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RCSI - Stealing Time


Manage by the Numbers

RCS Influencer Rudy Gutierrez says setting production goals ahead of time can help manage the waste factor. In an interview with Rudy Gutierrez, CEO of Shell Roofing, he notes that time and productivity is a problem that every company deals with, no matter the type or size of company. “I ...


Creating the Right Company Culture Minimizes Theft of Time

Charles Antis talks about company culture this month’s topic in the 3-minute video "Do you have a handle on how much time employees are paid but not productive (or all out stealing time)? "Employee theft of time was always a concern. National average is 20% of time is not being ...


Addressing Stolen Time Through an Aggressive Return-to-Work Program

RCS Influencer Brian Pratt takes a different approach to reducing stolen time when workers’ compensation is involved. To help manage the employees’ wages/cost for our roofing clients we have recommended implementing an aggressive return-to-work program for an injured employee and manage the workers’ compensation piece with the following premium reduction strategy. Certain ...


More Productive Teams Starts with Employee Conversations

RCS Influencer Martin Stout says employee conversations around reviewing tasks and agreeing on the amount of time needed creates happier, more engaged teams. Nonproductive time has always been a problem; however, as labor costs continue to climb and we all fight for the few good people that are willing to work ...


Building Brand Ambassadors Leads to More Productive Employees

RCS Influencer and partner Heidi Ellsworth shares tips on how to engage employees so they will embrace the company mission and brand. From an employee empowerment perspective, stealing time is really the realm of disengaged or unhappy employees. One of the areas that I speak about often from a marketing ...


Company Culture and Accountability Tie Directly into Productivity

RCS Influencer Mark Holencik believes most people want to be productive, and a company culture of holding employees accountable is a good first step to fix the issue of stolen time. Start by asking yourself “does my company have a culture where stealing time is acceptable?” I believe this is the ...


Metrics and Employment Agreements Address Productivity Issues

RCS Influencer Trent Cotney says contractors should consider using employment agreements to define performance expectations. Short of monitoring employees in the field, it can be difficult to know if they are working to the highest level of productivity. Contractors should consider employment agreements for their employees that spell out expectations and ...


Wasted Time is a Universal Problem, not an Isolated One

RCS Influencer Monica Cameron challenged her team to brainstorm the time and productivity issues facing the industry and she got some interesting feedback. As contractors, our primary business proposition is to provide roofing goods and services to our customers by estimating and managing the materials needed and labor associated with covering ...


Do you have a handle on how much time employees are paid but not productive (or all out stealing time)? 

Stealing time – that is the topic we gave our RCS Roofing Influencer’s for June and the responses were honest and unexpected. Please read through the variety of opinions on the subject and see how they all come around to the same conclusion. Each day for the next ...

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