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The Importance of Above Sheathing Ventilation

MCA ASV Diagram
June 22, 2023 at 6:00 a.m.

By Anna Lockhart.  

Above Sheathing Ventilation (ASV) is an often-overlooked method of keeping the roof cool. Here’s why your crew should consider using ASV in roof cooling.  

Above sheathing ventilation (ASV) is a method of home ventilation in which the air space between the roof cladding material, the subassembly and the roof deck is ventilated. This ventilation method allows the temperature of the roof cladding to maintain a similar temperature with that of the outdoors, reducing heat levels and maintaining a reasonable temperature during warm weather and summer seasons.  

The Metal Construction Association (MCA) has put together a report detailing the engineering and science behind this method of ventilation, highlighting the importance and benefits such a system can offer homeowners and building owners living in warmer climates. The MCA points out many important factors to consider, such as the fact that roofs experience a much higher temperature fluctuation than any other surface, and ventilation is key in regulating this concern.  

By ventilating the air space between the roofing material layers in an ASV design, the roof cladding temperature is allowed to be closer to the outdoor ambient temperature, which in turn reduces the amount of heat gained and retained within the insulation and home. The design of an ASV system has also been shown to reduce the amount of moisture retained within the roof, preventing rot and rust, while also giving the structure an added advantage of resistance to fire in areas where wildfires are common.  

To maximize the performance of an ASV system, homeowners and building owners can combine the ASV system with a cool roof coating to maximize the benefits of both solutions; cool roof coatings work similarly to ASV in that they reduce the surface temperature of a roof. By layering the two solutions, owners are getting the best possible benefits and cooling solutions.  

Read the full report to learn more about the design, functions and benefits of using an above sheathing ventilation system.

Learn more about Metal Construction Association (MCA) in their Coffee Shop Directory or visit www.metalconstruction.org.

About Anna

Anna Lockhart is a content administrator/writer for the Coffee Shops and AskARoofer™. When she’s not working, she’s most likely to be found with her nose in a book or attempting to master a new cookie recipe. 

About the Metal Construction Association

The Metal Construction Association brings together a diverse industry for the purpose of expanding the use of metal in construction through marketing, research, technology and education. Companies involved in MCA gain tremendous benefit from association activities that focus on research, codes and standards, market development and technical programs. MCA’s market development efforts increase the use of metal materials in construction through the education of the building and design communities about the benefits of metal. For more, visit www.metalconstruction.org.

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