We are building envelope consultants with expertise in roofing, waterproofing, windows, curtain walls, masonry and many other building envelope systems.
CopelandBEC specializes in working with value-oriented institutional building owners and managers to solve their building envelope problems. We save our clients time and money by pairing technical expertise with an innovative culture and an agile, responsive team.
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Copeland Building Envelope Consulting performs building envelope investigations on buildings of all types. We are experienced in systematically evaluating and documenting the conditions, so that we can efficiently diagnose the root cause of the problem. We then recommend practical solutions that are reliable and durable.
Learn more about our investigation services.
Old buildings have stories to tell. They are also often able to provide useful service for decades to come, at a lower cost than replacing them with new structures. We specialize in restoration of deteriorated building envelopes to extend the useful life of existing buildings.
Learn more about our restoration and repair services.
We know that architects are busy and have a whole lot to worry about. That’s why we can take the load off when it comes to building envelope design. We focus on the challenging details – those transitions and coordination nightmares that are often the source of problems down the road.
Learn more about our design consulting services.
Access the expertise of our building envelope consulting professionals from anywhere.
Online virtual consulting services are something we’re just beginning to experiment with and develop service offerings.
Keep an eye on this page for updates.
Learn more about our virtual consulting services.
Our Influencers program celebrates its ninth year of giving back to the industries it serves.
The Coffee Shops™, the award-winning websites where the industries meet for technology, information and everyday business, announces the 2025 Influencers for RoofersCoffeeShop (RCS), MetalCoffeeShop® (MCS), CoatingsCoffeeShop® (CCS) and RCS en Español.
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