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Roofing for Success: Preparing for the Busy Season - PODCAST TRANSCRIPT

Roofing for Success: Preparing for the Busy Season - PODCAST TRANSCRIPT
January 30, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.

Editor's note: The following is the transcript of a live interview with Allan York of  EagleView Assess. You can read the interview below or listen to the podcast.

Intro: Welcome to Roofing Road Trips, the podcast that takes you on a thrilling journey across the world of roofing. From fascinating interviews with roofing experts to on-the-road adventures, we'll uncover the stories, innovations and challenges that shape the rooftops over our heads. So fasten your seat belts and join us as we embark on this exciting Roofing Road Trip.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Hello, and welcome to another Roofing Road Trips from Roofers Coffee Shop. My name is Heidi Ellsworth, and today, we are in the midst of winter and we are going to talk about all the great tips and things that contractors should be doing during their off-season, because in the North, there's a lot of snow going on and a lot of rain right now. So we brought in the expert from EagleView, Allan York, to visit about this and to go over their new book, which is the 2025 Roofing Growth Guide. I have to tell you, it's the top five ways to prepare for the roofing season. It's really good. Allan, welcome to the show.

Allan York: Thank you, Heidi. I appreciate the time and the excitement about it. It's really good to get out, especially in these winter months and get yourself visible and have your voice heard, speak to the industry. We oftentimes get caught up, especially around the holidays, sitting around the table and eating some food, which we got to do over the past couple days, but it's nice to get right back into the swing of things.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: It really is, and you and I have talked about this so many times over the years of how technology has really changed the ability for contractors to work ahead during the winter to do so many different things, so I'm really excited to get into that, but let's start with an introduction. So if you could, introduce yourself, tell us about what you do at EagleView and maybe for those few people who don't know, tell us a little bit about EagleView.

Allan York: Sure. First of all, my name is Allan York. I'm the Senior Vice President of Construction and Solar at EagleView. A little bit about EagleView. EagleView's core competency, the thing that we do better than anyone else in the world is we fly a fleet of aircraft at relatively moderate height altitude with very, very, very expensive, but also very, very high-quality cameras that get extreme amount of clarity and number. We get better than 1 inch per pixel on the clarity of our images. Now, I know once upon a time, you worked at EagleView years ago and I think at that time-

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Long time ago.

Allan York: ... 6 inches per pixel was probably the standard, and we had the opportunity to get to three. But as time goes on, things get better and better and the stuff that we can do with the imagery that we take from the sky is truly incredible. The easiest way that I can convey that to people, because everyone's had some semblance of using either Bing Maps or Google Maps, whichever, but going in and looking around at the Earth's surface on your computer. EagleView makes something very similar. The difference is the amount of clarity that we provide and more importantly, the addition of it being in three dimensions.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Yeah.

Allan York: So we build our own model, our own Google Earth, but it's high-clarity, three-dimensional data that you can extract endless amounts of data points from that allow us to do things that nobody else can do. One of the unique things about EagleView that not all of our customers know, certainly on the construction and solar side, is the construction and solar is a portion of EagleView's business and an important portion, but we do all kinds of things. We save lives in the realm of the 911 sector. SWAT teams use us. It's in their vans going to live shooting situations to be able to make a three-dimensional grid around whatever building they're going to so they can form a strategy that has exact data points of where they want to enter, how they want to go and where they think the shooters are.

I mean, stuff that most people wouldn't even think of and we provide the data and the capability for things of all different kinds, but that's just one simple thing. But the use cases are endless, whether it be real estate, telecommunications, government, insurance, lots and lots and lots of people look to EagleView to get the data that they need to do their jobs properly.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Allan, I'm so glad you brought that up because I think a lot of people in construction and especially in roofing really think that EagleView is just about roof measurements, whereas it is so much bigger. It was that big. I mean, I remember working with all those emergency services and government and taxation and everything while I was there, but with the resolution that you're talking about, it really has enabled so many industries and so many different services to be able to get information that is life-saving.

Allan York: Yeah. No, it's truly a wonderful place to work and the joy that you can take away from your job every single day knowing that you help people. I mean, this may sound somewhat silly even, but it isn't. The number of lives that we've saved from salespeople not having to get on a roof or at least the number of trips to the hospital that we've saved from roofers not having to get on roofs to do their jobs anymore in terms of estimating is a significant number and a significant number each and every year. So we really feel like we bring a tremendous amount of value to the industry and to our community as a whole, so.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: As a whole. Oh, I agree so much and you know what? As we're talking about this, I remember when I was at EagleView, we did talk about, "Hey, there's a chance to be able to look at buildings without snow on them when there's snow on them because of this great imagery and everything." What are some of the things that... What is critical for roofing contractors right now to be doing while the snow is on the roof, while the weather is inclement? What are some of the things they should be looking at, and what are some of the biggest mistakes they make by not doing that stuff during the winter?

