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Joel Viera - What You Need at the 2021 Western Roofing Expo - PODCAST TRANSCRIPTION

WSRCA - podcast with Joel
September 8, 2021 at 12:10 p.m.


Editor's note: The following is the transcript of an live interview with Joel Viera of WSRCA. You can read the interview below or listen to the podcast. 

Speaker 1:
Welcome to Roofing Road Trips with Heidi. Explore the roofing industry through the eyes of a long-term professional within the trade. Listen for insights, interviews, and exciting news in the roofing industry today.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Welcome to another Roofing Road Trips from Roofers Coffee Shop. This is Heidi Ellsworth and I am today tripping down south to meet with one of my favorite people in the entire world. We have worked together for so many years as part of the Western States Roofing Contractors Association. I am so honored and happy to invite Joel Viera to our show today. Hello, Joel.

Joel Viera:
Hey Heidi. And as the Red Hot Chili Peppers say, "Road trippin with one of my favorite allies right here." So-

Heidi Ellsworth:
There we go.

Joel Viera:
Me and Heidi rolling down the 101 together.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yeah. That virtual road trip, which hopefully soon will be real because I plan on driving down your direction hopefully sometime very soon. Maybe that board meeting coming up in the fall.

Joel Viera:

Heidi Ellsworth:

Joel Viera:
Next stop, Las Vegas, right?

Heidi Ellsworth:
That's right. That's right. So for everyone who's listening, Western States Roofing Contractors Association, or WSRCA, is a leader in the roofing industry when it comes to really providing roofing contractors with an association that makes a huge difference and provides some of the best networking. I've been actually, I think I've been on the board almost 20 years and they haven't gotten rid of me yet, Joel. So thank you.

Joel Viera:
Never. Never. Actually my 20 year anniversary is September 10th here. So in about two weeks. So-

Heidi Ellsworth:

Joel Viera:
Was I here before you or were you here before me? Right about the same time. [crosstalk 00:01:44]

Heidi Ellsworth:
About the same time. I may have taken a little bit of a hiatus now and then, but not very long.

Joel Viera:

Heidi Ellsworth:
So Joel, just so everybody out there knows, can you talk a little bit about yourself and your history with Western States and a little bit about Western States just to kind of get everybody in there and then I can't wait. I really want to talk about the trade show.

Joel Viera:
Awesome. Me too. My name's Joel. I'm the executive director here at the Western States Roofing Contractors Association. As I just stated, I've been here just about 20 years. I'll have my 20 year anniversary here in a couple of weeks. Always easy to remember. 9/11 was my second day. I got that call in the morning, "Don't come in. Turn on the TV." So I've had many roles here at Western States. I started out as just the Davis Memorial Foundation events coordinator and the trade show coordinator. I've been the membership director, I've been the entire expo director, I've been the deputy executive director, and in 2016 or so I started my quest to become a certified association executive, which is the standard in nonprofit associations and in May of 2019 I got my certification. So I became a certified association executive and then this last year during COVID on August 1st I became the executive director.

Joel Viera:
I replaced Tom who did a nice job in the office for about eight years I think he was here. So I've been trained by Tom and a little bit by Arlene who have been the executive directors prior to me. So I've got a lot of experience here in the association doing a lot of different roles, a lot of important roles that basically network and know our members and our exhibitors and our attendees. So I have a strong base of relationships with the people in our area. And so that's pretty much it about me. I mean-

Heidi Ellsworth:

Joel Viera:
I'm a sports junkie. I'm a Bay Area guy. I love the Giants and 49ers and Warriors and I coached my son's baseball team. So he's on a travel baseball team. So I do that after work and on the weekends. And it takes a lot of time and it's a lot of my passion. Western States, we've been around since 1974 serving the Western United States basically from Texas up and to the West including Alaska and Hawaii. We represent the 15 Western most states. We have a strong membership base of about 650 roofing professionals. We hang our hat on being a strong technical association from back when Jim Carlson was our technical advisor and now it's Ken Klein with Simpson, Gumpertz, and Hager.

Joel Viera:
We try to provide many technical bulletins and articles and webinars as we can during the year. We have Trent Cottony as our legal advisor and Trent's everywhere-

Heidi Ellsworth:
Love Trent.

