By Karen L. Edwards, RCS Editor. Owens Corning contractor featured on news following destructive storms. Indianapolis was hit by severe storms in April that left homeowners unsure of what to do during the pandemic. We have written before on RoofersCoffeeShop that Mother Nature doesn’t know that there is a pandemic causing most ...
By Lauren White. This easy-to-use app can save you time, money, and headaches. Not only am I learning about roofing and the technical terms associated with it through working as a freelance writer for RoofersCoffeeShop®, but I’m learning what it takes to manage a roofing company. I’ve grown up in the ...
By LEVERAGE. As a business owner, one of your primary goals right now should be to find ways to continue driving revenue during the pandemic. Your business needs cash flow, and while you can certainly borrow, you’ll have to pay that money back at some point. As we may be headed for ...
By LEVERAGE. Brands often create content strategies that cater to specific devices and their expected user behavior. Does smartphone and tablet user behavior differ so much that unique content strategies have to be crafted around each device, or should brands provide content that caters to the user regardless of their device? Seamless experiences ...
By Satta Sarmah Hightower. The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed how we live, work, and interact. Social distancing is now the norm, which means businesses must find new ways to engage customers. However, you can still nurture leads and hold consultations while following recommended distancing practices. You just have to be creative in your ...
By LEVERAGE. Surprisingly, many organizations still don’t have mobile-friendly websites despite there being over 5 billion unique mobile subscribers worldwide. Usually, they are reluctant to invest because they lack resources or don’t see the value. If your organization falls into this category, and you would like your brand to remain relevant on ...
By Steve Eastlack, Surefire Local. Small business owners have to deal with many unique challenges when trying to showcase their business in today’s competitive market. Join us as we go over some of the most common marketing problems small business owners face, as well as expert tips and resources to fight back. Challenge ...
By Heidi J. Ellsworth, RCS Partner. SRS commits to ongoing education to deal with the coronavirus with multiple webinars. As the coronavirus continues to impact communities, SRS Distribution’s highest priority is the safety of their employees, customers and communities they serve. John DeRosa, Director of Training and Customer Experience ...
By Steve Eastlack, Surefire Local. Yelp is so much more than just a review site. It shows actual consumer experiences, helps people discover local businesses and allows these same businesses to engage with potential clients. As one of the most visited sites in the country, with close to one hundred million monthly ...
By LEVERAGE. With the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), you are not only responsible for your personal health and the health of your loved ones, but also for the health of your business. With the U.S. economy potentially headed for a recession, the country is in a severe state of economic uncertainty, ...