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Let’s Talk About Safety

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March 18, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.

By Lauren White, RCS Reporter.

Take a break on May 4-8 to discuss fall hazards and fall prevention with your employees.

This year marks the seventh annual National Safety Stand-Down.  Presented by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), this event will take place on May 4-8, 2020.  The purpose of National Safety Stand-Down is to raise awareness about the hazards of falls employers and workers face in the construction industry.

OSHA, in conjunction with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), and the Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR), are encouraging employers to take a break in their workday and facilitate discussions, demonstrations, and training to focus on fall hazards and reinforce the importance of fall prevention.  

According to OSHA, “Fatalities caused by falls from elevation continue to be a leading cause of death for construction employees, accounting for 320 of the 1,008 construction fatalities recorded in 2018 (BLS data).”  The National Safety Stand-Down is a nationwide effort to raise awareness of fall hazard and stop preventable deaths caused by falls.

Over one million workers participate each year.  This is a voluntary event and a way for employers to have a meaningful conversation with their employees about staying safe.  A Safety Stand-Down can look different for each company. While some may have a toolbox talk, others may conduct safety equipment inspection or develop rescue plans.  OSHA encourages managers to plan a Safety Stand-Down that best suits their workplace.

Everyone is encouraged to participate.  According to OSHA, previous participants have included: large and small commercial construction companies, residential construction contractors, sub- and independent contractors, highway construction companies, general industry employers, the U.S. Military, other government participants, unions, employer’s trade associations, institutes, employee interest organizations, and safety equipment manufacturers.

For companies whose workers aren’t exposed to fall hazards, employers are still encouraged to have a conversation about the hazards they do face on the job.  This discussion can cover protective methods and the safety policies and goals of the company. The National Safety Stand-Down can serve as an opportunity for employers to bring up fall and other job hazards they see with management 

OSHA provides a website with helpful information about how to conduct a Stand-Down, in addition to access to free education and training resources, fact sheets, and certificates of participation.  These materials are available in English and Spanish.

Join this nationwide effort to promote safety in the workplace.  Fall injury and deaths on construction jobs are preventable, and the National Safety Stand-Down is a step in the right direction to help keep workers safe.

Check here for more information on how your company can participate in this year's National Safety Stand-Down.

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