Joel Viera:
For us. He's been very instrumental for us over the last year and a half as many of other nonprofits and even for-profit associations or for-profit businesses have been dealing. He's helped us out a lot with contracts and things to that nature because basically 2020 was canceled and we just kind of had to work our way through it carefully. And then last, but not least, we've got a strong safety arm. Trent helps us out with that a lot. We work with pure safety group for fall protection certifications. And business, we have people like Heidi and Danny Kerr from Breakthrough Academy and Greg Hain and Ryan Roth.

Joel Viera:
We do all kinds of business webinars since basically COVID hit. We had never really dabbled in the webinar world and I think we've recorded maybe 65 or so in the last year and a half. So we've really taken a jump in that direction and really tried to help our membership, educate our members and help them get some value from Western States, especially while the trade show was on the shelf for a year.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Obviously, being as an association, first of all, congratulations on the executive director. I know I've said it to you personally, but I'm a say it to the world right here because I'm so happy for you and in ways we kind of grew up in the business together, to see you in this position I think is just so good for the association. But one of the things that I have loved to watch is also that pivot to digital, to really understanding where we need to be for the contractors. Sometimes people get caught up in this whole thing of it has to be a certain way, but in today's world it has to be several ways.

Joel Viera:
You got to be nimble, right? [crosstalk 00:06:44] For us, we hit basically, if you know me at all, last year my role was expo director and being Tom's right-hand man in the office, but we were all systems go. We were a couple of months away from the expo. I don't procrastinate when it comes to getting things done so, so much was already prepared and ready to roll for the Vegas in-person show at the Paris. And then COVID hit quickly and everyone, I think, thought was going to be a couple of weeks or a month and we'd be back and it just kept going and getting worse. So I think we put on the first virtual roofing expo in our industry.

Heidi Ellsworth:

Joel Viera:
There was really nothing out there to see or experience. We didn't know pros or cons of what other people had gone through. So we kind of just dreamed it and visualized it and did the best we could with it. And I think from the education standpoint we really nailed it. We had 40 webinars over like a one week period. Poor Chris in our office was the webinar guy recording like five a day, but just whether you experienced it or participated or not, we want to provide our members and the roofing community with resources. That's just as simple as that. We weren't going to just lay down and say, "Oh. What can we do? 2020 is shot."

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yeah, no.

Joel Viera:
We really just wanted to stay relevant and help people. We weren't the only ones. You weren't the only one that had to go pivot to a more virtual world. We have a lot of board members and members that are quite frankly, they're old school, right? The way they do things is very in person, pen and paper, phone calls and to have to kind of nudge them along and teach them the new wave of technology was important. Now I know there's definitely some fatigue with that now, but I think it was good. Everyone was forced into a situation and everyone improvised and some of our members had their most successful years ever. So it was critical for the year.

Heidi Ellsworth:
That's what I see too. And I see yeah, we may have a little bit of fatigue, but the online's not going to go away, but also the in-person's not going to go away. So one of the things that is so exciting is really looking at the Western Roofing Expo that's happening September 20th, 21st. And this is the time to register because I tell you what. I was just in Vegas for IRE. I thought it was a good show. And I think that when we bring all of our Western State contractors together with the relevancy of the education and of everything you do, Joel, it's an important time and it's going to be a really good show. So tell us a little bit about what's happening with Western Roofing Expo and what the plan is.

Joel Viera:
Right. For the IRE, sometimes it's quality over quantity and I was there too. I really had a thought in mind that, "How can I expect people to come to our show if I don't support our industry as well?" So I went to Vegas and wore my mask and was a good soldier. We went out there, I checked everything out. I thought overall given the poor timing of the way the variant kind of hit right before the show, I thought they did a nice job. [inaudible 00:10:11] prior to is that if you are a serious contractor or a serious salesperson on the floor, you could definitely get some value. The people that were there were obviously serious people.

Heidi Ellsworth:

Joel Viera:
For our show, very much looking forward to it. We've got 22 seminars that will be taking place on the 22nd and 23rd. Trade show floor was full at one point. We have had a couple of cancellations due to people worried about the Delta variant, which we understand. And as of right now, Las Vegas has a mask mandate that governor Sisolak has called into order and we plan on enforcing that out there.

Heidi Ellsworth:

Joel Viera:
We heard a lot of feedback from folks from the IRE and other shows and people who were worried about our own show. And the number one concern was that, was people unmasked on the floor. And so we're really going to take that serious, not only from a health and safety and a confidence standpoint, but from a liability stand point for the association. We have to take care of ourselves and be smart about things and it's the new wave of the way things are going to be.

