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Rick Rominger - Increasing productivity through performance products - PODCAST TRANSCRIPTION

SRS - Rick Rominger - Increasing productivity through performance products - PODCAST TRANSCRIPTION
November 24, 2021 at 11:36 a.m.



Editor's note: The following is the transcript of an live interview with Rick Rominger from SRS. You can read the interview below or listen to the podcast.

Speaker 1:
Welcome to Roofing Road Trips with Heidi. Explore the roofing industry through the eyes of a long-term professional within the trade, listen for insights, interviews, and exciting news in the roofing industry today.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Hello and welcome to another Roofing Road Trips from Roofers Coffee Shop. This is Heidi Ellsworth, and I am virtually road tripping over to McKinney, Texas, to the SRS headquarters to visit with Rick Rominger, the director of Private Label. Rick, welcome to the show.

Rick Rominger:
Hi, Heidi, thanks for having me on today.

Heidi Ellsworth:
You know what? I've been really looking forward to this podcast, because you are... First of all, it took us a while to coordinate, and get on, but you're doing some really cool stuff. I mean, really bringing products to the SRS customers that are unique, that are needed, you're doing some really cool things. So, I would love for you to share who you are with our audience, a little bit of your history, and how you got started with SRS? Then we'll dive into some of these cool TopShield products.

Rick Rominger:
Well, sure. Well, I am a lifelong resident of building products, so been in it really all my life. But the last 20 years or so, it's been really focused on the roofing side of the business. Much of my professional life building products has been made up of brand development, positioning strategies, market injection, and product branding. I started with SRS two and a half, three years ago, to help define TopShield, help define the brand of TopShield, to help create the messaging and the marketing strategy around TopShield, and really the growing portfolio of the exceptional products that we do offer today. I'm just very proud and humbled to be a part of SRS, it's just such an amazing company.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Well, I was just there for the grand opening, and I was really, I mean, as always incredibly impressed, and just this week we had a podcast with Dan Tinker. So this is-

Rick Rominger:
I saw that.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yeah, we're really rolling it out here. So, okay, I love that brand manager really... A lot of times, I think when people think about product managers or about product, they don't always think about brand. Of course, I love anything around marketing and branding, so maybe share a little bit of the history and growth of the TopShield brand, and the products?

Rick Rominger:
Okay, sure. Yeah, well, TopShield, it really began a few years ago, and SRS put the brand on a few accessory items to the market under TopShield. But since then, we've really defined what TopShield would be, by focusing really on an unwavering commitment to only the highest quality products. So, I mean, we really maintain a strict allegiance to only putting the TopShield name on products that customers need to do the job, and the products that provide assurance that they're simply one of the best available. This helps keep our customers happy and satisfied, it keeps their customers happy and satisfied, and as well as reducing unwanted callbacks that might come from any inferior product. Heidi, exclusivity and quality really breeds loyalty. Once our customers use a TopShield product, often they begin asking for it by name, which is very, very positive for us, and very positive for the brand. So, professional contractors, I feel like they feel good buying TopShield now, and they know they can get it at SRS.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Well, getting product right now is one of the most important things, so knowing we have great products out there with TopShield... You're right, it's very distinguishable, it's one of those things where it's a great name, top of mind, and you know it's backed by great products. What is some of the feedback that you're getting from contractors?

Rick Rominger:
Well, if we looked at TopShield PRO, so we launched TopShield PRO in 2020 as a commercial line for TopShield. We really wanted a line of products that embraced the objectives and maintained that commitment to our commercial contractors, delivering only the exceptional products that we've now become known for with TopShield. It's a brand of products that really not only say TopShield on the box, but is truly TopShield, that's what we were after. Since launching, I mean, the product's been very well received, experienced very quick adoption, embracement, and TopShield PRO is really continuing at a high-rate growth and success. But, I mean, also TopShield PRO is very recognizable as our commercial line of products, but many of the TopShield PRO products that we're talking about can be used in residential applications, and that is design. So, a perfect solution to a low slope porch, or a garage, really on any residential roofing project.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Wow, well, I'm really interested too in what you're seeing from standing out for your customers on the products. What products are kind of taking off the fastest, and what are you kind of seeing there?