Allan York: Yeah. Well, let's start with the mistakes, right, because we're going into 2025. It's really an exciting time, and what roofers do in the winter time now compared to what they used to do is significantly different. I mean, in the past three years, it's significantly different. The amount that technology has impacted the world and where we live, and the way that they should be approaching their seasons has drastically changed, so in the realm of what should we not do. Historically, a roofer did five things. They would clean their shop, get everything ready for the year. Right? If they had extra employees that they didn't want to have to lay off, they would bend a bunch of their edge metal, you know?

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Yeah.

Allan York: Their break edge, and drip edge and so on and so forth. Just things to get ready so that they'd have inventory at a lower cost. Maybe they'd go out and buy a plow for the front of their pickup, and go around and plow driveways and do those kinds of things just to pick up extra dollars and keep their people moving. They may go buy some inexpensive warehouse space and go into the Christmas light business For all I know. I mean, the things that they did and then lastly and this one always... This one still rings true, except the way that we do it now has changed drastically and that is writing down what you want to achieve in 2025. That was always something that I think that quality roofers did. You had your goals and what you wanted to achieve, whether it was revenue numbers or number of jobs or how many leads you wanted to generate or whatever the metric that you wanted to measure was.

What's changed now, at least in my opinion or should have changed around those things is that you still may want to do some of those things, but you're not extracting the same amount of value that you once did. I mean, to have your guys spending their time bending edge metal versus learning something about either artificial intelligence and we'll go into a bunch of these other things as time moves on, but getting certified to fly a drone, increasing your sales capabilities. There's so many things and so many ways to gather information now to make your employees better, more efficient and stronger than there ever have been.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Yeah.

Allan York: So what used to work and what used to be really good advice, I think, now lends itself to what we'd be doing wrong and doing wrong is just not maximizing the time of your employees for maximum gain throughout the year rather than just worrying about what they can do in an hour through the wintertime.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Right, right. Getting them ready for the year. I think that's so true. So when we think about that, when we think about what training for your employees during the winter months, technology is a key one, but I want to keep going down, you just mentioned drones, because I think that's so interesting and drones are up and coming. It's been that way for a while. It's not just happening, obviously, but it's really... We're seeing that hockey stick of it really starting to take off. How can businesses incorporate drone use for 2025, and really, how do they get ready for it now for the business and for their employees?

Allan York: Yeah. So the way that you want to get ready for it, especially considering some of the political things that are going on with the world of drones right now, I truly see drones as a big part of the future of roofing, but only if it's done properly. What I mean by that is I think that... I'm going to use the term "drone police," but they're FAA officials and they're going to be looking more stringently than they ever have based on the activities of the past two months even in our country. Right?

So, as a roofer, I would almost think of them as the OSHA of tomorrow. They're going to be looking out for you, and in order to get the most out of drone capability and where it's headed, you want to make sure that all your people are licensed, educated, know how to use the product and understand the FAA rules, airspace. It's almost the same as getting a pilot's license, but it's extremely easy to do and that's what I don't think everyone understands.

I think everyone says, "Uh, I don't want to do that." The thought of some people having to go back to school and so on and so forth. This is not like that at all. There's 650 locations and growing around the United States where you can go and take your Part 107 test to be legal, to go fly anywhere you want in the country with a commercial license. Now, when I say anywhere you want, anywhere where the airspace is not restricted, you're allowed to go fly commercial drone usage. To do that, there's a series of steps that you want to do, but it isn't like going back and having to take 20 hours of classwork in order to be able to get yourself ready to pass. The methodology that I think that most people want to use in terms of getting there is you want to understand what the rules are and you want to make sure you're doing it properly.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Yeah.

Allan York: But a lot of these, you already know. A lot of them are common sense, and so the methodology that I would suggest to people is go online, take a practice test. Before you've studied anything, just go take a... They're free. You can sign up. You can take a free practice Part 107 test to see where your drones are... what your drone skills are, and you're going to find out very quickly that there's areas of the test that you know, you know, you understand and just because your common sense will tell you that it makes sense, the way you answered the questions are logical. As long as you can get through that, that accounts for about 65% of what you would need to study.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Wow.

