National Women in Roofing (NWiR) is pleased to announce several changes to the association’s leadership on the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is the governing body of the organization and is responsible for overseeing the implementation of NWiR’s mission, strategy and goals.
Anna Anderson of Art Unlimited (Minnesota) will be joining the Executive Committee, with several other members completing their terms on the Board of Directors and some new members coming onto the Board into new leadership positions. Other officers of the association and current members of the Executive Committee include:
Past chairs Shari Carlozzi and Heidi Ellsworth remain engaged in the association, chairing special committees and providing advice and counsel regularly to the association and to women throughout the industry.
“We normally make these transitions in February at NWiR Day,” said Ellen Thorp, Executive Director. “Everything is a little bit different living through the pandemic and pivoting to virtual meetings, but NWiR has continued to grow and even flourish during this time.”
A sincere note of gratitude to the following members of the Board who have completed their terms:
A warm welcome to the members who have been nominated to serve a term on the Board of Directors:
Renae Bales, on behalf of the Executive Committee also has a special commendation. “A special thank you to Jennifer Stone our immediate past chair. Your leadership and mentorship at NWIR have been truly amazing. Thank you to our board members who have completed their term and those joining us. We have an amazing group of volunteers that continue to grow and promote NWIR within our industry to provide networking, mentoring, education and recruitment for all members.”
A full listing of new Board of Directors can be found at
About National Women in Roofing
National Women in Roofing is a volunteer organization dedicated to supporting and advancing women roofing professionals. NWiR provides opportunities for mentoring, learning, and networking for professionals at all stages of their careers. They share the vision of elevating the roofing industry to a new level of professionalism and diversity by supporting female professionals. Learn more at
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