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The Perfect Devices to Prevent Water Infiltration and Damage

Quarrix IRE 2023 Video
July 17, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.

By Cayden Wemple. 

As showcased at this year’s IRE, Quarrix’s line of preventative water leakage devices are very effective.  

One of the biggest pains a homeowner can encounter is a leak in their roof, and one of the worst places for water infiltration is in the attic. The damage will likely not be caught in a timely manner because the attic is a place that isn’t checked frequently. Luckily, the Quarrix Storm Stop makes it so homeowners won’t have to think about potential damage to the Christmas decorations and family knickknacks.  

The Quarrix Storm Stop is an internal system that is used to keep water out of the attic. Any water that gets in is immediately filtered back out by the device. This device is storm rated for any part of the United States.  

The Storm Stop is not the only device that Quarrix has to prevent leakage. The “Smart Plug” from Quarrix is another device that effectively stops water infiltration, and it’s incredibly easy to install. Simply place the plug over the part of the roof that needs to be patched, nail it and you’re done! It can hold up to 700 pounds on it and they come in both eight-inch and twelve-inch sizes.  

Another effective device from Quarrix that keeps water from penetrating is their dry roof batten. One of the problems that often occurs with tile roofs is that the wood battens that hold or retain water can be defective. To fix this issue, Quarrix’s corrugated plastic device allows water to run through it as opposed to getting caught or stuck.  

Using these effective devices from Quarrix will prolong the life of your customer’s roof for years to come.  


Watch the full demonstration from Quarrix’s IRE booth to learn more about their revolutionary leak prevention products. 

Learn more about Quarrix in their Coffee Shop Directory or visit www.quarrix.com.

About Cayden

Cayden is a reporter for RoofersCoffeeShop, MetalCoffeeShop and AskARoofer. When he isn’t writing about roofs, he’s usually playing guitar or writing songs for his musical endeavors.

About Quarrix Building Products 

Quarrix Building Products is a part of the Liberty Diversified International (LDI) family of companies and a brand within the Liberty Plastics, Inc. business unit. Founded in 1985, Quarrix quickly emerged as a leader in the specialty roofing products industry. 

Fast forward to today, Quarrix is uncompromising in its commitment to quality and purpose to provide protective solutions for attics, roofs, and walls. Entrusted by millions to keep their homes beautiful and healthy, inside and out, we strive for product excellence. Values-driven and customer-focused, we care for and treat our customers as though they're family.  

Quarrix Building Products is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with manufacturing facilities and suppliers throughout the USA. To learn more about Quarrix Building Products please visit www.quarrix.com.

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