Allan York: So if you were starting from scratch and didn't do this, you'd have to study for 65% of the tests that you probably already knew the answers to. Once you do that, the other 35%, they're usually in sections that are clearly defined because there is no common sense for them. They do require a little bit of studying, but you know exactly what they are, where your strengths and weaknesses are and you know exactly the weaknesses that you need to study for. In doing that, you really can get ready for this thing.

Some people have done it... The head of our marketing department did it in about an hour. Some people, it takes three hours. Some people, it takes eight hours. But it's not going to take 25 hours of your time to learn how to do this, and if you're... As a business owner, as a roofing business owner in 2025, if you're not preparing your employees to utilize drones, but to utilize drones legally, you may be missing the boat. The wintertime is the perfect time to go out and get ready for that.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Yeah, and I thought you guys did such a great job in the top five ways to prepare for the roofing season. There's a whole section on drones in this document that can be, by the way, downloaded for free. It gives you that whole... from the practice test all the way through to really... and I think, Allan, one of the things that's important for everyone to know too is this is not just for your estimators. It's not just for your salespeople. It's for everyone because drone usage throughout the company, from capturing the aerial measurements up front all the way to that final... those beautiful photos that you give to the homeowner at the end of the project, everyone can touch that in the business.

Allan York: To see how far it's come in the past two years has been remarkable. I mean, I can remember two years ago being on LinkedIn and there was a few companies using drones. Commercial world had gotten a little ahead of it in terms of bringing the job to the boardroom, you know?

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Yeah.

Allan York: Maybe they would fly the drone every two days, three days. They could go back to their office, and if they had a national account, some big bank-

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Show them.

Allan York: ... that is located in some other city, all of a sudden, the guy who's in charge of the building management or project management of the job or of the building could go into the boardroom at their office and you could show them exactly what transpired and what the changes that had occurred and what work had been being done and why they needed to have a job done, whether it be for a sales, ongoing project or even finished use case, so you got a recording of what it looked like when you were done.

Then, you started seeing the residential contractors getting into it and the majority of them early on were using it... from my perspective, used it mostly as a marketing tool before and after glamour shots, things like that, that they could say, "Look at the job that Joe and John's Roofing did," whatever the case may be, "Our newest job," and they post it up on their social sites. Maybe even have a television ad with the drone footage showing completed job or with their employees on the roof, but it was mostly a marketing tool.

What we've seen occur over the past two years, really, has been this transformation and it's been at the hands of what we can now do with artificial intelligence greatly, but the imagery that we gather from drones... and we talked about our measurements at EagleView being 1 inch per pixel. I mean, the stuff for drones is millimeters per pixel. I mean, you can really see. You can see it better than you can see it with the naked eye at least from the height that I'm standing.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Right.

Allan York: Now, if I'd bend over... and that's the key to the drone. The drone that we provide as part of our assessed package flies at a very consistent 4 feet above the deck. So it would be like bending over and looking at a roof from four feet away with a true record of it-

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Wow.

Allan York: ... that you can manually go, and we sew those pictures together, make a three-dimensional model of the house and someone could look at them. But what's really come of it is the damage detection portion. I'm going to take a step back for a second and explain why that is so important because I think that this narrative is not done yet. I think there's another phase of this coming. But years ago, if a homeowner had a claim, they called their carrier, maybe they had an independent adjuster, maybe they didn't, but the carrier would provide them with a check. They would then go out and hire a roofing contractor as if it were a retail sale. They'd get a bunch of bids, and the contractor would come in.

That morphed into the contractors, people who were restoration-based contractors coming in and getting a contingency contract, being the representative for the homeowner. When the insurance company came to look to see if there was damage, they were there and they would adjust them and there would be these points of contention. I think these are the four most important points of contention in the world of insurance work even today. Right? So the first point of contention is, "What should things cost?" The second point of contention is, "What is the actual measurements of the roof that we need to do?"

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Right.

Allan York: The third point of contention is, "Is there damage or is there not damage?" For those three, Xactimate came along and answered the price of what should things cost and they became the third-party aficionado. "This is what the value of installing a square shingles is. This is what the value of putting a ridge vent on is per foot. This is what the value of a pipe vent." Everything had it its way. Then, EagleView came along and eliminated any argument over whether or not there was a discrepancy in size of roof.

