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Stop Snows from “Slip Sliding Away”

RMSG snow retention system
March 11, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.

Snow retention systems are a priority with solar panels in areas with heavy snow fall.

There’s a good reason Michael Stowe added solar panels to the top of his home. Between mid-March and late-September, his home in British Columbia, Canada receives more than 12 hours of sunlight a day. However, that situation changes in late autumn.

According to Weather Spark, from mid-November to mid-March Stowe’s area in Coquitlam has a sliding 31-day snowfall of at least one inch. And in January, the average snowfall is 4.2 inches. Not that much actually. Until you consider that his solar panels warm up quickly, causing snow to melt and slide swiftly off the roof.

“We had just installed the solar panels about a year ago during warm weather,” says homeowner Stowe. “They were working out great. Then the winter weather came, and with it some snow. Soon our neighbors were knocking on our doors to let us know that the snow was sliding off our solar panels and right into their driveway in large mounds. Our next call was to Excel Roofing to see what solution could be found.”

Snow retention systems a priority

This wasn’t the first time the team at Excel Roofing had received this type of call. As solar panel systems become increasingly popular, homeowners don’t always consider the full-year effects of the panels --- especially if they live in close proximity to neighbors.

“For the Stowe home we installed a Drift Solar Aluminum 4-Pipe Fence-Style Snow Guard System directly on the asphalt roof,” says Thedy Joseph, owner/operator of Excel Roofing. “We’ve been installing these products from Rocky Mountain Snow Guards for several years now. They’re designed especially for snow retention below solar panels, so they’re ideal for this home.

“The snow slides off the solar panels and is held in place by the 12-inch tall snow fence. From there it starts to melt, so the snow doesn’t come down in large chunks all at one time.”

The aluminum Drift Solar Snow Fences are bolted directly to the roof support structure flush at the eave with the tubing side facing down-slope. The Excel Roofing team secured each snow fence bracket in place with five structural lag screws. Ice screen was also installed to impede the movement of snow between the tubing.

“The Solar Drift Snow Fences really seem to have solved our problem,” says Stowe. “I’d recommend owners of roof solar panels consider these, depending on their own roof slope and where their snow slide is going off to. In addition, in our area, I’d recommend the Excel Roofing team. It’s clear they understand Rocky Mountain Snow Guards’ product line and did a good job with our project.”

Rocky Mountain Snow Guards, Inc. manufactures snow guards and fence-style snow retention systems designed to protect people and property. The company provides free shipping of products to the 48 contiguous United States and offers free layouts and quotes for product placement. For details visit www.rockymountainsnowguards.com or call 1-877-414-7606.

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