AskARoofer is where home and building owners can research, learn and ask professional roofing contractors questions to help them purchase, install and maintain the best roof possible. Manufacturers, distributors and service providers engage with homeowners on this unique site by sharing content about innovative products and services, advice and tips, along with promotions and photos of beautiful, sustainable roofs. Roofing contractors connect with home and building owners by answering their questions and creating an experience that is educational while building relationships.
AskARoofer is a sister site to RoofersCoffeeShop and is a welcome addition to the Coffee Shop online roofing publication family. A longtime friend of the Coffee Shop, Bob "ShingleWeaver" McCrickard sadly passed away in 2017 and it was his wish that RCS preserve his legacy and continue with his desire to help homeowners (and contractors alike) with his beloved AskARoofer website.