Now, with Assess, EagleView has come along and said, "Look, in a very consistent way, we can identify any anomaly on the roof deck. The contractor can see it from our imagery. They can share that with a carrier. They can share it with the homeowner. They can say, 'Here's the anomalies that the drone detected upon its flight and we think that you've got a significant reason to either file a claim,' or, 'We don't think you have a significant...'" Whatever it is, but it's a third-party validation that, "Hey, there's anomalies here."

Now, With machine learning getting better and better, that will automatically move itself to the next phase, which is, "Not only are there anomalies here, but these are hail anomalies. This absolutely is critical, and it's on this facet, this facet, this facet, not on this facet." Literally, by facet, we can determine where and when the damage is.

Now, what's really interesting is there's... I said four and the fourth one has always been a unique space, but the fourth one is, "What's the scope of work that needs to be done?" Historically, there have been checklists that a contractor or an insurance adjuster would go through and check, so on and so forth, but it always took someone going to the job. With the imagery that Assess catches, it's only a matter of time and there's already companies working on this where that imagery will give you a very complete shot that artificial intelligence will tell you there's five pipe vents, there's 37 feet of ridge vent, there's 48 feet of ridge cap. The scope of the entire project will be done ahead of time by a third-party-verified.

Once you have that, then all these changes that we've been seeing in the insurance industry, they subside. The distrust between the contractor, and the carrier and the homeowner, all of a sudden, they're all getting third-party-verified data that solidifies the position of everyone and we won't have to go into these scenarios where you're only allowed to use the contractor that I state or whatever the case may be with the new policies that are being written by carriers because over time, you can argue whichever way you want to argue, but there has always been distrust between those two parties. Anything we can do to mediate that and minimize that will be a great thing, and that's what the Assess and drones are allowing to happen in the industry today.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Yeah.

Allan York: So that's where I see that headed.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: I agree. I agree. I think it's so important and getting... When we talk about preparing for the busy season, that's what we're talking about right there, is really having your whole team-

Allan York: Ready to go.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: ... ready to go to understand how to work with Assess or with drones overall and really putting that together so that when the hail does hit, or the hurricane hits or whatever it may be, you're ready to work with the insurance companies who, Allan, are already adopting all of this, right?

Allan York: Yep.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Yeah. So you want to be with them.

Allan York: Yeah. No. I mean, the carriers... Every day that goes by, the carriers are asking more and more questions about what other things can we do with it.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Right.

Allan York: So the buying signs from the carrier side are getting stronger daily, and the use case with it on the carrier side is getting stronger all the time, so it's-

Heidi J. Ellsworth: So you don't want to be left behind if you're doing restoration, right?

Allan York: No, you don't want to miss the boat on this.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: No. Not at all.

Allan York: You know what? Based on how well we've been doing with the program, the majority of quality contractors are catching up and they are utilizing it and they are doing the things they need to do to move it, which is a great thing. Hopefully, we get to some of the people that haven't taken that step and don't want to be left behind and we can help them get there.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Exactly. I love it. Okay. Here's another technology thing that I want to talk about that contractors should be looking at to prepare in the winter months for... or as should we say, in the off-season, getting ready for the busy season, but that's integrations with their CRM. I'm telling you what, Allan. There are so many great CRMs out there that integrate EagleView measurements, but there's some work the contractors need to do to make sure they're all set up and ready to go. Can you talk about that a little bit?

Allan York: Yeah. Look, obviously, I work for EagleView and I want to represent EagleView as much as I can, but I don't think that this is an EagleView-centric conversation. I think that anybody... There's so much change going on in the roofing industry right now, right? I mean, there's so much consolidation, right?

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Yeah.

Allan York: Think about the consolidation of the business and, "What is the value of my company?" Well, if you're working off an Excel spreadsheet or if you're even working off a CRM that doesn't have integration capabilities outside of its own existence, the value of your company is worth less because anybody who buys you, what it would take for them to bring you on. Now, if you're not interested in being acquired or if you're not interested in acquiring others and you just want to grow your business and scale, there's a couple ways you can do that. You can do that by getting into solar. You can do that by a lot of other avenues that you can move into, but what's going to be really important in any path that you go to either grow your company or to get yourself ready for monetization, you have to have a platform that can grow with you and the way that that occurs is as technology change, there's always somebody with a better mousetrap.