Rick Rominger:
Well, our portfolio of TopShield PRO, it is centered around meeting that customer's needs, whether it's modified [inaudible 00:05:17] that we put together, or a self-adhering cap for ease of installation, with quite a great color palette. In all honesty, their [inaudible 00:05:26] torch product, commercial fasteners, our lines of cement and coatings all under the TopShield PRO umbrella. It really recognizes that need and supplies the solution, again, with the backing of really just quality. That's what we focus our attention to, I mean, it's just high-quality products that deliver a solution for our contractors, that's what it's all about.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yeah. As the contractors are talking to their customers, whether that's residential or commercial, and they're talking to their customers, and they're talking about the TopShield brand, how's that working?

Rick Rominger:
Well, really, if it's TopShield, it's superior, it is what it is. I mean, it's just not an inferior product, and any contractor can confidently convey that message to a customer. Really, that customer can feel good of their contractor is providing a product that it isn't just a label, but it's a significant brand. A brand that embraces excellence, and really not every product is worthy to carry that TopShield or that TopShield PRO branding. I mean, their recently launched website really helps to deliver that message, and a contractor can point a customer to that site. It's equipped with all the information, all the code approvals, really everything that you would ever want to know about a TopShield product. It gives that customer, their customer, what they need to make an informed buying decision. You really can really understand the benefits of having TopShield PRO on the building, or TopShield on their home.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yeah, we, with our ask a roofer website, which is for own owners, homeowners and building owners, TopShield's been on there, and we really see that... I mean, it's just exponential the amount of research that consumers are doing around roofing. So, to be able to have that kind of website that really allows a contractor to say, "Hey, here, go look, all the research is right here." The branding, it corresponds to what the contractor's saying, I think that is very powerful. What is some of the responses you've been having lately from your website?

Rick Rominger:
It's been amazing, and I mean, our marketing team really developed a top-notch site. I mean, as soon as they turned the switch on, we experienced immediate, significant attention. Our traffic was increased greatly, and it's just increasing daily. To give you an idea, over a short period of time, since we launched the site, it's been only a few weeks, we've seen a 300% increase in product information inquiries, and 400 times increase in customer web [inaudible 00:07:55].

Heidi Ellsworth:

Rick Rominger:
Yeah, it clearly communicates heightened customer contractor awareness and engagement. As more and more contractors begin using TopShield and TopShield PRO, they're going to be looking for increasing the applications TopShield can be used in, and that website is going to help them do that.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Right, because there are the... Well, just like what we just said, with what the consumers are demanding, they're demanding multiple upgrades, new types of systems. They're looking for sustainability, all of those different kind of things that the contractors with TopShield can start providing.

Rick Rominger:
Right, exactly.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yeah, wow. Okay, so I'm a contractor and I want to start using TopShield. I'm listening to this podcast, and I'm like, "Yeah, I want to get involved with this," how do they do that?

Rick Rominger:
Well, they can start by really reviewing the website, they can contact us, me, any of the team. The TopShield and TopShield PRO are exclusive brands, like I mentioned, and they're available at all SRS locations. Now, a lot of the products are developed from our customers' feedback on what they need to use. So, a contractor can combine an SRS, it's exclusive to SRS, exclusive products, and exclusive brand for SRS. As we're advancing our product offering and program, I mean, contractors are going to be embracing this more and more as time goes on. It's really a significant solution, it really is, meeting the needs of a professional contractor, stringent quality requirements. I mean, TopShield is really something that they can embrace, and they can feel very good about selling it to their customer.

Heidi Ellsworth:
I know SRS is constantly running customer promotions. You have the Las Vegas Bowl coming up, you have the roof hub challenge, you have so many things. How does TopShield play into that, into the contractor purchases, does it all work the same, or are there other types of promotions around that?

