RCS Influencer Maria Alcala says that associations help build careers. I have had firsthand experience on how associations can help establish and grow your career. When I started in roofing, I knew very few women in the business. However, since joining National Women in Roofing (NWIR), I have met so ...
RCS Influencer Heidi Ellsworth say contractors should get involved because it’s great for their company. An important part of marketing is networking. Not just in your local area with customers but also networking with industry peers, colleagues and vendors. As I have worked with roofing companies over the years, I have ...
RCS Influencer Jon Stantz says the best benefit lies in the members themselves and the networking opportunities that come with being involved. The question has been asked - what are your feelings about joining associations related to your work? We are currently members of the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) and ...
RCS Influencer Trent Cotney says that associations are a valuable resource for anyone working in the roofing industry. One of the first things that I made sure I did when I started my business was to become involved in the associations that were supporting the industries where I was focusing my ...
RCS Influencer Marty Stout says trade associations are a very powerful tool for advocacy, marketing, negotiation and support. Your business can benefit from membership in an industry trade association in many ways. Here are four key areas: 1 – Advocacy. Associations provide a group voice to help those in power to understand ...
RCS Influencer Charles Antis says that association memberships can help you form alliances with your clients. Charles Antis is the founder and CEO of Antis Roofing. See his full bio here. Video transcribed here: Hi, it's Charles Antis, with RoofersCoffeeShop, and this months question is associations. Do you have relationship with the associations ...
RCS Influencer Sarah Weiss says her company is active and committed to several industry associations and they encourage their teams to be involved as well. One of the values we live by at Elite Roofing Supply is to “be a good steward to the roofing community.” As such, Elite has been ...