Joel Viera:
We are at the Mirage this year for the first time ever, which we are really, really excited about-

Heidi Ellsworth:

Joel Viera:
Before the IRE I did a two day walk through and met with everyone known to man at that hotel, but it is absolutely beautiful. It's bright and clean and spacious and it's really, really, really a wonderful venue for our show. If you're a regular that always comes to our show when it's at the Paris, I think you'll be in for a real treat this year at the Mirage just because it's a little bit different. It's really convenient and it's big. We have the entire conference center. So we've made it a point to have every other seat at the seminars taken and the luncheon tables will be a little bit more spread out.

Joel Viera:
Instead of having 10 sit at a table, round of 10, we're going to do rounds of six. We're just going to take every precaution we can. We're just doing things smarter the way we could really do things. But yeah. I mean, the show, I feel, is one of the more fun shows out there. It all kicks off on the 21st with our, we used to call it Sunday fun day, but we're on a-

Heidi Ellsworth:

Joel Viera:
Tuesday, but the Davis Memorial Foundation, who is the educational and scholarship foundation arm under the Western States Roofing Contracts, and Heidi and I are both trustees for the foundation.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yes. We're both trustees. It's a great foundation. If you haven't looked into it. I mean, obviously I'm prejudice, but we give out scholarships every year. We are helping with kids go to trade schools, kids go to college, universities, whatever, however they are. And it's not just kids. All ages of people who apply for scholarships. And so everything Joel's going to talk about with the events is all help support giving out those scholarships to the industry.

Joel Viera:
Right. And that day is so important for our fundraising for that. This year we're giving out $50,000 in scholarships, again. Just about every year we give out 50,000. We gave out $100,000 for our 20th anniversary for the foundation. So we're giving out 50,000 this year and we support that with we have a golf and sporting clays tournament the morning of Tuesday, the 21st. The golf tournament will be at Bear's Best, which is a Jack Nicklaus course. He took like one of his favorite hole from all his courses and plopped it right down there in Vegas. It's a great course. I played it before. It's wonderful. We've actually never been there before so that's another new treat.

Heidi Ellsworth:

Joel Viera:
And if you're into shooting, blasting those clays, we're at the Pro Gun Club again. They have a great 20 station course out there. We have great prizes and giveaways as always. It's a great day. It's a great networking experience. It's a lot of fun. They're at two very high end courses. And then that night's one of the greatest events, I think, in the industry where Heidi and I are in tuxedos and gowns and [inaudible 00:14:23] foundation by having our welcome event and the Davis Foundation, this lively, silent auction. So we've pivoted. The silent auction is going to be opening on the 1st of September and it runs through the end of the trade show, which is the 23rd, but we will have our live auction as well as heavy horderves and an open bar and our two great auctioneer's, two former presidents of Western States, two trustees for the foundation, Chuck Chapman and Bill Bailey will be our auctioneer's that evening. And we've already got great prizes. We've got trips to New York and hunting trips and roofing equipment.

Joel Viera:
You name it, we've got it. So head to davisfoundation.org if you wanted to check out our silent items that's already loaded and I think on September 1st, which is just a few days away, you can start bidding on those items and that will run all the way to the end of the trade show, which is at 5:30 on the 23rd. So basically soon as the trade show closes, we'll shut down the silent auction as well. You'll be contacted if you're the highest bidder and you'll have your items shipped out to you. So we try to make it really easy.

Heidi Ellsworth:
It's so much fun. It's such a fun evening. I mean, the whole day is really fun, but I love how, again, going back to the pivot, is that you're offering, for people who can't make it, they can still be a part of it through the silent auction easily on their phones.

Joel Viera:
Right. Absolutely. And then, like I said, we're doing a little bit of both in-person and silent. We didn't want to just do silent just during the duration of that event live, we'll do it during the duration of that event, but we want to give people a few weeks to check on their bids and get competitive in that nature and even the room that we're hosting the auction in, we just did a pivot. I was talking to chairman Chapman. So it'll be in a room called St. Croix at the Mirage, which is a wellness room there that has air purification and aroma therapy and it has an outdoor patio. So if you want to go outside and catch some fresh air, absolutely you can do that. So I think it's just going to be a great event and it's going to be a lot of fun. It'll look a little bit different then we usually do.

