Join METALCON Live! and the Future Leaders Program at 1 pm ET March 22 for a special webinar on industry terms. Take the mystery out of metal construction industry terminology by joining us for METALCON Live! and Future Leaders Presents: Decoding the Language of Metal Construction. Oil canning, MCM, membranes, EDPs … there’s a lot of jargon you need to know to ensure you are explaining the facts properly to your customers.
Todd Miller, president of Isaiah Industries, and Bob Zabcik, MCA’s technical director, will provide an explanation of terms and acronyms commonly used in the industry. This session is ideal for new and seasoned industry professionals. The Future Leaders Program is a joint venture between METALCON and MCA.
If you weren't able to attend the Future Leaders Panel at the 2023 MCA Winter Meeting, catch up on what you missed: watch the 2023 MCA Winter Meeting video.
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