By Surefire Local. A key component of your success is to make sure your local marketing is on point. In today’s day and age, most of your customers are finding you from Google. They turn to their trusted search engine and type in “(service type) contractor in (name of town)” and choose ...
By HailPost. Don’t let the cold weather turn your sales cold too. While the winter months are not typically when homeowners may think to get the roofs inspected or fixed, the colder season doesn’t have to stop your sales. How you market your business in the down time can set you apart ...
By Surefire Local. Your guide to earning homeowner’s attention online…in a web already full of engaging content. It’s not news that the digital world has a huge grip on society. Selfies, memes, and videos make up most of the internet’s engaging content these days…which makes the internet the perfect place for your ...
By Hail Post. In the mid-1900s, a direct mail and marketing expert introduced the 40/20/20 rule to help businesses utilize direct mail to grow their business. But what is it? And what does that mean to you? We’re here to help. The 40/20/20 rule contains three sections that businesses should focus on ...
Surefire Local’s inaugural Google Masterclass Series brought together hundreds of home services businesses for a free online workshop that included four sessions. In these sessions, contractors will learn how Google has become the biggest social network and what that means for their business, the important search signals that Google looks for ...
By Surefire Local. If there’s one thing to be said about marketing and business in general, it’s that you always want to be in tune with your customers. We take that to heart here at Surefire and it’s why we’re constantly reaching out to our customers to ask for their opinions and ...
By Jenny Sylvers, Surefire Local Exhibiting at a home show, industry conference or community event? Make the most of your investment by being well-prepared, engaging with attendees, capturing leads and following up to close sales. When you’re planning your next home improvement show, here are a few tips to consider to make ...
By Hail Post. How direct mail helps you connect with the newest generation of homeowners. We’ve all heard the talk that millennials just aren’t prioritizing buying homes in 2018. However, data provided by Business Inside in this article says that millennials are actually “the primary reason that the homeownership rate increased over ...
By HailPost. An omnichannel approach to marketing. As a direct mail company, we would love to tell you that direct mail should be your only marketing strategy going in to 2019. However, living in the digital age, we know that utilizing only one marketing channel won’t yield nearly the results of combining ...
By Art Unlimited. We are going to be talking about three pretty interesting topics! Bing: their changed algorithm, then Facebook and how they're cracking down on clickbait, and then also Amazon and some of the changes for e-commerce as we look forward to the holiday season. You can either watch the video ...