Joel Viera:
And it's for a really great cause. Like I said, we give out 50,000 scholarships and we keep it within the industry as well. It's not like we just give it to just any old people. It's either a student in the construction industry or a family from the roofing industry. It's a really important thing. If you can't make it out, if you can't bid or donate or play in the tournament's, you could always name your scholarship, which is a donation straight to the foundation. It's $5,000. So we would call it the Roofers Coffee Shop Scholarship and that goes straight to one winner. So we really try to make it flexible for people to participate and really make an impact on a really great cause.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yeah. It really is. And Joel, people can still sign up for the golf and for the clays and obviously for the auction. I mean, I know I'm still gathering auction items and Linda's probably like [inaudible 00:17:36] I'm still gathering and sending them in. So we-

Joel Viera:
Golf is really close to being full. And so just if you're thinking of coming out and golfing, you may want to sign up for that. And again, that's davisfoundation.org. You can sign up to play for golf, you can do a singular player and we'll pair you up with people in the industry or you can do a foursome, you could sponsor a hole. It's a great opportunity and you'll get fed breakfast and lunch. And like I said, we have all kinds of prizes, great prizes for you to win.

Heidi Ellsworth:
And also people can sign up for that when they're registering for the show, right?

Joel Viera:

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yeah. So really if you haven't registered for the show yet, we're going to say this a couple times during this podcast, but if you haven't registered for the show yet you need to go to Western States, wsrca.org.

Joel Viera:

Heidi Ellsworth:
.com. Sorry. .com. I should know that after all these years, .com and register. When you register, you can register for all the events. You can do the option, plus all the educational series, everything. So just one last push, this is the kind of stuff when I hear that you're almost full in golf, in clays, that's awesome. I mean, that's awesome. We need everybody to kind of finish up their registration and get it out there because there's really going to be some quality people there.

Joel Viera:
Right, right. And to register you can go to wsrca.com and click on Western Roofing Expo or you could type in westernroofingexpo.com. And as always, if you're a contractor, architect, consultant, you could walk the trade show floor for free, give out free trade show passes. And just going to let you guys know, we just started a little deal yesterday until it fills, we're giving out 10 free education passes, 10 on Wednesday and 10 on Thursday. That's $125 value. It means you can go to any of our seminars on that day. So if you go to westernroofingexpo.com and you register and then in the discount code, put D-I-S-C 826. So that was disc for discount. D-I-S-C 826, which was yesterday's date. So we've got 20, 10 each day, free education passes. That's for any of our members or anyone in your crew. So the first 10 to register for each get a free education pass. So can't beat that.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Right. And we have all that information on Roofers Coffee Shop too, on the Western States directory, [inaudible 00:20:04] rebates under the trade show. You can find it all different places. So you should have no problem getting there and that if you're kind of like, "I didn't write down that code." D-I-S-C 826. It's going to be on the site too. So be sure to go there. This is a great way to go. I want to talk about the educational classes. I've presented at Western States before. I'm not presenting this year just with all the craziness, but they are awesome. And I know also we have our National Women in Roofing. They're doing a presentation. So talk a little bit about all the different educational options.

Joel Viera:
Absolutely. National Women in Roofing actually have two programs. One is kind of their own mentoring reception, which is on Tuesday afternoon, basically between the golf and sporting clays and the auction. So you can visit them and then head over to the auction. They also have a seminar on Thursday, the 23rd and that is the science of rooftop safety, what companies need to know and that's going to be a panel of ladies from the National Women in Roofing. We also have our young roofing professionals who have canned two podcasts so far this year. They've been really good. If you go to wsrca.com and check that out, it's Jackson Johns from National Roofing Codings in Albuquerque. Shane Wakerling from General Roofing in Oakland, California, and Rachel Garcia from Malarkey out in Portland. They are awesome. They've had great guests, Greg Bloom, and Jackson Johns is incredibly sharp and he's hilarious.

Joel Viera:
So [inaudible 00:21:35] for that. But those three will be panel discussion basically on starting a youth movement. That's a panel discussion for the young roofing professionals. So they're going to kind of be out there. So if you're young, if you're in roofing, and you're a professional, that's how they start their podcast, seminars right up your alley. That again will be on Thursday. One of our seminars with the highest signups is empowering your field leaders, which is John Kenney with Cottony.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Love him.