Rick Rominger:
Well, there's both. We have done some independent promotions dedicated to TopShield, and then we've also done some promotions that incorporates SRS. You mentioned the bowl, and so we are in a contest now, and TopShield is included with that with SRS, based on the purchases and the entries for the purchases of TopShield products. The entries, they can certainly win attendance to the bowl through TopShield and through SRS. So, we are working on a promotion for next year, not quite ready to announce anything yet, we're still in development. But be on the lookout, it's going to be pretty significant [inaudible 00:10:37].

Heidi Ellsworth:
I love it, and I love the fact that you guys always bring these promos first to Roofers Coffee Shop. So, you got to be watching the SRS directory, and TopShield has its own directory on Roofers Coffee Shop. So, Rick, you and I have worked on that directory to make sure that a lot of your stuff, your new website, all these promotions are on there, and new products. Because I know you're always, always working on new products, so how's that looking for 2022?

Rick Rominger:
We're always advancing, so we'll continue that. But again, I mean, we will do it very strategically, and we'll do it very systematically based on what it costs, our contract use, what they can use. We have to maintain that stringent quality standards, we have to maintain those standards. So, we just don't put our brand on something, we put our brand on something that matters, and that makes a big difference.

Heidi Ellsworth:
I love it. Well, good. Okay, so contractors, this is what you need to be doing, you need to, in your SRS branch, whichever brand that may be, definitely ask about TopShield, find out what's at the branch. But even before that, visit the new SRS TopShield website, and also visit the directory on Roofers Coffee Shop. We see you there all the time, we know you're going in there to find new information, Rick and I, and the team, both teams, SRS and Roofers Coffee Shop teams, are constantly working to fill up the pages and get information out there. So, this is something that I think can really make a difference, and so I'm going to... One last question, Rick, as you... You've been doing this for so long, as contractors are trying to differentiate themselves from their competition, and working with their either homeowners or building owners, using product with the brand of TopShield, that really... I mean, how should they be using that in their marketing and in their sales approach with their customers?

Rick Rominger:
Well, it goes back to really being an exclusive product, and the quality standards that we put behind it. So, I mentioned before, I mean, exclusivity breeds loyalty. If that contractor is using TopShield, not only are they rest assured that it's a quality product, extremely quality product, but it is an exclusive product. So, that will help them in a lot of cases separate themselves in a competitive situation, where there may be other brands or other types of products involved perhaps, that may help them differentiate themselves.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yeah, I would definitely recommend, like we talked about earlier, as you're looking at using this to differentiate your business and market, put the link to the TopShield website on your website. Really talk about the product, because not too many people have it, and this is the way to, once again, differentiate your products or your business, your roofing business. Rick, anything else you want to share with the contractors out there?

Rick Rominger:
No, I appreciate everything that these guys do, and every day they work extremely hard, and nothing goes unnoticed. Especially in my job, so great, great appreciation for what they do for us. Also for you, Heidi, thanks so much for Roofers Coffee Shop, and allowing us to be part of it. It's just been a great relationship and partnership.

Heidi Ellsworth:
We love it, and Rick, thank you for taking this time. Thank you for coming on this little road trip with me, and we'll be bringing more of this. Like I said, be sure to check it all out on Roofers Coffee Shop, on the TopShield, and the SRS directories. As always, we want you to listen to all the podcasts, because whether they're about a concert coming up, or about new products coming out, or about what's happening with labor material, you know we're going to be talking about it. So, be sure to go to the [inaudible 00:14:45] and watch initiative on rooferscoffeeshop.com, find the podcast. On your favorite podcast channel, be sure to subscribe and get notifications, so you don't miss a single one. We appreciate you being here on this road trip, and we'll see you next time from the road, have a great day. Thank you, Rick.

Rick Rominger:
Thanks, Heidi.

Speaker 1:
Make sure to subscribe to our channel and leave a review, thanks for listening. This has been Roofing Road Trips with Heidi, from the rooferscoffeeshop.com.

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