- Learn the value of leadership and team-building in business success - Hire and train the next generation of Latino leaders in roofing - Create a company culture that reflects Latino values - Success stories: Latinos who have made an impact in the roofing industry Register for IRE 2025!
Discover the next frontier of the roofing industry. Technology consolidation and AI are shaping the future of our business. Innovative, end-to-end software solutions can give your business a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving industry. This course features Chris Petros, general manager of residential at ServiceTitan. Chris brings nearly a ...
The lowest price is not necessarily the way to compete or gain business. Instead of price, your skills and expertise are your true value proposition, and the roof system you install is an investment opportunity. This course helps you present to potential customers by positioning your company and its services ...
En este episodio de La Voz de los Ruferos, exploramos la próxima Exposición Internacional de Techos (IRE) 2025 y su importancia para los contratistas hispanos. Únase a nosotros mientras discutimos la creciente influencia de los profesionales hispanos en la industria de techos con representantes de Southeast Contractors y Latinos En ...
In this Coffee Conversations, we speak with Amparo Sancen, the founder of Latinos En Roofing, Jaqueline Sancen, marketing and events for Latinos En Roofing and Itzel Najera of RoofersCoffeeShop, to discuss the challenges and successes of Latino contractors in the roofing industry. Amparo shares her journey from facing business obstacles ...
Conoce más sobre Lations en Roofing Visitando en RCS Directory y en Latinos en Roofing website. Latinos En Roofing 5 pasos hacer un reclamo part 2 5 Pasos Para Hacer un Reclamo Latinos En Roofing 1st Webinar Inspecciones De Techo/ Como Tomar Fotos