Joel Viera:
He's always got great information. He's a great speaker, very dynamic. We've got how to build a resilient contracting business with Danny Kerr from Breakthrough Academy. If you've done anything with Danny you know it's great work. Phil [Drager 00:22:18], who seems to speak at our show almost every year. He's one of our better technic al speakers. He's doing lessons learned from more roof jobs gone wrong. That's a great one too. Can't go wrong with Ken Klein who's our technical advisor. He's got his own webinar. Trent who's our legal advisor has three of his own, including legal issues when using sub contractors on projects. And then he and John are going to get together and they're going to share all of their, not all, but their roofing memorability.

Joel Viera:
They have a vast collection of roofing artifacts and great treasures from the past. So that's called the history of roofing. There'll be doing that as well. Let's see. A couple others here. Darren Perry with Supreme is doing a low slope roof wind design. That's one of our better technical offerings as well. And then Jared Gribble, son of Reed, he's doing an intentional training, train your workers to the front of the pack. So we have several others. So we have 22 seminars altogether over the two days, but those are some of the ones with the highest signup rates so far. It's just great stuff. We've got safety, we've got legal, we've got technical, we've got business. So anything that you're interested in, we've got for you. And like I said, if you use that discount code you could bring some of your team members out there and you could spread the wealth. You could all go to one and come back with your notes and share. It'd be great.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yeah. I've been to so many classes and been a part of it. It is so good to bring your crews, to bring your office staff. And I'm going to plug the National Women in Roofing. Any women coming to the show should definitely come to that. It is awesome networking. And men too. I mean, it's all of the above. So I'll be there. I can't wait. It's always fun. Okay. So let's kind of take that. So they do educational. Now we're going to the show floor. What's happening on the show floor? Any new stuff, anything that people should like be looking for besides of course the Roofers Coffee Shop booth, which will be there.

Joel Viera:
So Roofers Coffee Shop booth should be your first stop no doubt.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yep. Yes.

Joel Viera:
But the trade show floor, we have over 175 exhibiting companies on the floor. So we still are making a great impact on the trade show floor. The Mirage floor is a little bit bigger than what we usually have at the Paris, which is great.

Heidi Ellsworth:

Joel Viera:
So we'll have a little bit more space there. Definitely stop by the Western States booth. If you're a member, come by and say hi. You can get a beer on the house. If you're a non-member, come listen to what benefits and what value we can bring to your company and what you can expect on a return on investment and we'll give you a beer as well, but just walking the floor. We do a lot of things that are very member centric at Western States.

Joel Viera:
We really try to reward our members. So as usual we'll have member raffles. So you'll have a little lapel pin if you're a member. It says, "You're a member of Western States." That's how exhibitors can easily identify you and you can participate in raffles all over the floor. I think Alex showed me. We have like 21 raffles going on, on the trade show floor.

Heidi Ellsworth:
That's great.

Joel Viera:
So that's great. Just a great opportunity to talk to exhibitors, view new products and services, network, take a load off, have a beer at our booth, meet people, say hi to old friends, and then as always, our trade show concludes with the roofing games, which is sponsored by Malarkey and powered by Makita. Basically it's a roofing competition where contractors who go to the Malarkey booth and sign up can participate in a shingling competition based on speed and accuracy. Basically you'll be timed and graded on your accuracy on shingling a little deck, a little mini steep slope roof.

Joel Viera:
And we always end the show with that. We've got a big championship belt for the winner of that and a medal for second and third place. It's great fun. We'd always kind of try to brainstorm, as Heidi says, we've been for 20 years trying to think of like every shows last day's kind of not as good as the first day and what could we do? And so we've really tried to front-load, or I should say back load, a lot of our activities. The annual luncheon is on Thursday as well. We have Ian Bagg who's a hilarious stand-up comedian.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Love it.

Joel Viera:
Going to be our keynote speaker for the annual luncheon that's sponsored by Malarkey. And so between that and all those prizes on the floor and the roofing games, that Thursday is a really great day. Everything's just fun.

Heidi Ellsworth:

Joel Viera:
We try not to be stuffy or sterile. And then on top of that on Wednesday we have our legislative luncheon with Craig Brightup and Reed Gribble speaking. So that should-

Heidi Ellsworth:
Oh wow.

Joel Viera:
Be a really great opportunity to see what's going on in Washington and learn from two of the best in the industry that can fill you in on all the happenings.

Heidi Ellsworth:
That's excellent. I love listening to Craig. And Reed both. You get so much what's going on in DC. I tell you what? I think everyone should just stop right now who's listening to this and sign up and come join us in Las Vegas because it's going to be a great show Joel. Great job.

Joel Viera:
Thank you. Thank you. Tell them large Marge sent you.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yeah. That's right. [crosstalk 00:27:42] Come and hang out with us.

