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Expert Conversations

ICP A lasting solution lies in the details

Una solución duradera está en los detalles

Por Dani Sheehan. Un proyecto exitoso de restauración de techos requiere una evaluación exhaustiva del techo, abordar las áreas problemáticas con materiales duraderos y adaptarse a los desafíos específicos del sitio. Cuando se trata de restauración de techos, la diferencia entre una solución rápida y una solución duradera está en ...

ICP A lasting solution lies in the details

A lasting solution lies in the details

By Dani Sheehan. A successful roof restoration project requires thoroughly evaluating the roof, addressing problem areas with durable materials and adapting to site-specific challenges. When it comes to roof restoration, the difference between a quick fix and a lasting solution lies in the details. In a recent episode of CoatingsTalk, ...

Bitec Revolutionizing roof-leveling solutions

Revolutionizing roof-leveling solutions

By Jesse Sanchez. This roofing solution from BITEC is a fast-drying compound that addresses ponding water on flat rooftops. Flat roofs, while common in modern construction, often fall victim to ponding water — standing pools that compromise structural integrity- escalate maintenance costs and lead to premature wear. Addressing this pervasive ...

Hi peak Streamlining your hiring process

Streamlining your hiring process

By Emma Peterson. Learn how a specialized roofing recruiter can help improve your hiring In this episode of Roofing Road Trips®, Kristin and Tony Case of Hi-Peak Staffing Solutions stopped by The Coffee Shops™ to talk to Megan Ellsworth about sourcing talent through a specialized recruiting company like theirs. Traditionally, ...

DaVinci Investing in the big picture

Investing in the big picture

By Emma Peterson. Learn how total cost ownership can help your clients see the value of paying a bit more for quality roofing materials. In a recent Read Listen Watch (RLW)®, Karen Edwards sat down with Jason Totin, owner and president of Totin Too in Pennsylvania, and Jason King, ...

Central The rise of metal roofing: A durable solution for modern challenges

The rise of metal roofing: A durable solution for modern challenges

By Jesse Sanchez. Explore how metal roofing is meeting the demand for sustainable, weather-resistant building materials in a changing world. In this episode of Roofing Road Trips®, host Megan Ellsworth sat down with Melissa Dunson, senior manager of marketing services at Central States Manufacturing, to discuss the growing prominence of ...

Mccormack The creativity and entrepreneurial spirit of a career in roofing

The creativity and entrepreneurial spirit of a career in roofing

By Dani Sheehan. Discover how a career in roofing sparks innovation, fosters growth and creates lasting impact. The roofing industry carries several misconceptions from hard labor and repetitive tasks to the idea that there’s little room for growth. But in the latest episode of People Make Roofing, hosts Luke McCormack ...

ABC Facing the labor shortage head on

Facing the labor shortage head on

By Emma Peterson. Contractors big and small are facing challenges in finding skilled workers; learn how ABC Supply helps them navigate through this issue. In this episode of Roofing Road Trips®, Heidi J. Ellsworth spoke to Jeff Leyden and Stephanie Lyons of ABC Supply. Positioned between contractors in the field ...

Certainteed Designing a safer, stronger future

Designing a safer, stronger future

By Emma Peterson. Learn how CertainTeed designs innovative products that push the roofing industry to higher levels of safety, performance and quality! CertainTeed’s mission is to “transform the world into a better, more sustainable home through an ever-evolving range of groundbreaking building solutions.” They work towards this goal by intentionally ...

Westlake Make estimating work for you

Make estimating work for you

By Emma Peterson. Learn how to use digital tools to make the traditional estimating process more efficient and profitable. In the roofing industry, time truly is money and one of the big slow down points for many contractors is the estimating process. This is typically a tedious process that can ...

Showing: 101 - 110 of 909
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