There's always somebody with a better mousetrap, and if you aren't prepared to take in that better mousetrap and use either the data, the information, the technology, whatever it is that that mousetrap does for you, you want to work in platforms. Fortunately, the credible CRMs in our industry all do this, right? I mean, the big three that everybody is aware of, AccuLink, JobNimbus, JobProgress, all of them are pretty open to the integrations. So, as an industry, we're very lucky to have the biggest and best platforms willing to do that and are already in that realm. For larger companies that are going outside or want to work in both commercial and/or residential, and maybe those CRMs don't fit, they want a Salesforce-based one or any... Those products all work very hard to make sure that integrations evolve.

So finding a CRM, a credible CRM that allows you to integrate and open source and send data through it through APIs and such, it's a question you want to ask before you buy any particular product, because if you don't have that, you're going to get yourself to a point and you're not going to be able to go the next step. To unwind what you've done means they captured all your data, they own all your data and you can't get it out of there to build your company. You lose your customer base... If you want to change at some point, you either hit a ceiling or you don't have the ability to move your data from one place to another. So it's a really interesting time and space in this industry with technology. If you choose the right partners, it's set up to do this properly.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Yeah, and I think taking the time, whether you're looking to buy or get a new CRM or you're talking to your current CRM, talking to them and saying, "What integrations are available? How can I have less duplication? How can I have better processes, more efficiencies?" I think that's so important right now because some of those, although everyone tries to make it really easy, sometimes it takes a little bit of work, which is the perfect time to do that right now.

Allan York: That's right, and it... Not sometimes. It does take work.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Yeah.

Allan York: It doesn't take a lot of work, but it takes work and you want to do that when you're not busy because trying to do that when you are busy is really difficult.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Yeah.

Allan York: But if you take the time when you have the off-season and you have the time to do it, that sounds like a much better use of your time than bending edge metal.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: It does, and one of the things too is it's not just your CRMs. It's your project management software. Now, maybe that's the same. CRM and project management go together, hopefully.

Allan York: Maybe. Yeah.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: But if not, you need to make sure to ask those questions of all your softwares because... and this takes me to my next question and we used to talk about this all the time, Allan, is that contractors have the ability to work ahead. So, during the winter, as you are marketing to homeowners to say, "Hey, we can get you your roof first thing." Right? Start building that backlog for that spring work, whether there's storms or not, just retail and having that imagery, having it already integrated into your CRM and into your project management, you can deliver quotes, bids, clause, the whole nine yards right now, even if there's snow on those roofs. Talk to us a little bit about that.

Allan York: Well, yeah. I mean, look, one of the beauties of a CRM is that it captures the customer forever, right? So any bids that you've sent that were rejected, if you... It gives you the opportunity to market to them again and again and again with data. We haven't even gotten to data, but with data the way that it is, there's opportunity with EagleView, with other place/things as well, but with EagleView to determine whether or not a roof that you've been marketing to for the past five years, whether that roof has been replaced or not. If it hasn't been replaced, you continue to market to it because you're the person that... The CRM keeps track of all those things, right?

Then, when you do the work, you've got a repository where you can store not just the images from the measurement, but images that you took with your own camera, with a drone, whatever it is, that can all be stored in the CRM. So you've got a frame of reference of what the job was before you started, what the job was when you were done and if anything ever comes up on that roof for the maintenance of the roof... Look, I'm not going to kid you. I think that the roofing industry, unlike the HVAC industry, has missed the boat in a lot of ways in terms of maintenance contracts and things like that.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Yeah.

Allan York: The CRM provides the capability to manage all of those things, keep up with it. If ever there's a time... Look, the more often you can get on your customers' roofs, the more touch points that you have with your customers, whether or not they replace the roof or you just did a repair or whether you replaced it three years ago and your time for the year inspection to make sure that it's holding up the way it's supposed to and you can fix anything small to provide longevity of that roof, those touch points, they do two things. One, they create a customer for life. Right? I mean, who's not going to want any business that they affiliate with themselves to check up on them and make sure that everything is all right, especially if you don't have to write a check?

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Exactly.

Allan York: So when that day comes, when they do have to write a check, they know who they're writing it to. More importantly, and quite frankly, everything to me in this regard, the number of their friends that they tell about you. I mean, I don't know what the old study said, but for every customer that you've made happy, they tell 10 others.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Yeah. Referrals.

