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MBMA Releases CEU Course: ‘Evaluating Metal Building Systems Using COMcheckTM’

MBMA releases CEU courses
February 22, 2024 at 3:00 p.m.

MBMA releases new continuing education course to provide design options for metal building systems.

The Metal Building Manufacturers Association (MBMA) released its latest continuing education course titled “Evaluating Metal Building Systems Using COMcheck™.” This new course, produced in partnership with the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and Architectural Record magazine, is now available through Architectural Record’s Continuing Education Center website and also via a mobile device app. The course provides one Learning Unit credit for AIA members.

“Our latest continuing education course provides a look at the design options for metal building systems and how COMcheck can demonstrate compliance with the most recent energy codes,” notes MBMA general manager Tony Bouquot. “This software is an easy way to show how to meet the latest codes, and this course will give design professionals the knowledge to use it.”

Metal Building Systems typically account for about one-quarter of all the low-rise commercial construction in the United States each year. These systems have evolved in the past few decades and are now fully capable of meeting and exceeding energy code requirements in all U.S. climate zones. COMcheck is a widely used software tool to demonstrate energy code compliance that is fully customizable to suit different project requirements, including metal buildings.

This course is geared toward building and construction professionals and looks specifically at the benefits of using COMcheck for metal building system designs. It addresses some of the most common questions and uncertainties that architects may have related to metal buildings and energy performance. Learning objectives include the participant’s ability to:

  1. Identify and recognize the characteristics of high-performance metal building systems that meet or exceed requirements for energy codes.
  2. Investigate the design options allowed in the current energy codes including the IECC and ASHRAE 90.1.
  3. Use COMcheck software as a well-known tool to demonstrate energy code compliance in metal building systems.
  4. Eliminate confusion over misperceptions or questions related to metal building systems and energy performance, particularly when COMcheck is used.

The course can be accessed at https://continuingeducation.bnpmedia.com/courses/metal-building-manufacturers-association/evaluating-metal-building-systems-using-comcheck/.

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