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SPARC™ – The Next Generation

Polyglass SPARC the Next Gen
June 2, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.

By Yvette Cruz. 

If you’re tired of manually creating submittal packages and spending hours of your busy day doing so, check out Polyglass’ newest venture in this state-of-the-art roofing system configurator. 

Nothing is worse than spending hours a day trying to write up proposals or submittal packages that may end up getting rejected in the end. Time is wasted. Energy is wasted. And having to do it all over again for multiple projects makes this a never-ending task.  

Well, does Polyglass have news for you! Introducing SPARC, the latest in technology helping roofing contractors everywhere! 

SPARC is a user-friendly interface that takes input data and creates a detailed proposal which allows you to customize with special specs to any Polyglass contractor within 15 minutes.   

No more late nights and rushing deadlines to send out a submittal package. All you have to do is enter the information. The system is so advanced that it takes care of specifications and details, and if something needs to be substituted or added, it’s just a few clicks away. 

Maybe you have some insecurities about letting technology make calls for you that you may not approve of or that Polyglass themselves wouldn’t agree with. While using SPARC, Polyglass states, “All of this is done without the concern of building a roof system that Polyglass wouldn’t warranty!” SPARC has all the commercial roofing project’s needs, from creating a guided roof assembly plan, to submitting a warranty request when a project is finished. No more second guessing or double checking.  

Some other benefits of SPARC are system letters that can include code approval listings, customized detailed drawings and 3D renderings of each section of the roof assembly.  

For a full example of a submittal package check out Polyglass’s YouTube video.  

Learn more about Polyglass in their Coffee Shop Directory or visit www.polyglass.us.

About Yvette

Yvette Cruz is a writer for RoofersCoffeeShop, MetalCoffeeShop and AskARoofer. She is also a dedicated background actor for various film projects. Besides work, she spends her time with her family, reading and cooking. 

About Polyglass U.S.A., Inc.

Polyglass U.S.A., Inc. is a leading manufacturer of roofing and waterproofing systems. Known for its self-adhered modified bitumen roofing systems based on the company’s patented ADESO® Technology and CURE Technology®, Polyglass also produces a full line of premium roof coatings and roof maintenance systems. As an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, Polyglass provides quality products and adds through innovation. For more information about the premium products and services offered by Polyglass, call 800.222.9782 or visit polyglass.us.

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