walk on mock roof, heat weld TPO and take in the show floor view from new heights! Editor's note: The following is a transcript of a conversation between industry professionals after the first day of SkillsUSA. Heidi Ellsworth: I just want to say ...
By Dani Sheehan. Don’t miss this engaging conversation that will open the door for your company to get involved with roofing competitions and inspire students to enter the industry. In the most recent Coffee Conversations®, sponsored by Johns Manville, Heidi J. Ellsworth sits down with industry experts to discuss SkillsUSA. ...
By Alec Doniger. Sherri Miles stresses the importance of sharing what a career in roofing can do for younger workers. Everyone has a purpose in life. For some people, it is teaching, for others it is going to college and learning a skill that they’re passionate about. It is important, ...
NRCA announced its new slate of officers during its 136th Annual Convention March 6-9 in Dallas. Lisa Sprick, president of Sprick Roofing Co. Inc., Corvallis, Oregon, was elected chairman of the board, and Doug Duncan, president of Nations Roof of Illinois, Villa Park, was elected chairman of the board-elect. Randy ...
By Alec Doniger. Discussing the possibilities available to the next generation of roofing professionals, Sherri Miles shares her passion for the future of this trade. It’s no secret that the roofing industry needs younger workers more than ever. Many roofing professionals today have spent their whole careers in this industry ...
By Cass Jacoby. Heidi and a team of contractors dive into the results of the 2022 RCS Trends Report sponsored by Beacon. Here is what they learned about distribution in their conversation. Learn about our latest trends report in a new Coffee Conversations episode sponsored by Beacon. Join Heidi ...
The 2022 Trends Report focuses on material and labor shortages as well as business and contractor needs and challenges. RoofersCoffeeShop®, celebrating 20 years as the award-winning website where the industry meets for technology, information and everyday business, announces the release of its latest Roofing Industry Trends Report. This Trends Report, which ...