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Quality and Durability Found in Tyvek® Protec™ Roofing Underlayments

December 6, 2016 at 6:10 a.m.

Find out why this general contractor chooses Tyvek® Protec™ new synthetic underlayments and request a free sample.

General Contractor Walt Tomala, president of TNT General Contractors, introduces Tyvek® Protec™ roofing underlayments and its excellent durability and quality. “As a high-performance builder and roofing contractor, we are constantly doing research to find what products are the right fit for certain projects,” said Tomala. “It really comes down to making sure our installers are comfortable on a roof and that we are dealing with a product that we know is going to come with a great warranty and a name that we can trust.”

He elaborates on how the product design allows comfort under foot. “I’m able to walk on this pitch without any issues, my feet feel comfortable, I don’t feel like I am going to slip at any point in time. It’s probably the optimal walkability that I’ve ever felt on a roof itself.”

Other features that Tomala likes about the product is how well it holds our chalk line and the tear resistance. Watch Tomala’s video here.

Tyvek® Protec™ is suitable for use by professional roofing and exteriors contractors in new construction or re-roofing projects as a secondary water barrier on steep-sloped roofs (2:12 or higher) under asphalt shingle, tile, metal, cedar or slate. It is offered in a variety of product grades: Tyvek® Protec™ 120; Tyvek® Protec™ 160 and Tyvek® Protec™ 200; each with increasing quality, durability, strength, warranty protection and UV resistance.

Tyvek® Protec™ lays flat and is wrinkle-free, for ease of installation. It is easy to chalk, and is available in the United States and in Canada from local lumber and roofing dealers.

Contractors can request a free sample here.

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