Allan York: For every customer you've made unhappy, they tell a hundred others. Let's make sure that we're keeping our customers happy and making sure that we're working with them, and the CRMs of today are what allow us to manage that platform very, very easily. They tell us when to do it.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Yeah, and I think to your point, we can't not talk about... and you mentioned this a little bit earlier, but to that point in the CRM. There's people who maybe you've done a roof for, but now they need siding. Maybe they're interested in solar, maybe new windows and so now is the time with the whole house measurements that EagleView offers and also with solar and helping with that. Contractors can be expanding their offerings and learning about it right now, learning about new siding companies. I mean, we have folks like LP. There's so many great folks and all the solar options. What are you seeing with contractors really using both that kind of tech stack to help them get to the customers to start offering them new services?

Allan York: Sure. Well, I mean, first and foremost and we talked about this a little bit, is the CRM acts as a reminder to you. I mean, you set the stage for when you want to contact that customer next at the last time you touched that customer, right? So I just finished with the customer. I instantly... with my phone. I mean, you could do it from anywhere, right? I told the customer I would check back with them in five years, three months, six months. Whatever the timeframe that you want to reach out to your customer, you've got a constant reminder and your calendar will automatically tell you that. That's easy, right? That's the easy stuff. But you can also put notes that are searchable, you know?

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Mm-hmm.

Allan York: Things that this customer might need. You may have a partner that you share leads with that's in the HVAC business. You discover that they... While you're doing the roof, you just look down and you see an age-old HVAC unit. That's something you can work with a partner, unless you have a division that does that. But all of those things, when you sit down with your partner, you just search "HVAC." If any note had ever been made about that, whether it was something on the roof that was wrong because it wasn't flashed in properly, whether it was because it needed to be renewed, any of those things become data points and information that you can share with your partners to help them so that they in turn will help you. Right?

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Yeah.

Allan York: It's just another way of networking, but a very, very effective one, utilizing data that you already have stored and that you've collected on your own. Pretty good stuff.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Such great ideas, and you know what, Allan? We didn't even get to all of them.

Allan York: Yeah.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: There's so many more ideas in this guide. So, first of all, I want to say thank you. Thank you. Great information. I loved it.

Allan York: Well, I appreciate your time, Heidi and I hope to get out there because I do want to talk about those other things. I mean, we didn't get to anything, really, about data. We didn't get to anything about artificial intelligence other than surface stuff. If you're a contractor and you're looking to figure out what you need to do this winter, take a class on artificial intelligence.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Yeah.

Allan York: Look and see what data is available to you in the market that can make your company more efficient. If you don't have any idea, call me or one of my sales reps and we will gladly show you what we can do from collecting data from imagery that will help you either estimate, it will help you prospect or it will help you qualify your customers in a much more expeditious fashion that you could never even dream of where the number of people that you actually get to save and your closing ratios will skyrocket.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: Okay.

Allan York: So I look forward to someday showing your listeners and our customers how we can effectively join together and just make the industry better.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: I tell you what, Allan, that's the next podcast, so you'll be back because I want to talk-

Allan York: All right.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: That's one of my favorite topics to talk about right now, AI and everything that's happening out there. It is phenomenal, so-

Allan York: It's unbelievable.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: It is unbelievable. So if you're out there... Not if. For all of you out there who are listening, go check out construction.eagleview.com/2025-roofing-growth-guide. Now, if you haven't been able to write that down, just go to the EagleView directory on Roofers Coffee Shop. It'll be right there at the top. Go and download this guide, and share it with all your employees in the company. Start having these discussions. It's not too late. I hate to tell everybody, but we got a lot more winter in front of us, so lots of time to really work through this and bring your company to that next level. Like Allan said, we'll come back with the next one and talk about even more ideas as we go on through this year. So, again, Allan, thank you so much.

Allan York: I look forward to it very much, Heidi. As always, I appreciate your time. It's great to see you.

Heidi J. Ellsworth: I love it. Thank you, and thank you all for listening. Please check out the EagleView directory, and you can find the information about the top five ways to repair for the roofing season in the off-season and also, so much information and you can also get ahold of Allan. Talk to his team. Find out how you can take your business to the next level, and be sure to also check out all of our podcasts under Read Listen Watch navigation under Roofing Road Trips. Be sure to subscribe, and set those notifications so you don't miss a single episode. We'll be seeing you next time on Roofing Road Trips.

Outro: If you've enjoyed the ride, don't forget to hit that subscribe button and join us on every roofing adventure. Make sure to visit rooferscoffeeshop.com to learn more. Thanks for tuning in, and we'll catch you on the next Roofing Road Trip.

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