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Twelve Years of Tubos Vent Extensions

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April 28, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.

TUBOS is the only pre-fabricated vent extension for plumbing vent stacks on the market!

For more than twelve years Dawn, Wayne and Justin with Delta Rep Group and Tubos co-founders Kevin Morris and Rick Maddox have been pushing Tubos throughout the state of Florida and beyond. 

Kevin Morris used to run a sheet metal shop and Rick Maddox was a customer and a commercial contractor. Rolling sheet metal to use as an insert and using random PVC was the best method at the time. However, this was very time-consuming and expensive. When one of Rick's jobs coming up needed more than 100 vent pipes raised to code compliance, an idea was born! 

Tubos are typically needed on your re-roof applications, ie., increasing R-Value/Insulation, installing a tapered system, or pouring lightweight insulation. Your plumbing stacks need to be a minimum of 8" high off of your finished roof system. They are virtually impossible to install wrong and will never leak, therefore reducing warranty callbacks. Plus they are 100% made in the U.S.A, patent #8,752,344.

Coming up on 15 years of business, there have been zero warranty claims. Manufacturers finally have a product to add to their product line that will eliminate one more potential leak call/headache that contractors have to deal with.

Learn more about TUBOS in their Coffee Shop directory or visit tubos.biz.


TUBOS are pre-fabricated plumbing vent pipe extensions. Tubos, patented pipe extension, is the fastest, cheapest and strongest method for extending your existing roof pipes. TUBOS are sold through roofing and plumbing distributors nationwide with 2", 3", 4" and 5" diameter selection. Tubos works in existing PVC and cast-iron pipes and in conjunction with any roofing application being applied. Visit www.tubos.biz to learn more.

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