By National Women in Roofing (NWIR).
The fourth annual NWiR Day is a place to connect, discover and cultivate relationships with roofing professionals. Providing a space for multidisciplinary women to learn about new business strategies and support each other’s careers, this one-day conference guarantees insight, inspiration and fun to all who attend. The conference will take place in Las Vegas, Nevada on August 8, 2021.
If you are looking for good strategies to advocate for a day of connecting with like-minded and incredible women from across the roofing industry for a full day, look no further than these prepared responses to objections.
Objection #1: Attending the seminar is too expensive.
Response: Be prepared with the costs of not attending. Compare the cost involved to what might be lost if you aren’t able to fill the sales pipeline or create opportunities for growth or keep up with the latest technologies (whatever is important to your business). Be sure to talk about the value of creating a network within the industry that you can turn to when faced with a challenge. If you want to bring your team, talk about the value of learning together.
Objection #2: National Women in Roofing Day is just like any other networking event. It’s just filled with lofty ideas and big parties.
Response: National Women in Roofing Day (NWiR Day) is specifically designed for multi-disciplined roofing professionals, so you can be assured that I won’t be wasting my time with sessions that don’t address our particular business challenges. The speakers are experts and practitioners — they are the ones in the trenches, doing the work. They understand what works, and what doesn’t. I will learn the steps (and how to do them) to actually implement new tactics and strategies when I get back to the office.
Objection #3: It’s too much time away from work.
Response: I’ve come prepared with a plan of how I’ll cover my responsibilities while I’m away. By dedicating two nights and one full day to this experience, I’ll be able to focus and fully immerse myself in “learning mode,” which will allow me to execute what I learn faster and give me new ideas to help us reach our goals faster.
Objection #4: You can learn the same content from webinars and articles.
Response: Webinars and articles can fill some gaps, but they can’t replace an in-person seminar experience. At NWiR Day, I’ll meet other roofing professionals facing the same challenges. There’s also the chance to network directly with speakers and other attendees to ask the targeted questions I have, so we can meet our specific goals.
Need some more help justifying attending National Women in Roofing Day? Read this Justification Guide 2021 for tips on how to advocate for your attendance. NWiR even started your letter for you!
Learn more about NWiR in their RoofersCoffeeShop® Directory or visit
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