Joel Viera:

Heidi Ellsworth:
So just to kind of wrap it all up, again, and I know we said this already, but say again, where do people go to sign up and are there any deadlines? Are there any times besides obviously getting all the great packages, but how does that look? If someone just last minute wants to come and fly in, can they still come to the events? How does it all work?

Joel Viera:
Absolutely. We typically have about 800 walk-ups at the show site. I'm assuming that will not be the same this year. People are a little bit more in tune with signing up in advance. There's really no deadlines to sign up to attend the expo. There will be deadlines if you want to play in the golf and sporting clays tournament just because we have to have guaranteed counts in and like I said, golf, we're getting very close to sellout. So I would say if you're thinking of coming, sign up for golf now because I think we'll sellout and you'll want to get that spot. As far as the [inaudible 00:28:43] westernroofingexpo.com and you click on the attendee link, you could register now. Like I said, the trade show floor is free for everybody. If you wanted to get a free education pass, if you're one of the ten first for Wednesday or Thursday, you put in the discount code, D-I-S-C 826 and that's D-I-S-C 826.

Joel Viera:
And you can get a free educational pass. Like I said, it's 20, 10 for each day. We've got great speakers, legislative lunch, and we've got Craig Brightup, we've got Reed Gribble. Our annual luncheon is hilarious. We tend to go with standup comedians because it's just a light, fun, good time.

Heidi Ellsworth:

Joel Viera:
And that's Ian Bagg. You could Google him and check him out. He's going to be cleaner than what you'll find online, I promise. And then walking the floor, seeing the education. Like I said, one of the best nights is the welcome party and auction kicking off the whole event. We have great food and bars there. The tickets are $35 for that. That goes to a great cause. It goes to the Davis Memorial Foundation Scholarship Fund. So please. If you want to check out wsrca.com, you could link to Western Roofing Expo there too and you could check out all the great membership benefits we've got, but either of those two sites will take you right to registering.

Joel Viera:
We've got rooms at the Mirage still. The Mirage is wonderful. Like I said, I've no complaints at the Paris, but it's kind of good just to have a change of pace this year.

Heidi Ellsworth:

Joel Viera:
Different side of the strip, different restaurants, and then just a different vantage point. It's wonderful, it's clean, it's convenient. Everything's very, very easy there. So yeah. I personally invite you to come to the show. If you've never been before, I'm promising it's going to be one of the most fun expos you'll ever go to. And if you've come before you know the drill and again, know that we're taking every safety precaution possible. We're putting most of our horsepower into making sure it's a safe event and people feel safe there.

Heidi Ellsworth:

Joel Viera:
Like I said, masks will be enforced and we're going to be cleaning the pens and we're not going to be doing paper surveys. You can do it on your phone. Just trying to make everything a little bit more safe and sterile for everyone to feel safe so when they go home, they feel like [crosstalk 00:31:01].

Heidi Ellsworth:

Joel Viera:
They feel safe to go home.

Heidi Ellsworth:

Joel Viera:

Heidi Ellsworth:
Well, I have to you, I'm excited to see you at the Mirage. I'm really. I haven't been there in a long time. I love that hotel. I'm really excited about that. Excited about the whole thing. Joel, thank you so much for sharing all this and spending this time with me this morning for the Roofing Road Trip Podcast.

Joel Viera:
If you need a co-host ever, I'm always available.

Heidi Ellsworth:
You got it. You got it. And oh, I did want to mention that we also put the young professionals podcast on your directory on Roofers Coffee Shop. We, as always, share everything that Western States and all of our associations are doing out through the site. So it kind of gives you a chance to find it in several different places. But Joel, I'll see you in a couple weeks.

Joel Viera:
Absolutely. Thank you very much for having me, Heidi and everybody stay safe out there. Please consider coming to the expo. Like I said, we're doing everything in our power to make it a safe event, a fun event, and we want to make business as normal as it could be in 2021 and let's [crosstalk 00:32:04] Let's fight the surge.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Let's go. Let's go. So everybody get your masks, get your suitcase packed, we'll see you all in Las Vegas and thank you again for listening to this Roofing Road Trip. We appreciate you. You can find these road trip podcasts, as you know, on rooferscoffeeshop.com under the read, listen, watch section of the website. You can also easily find it on your favorite podcast channel by just putting in Roofers Coffee Shop and looking for the Roofing Road Trips. Be sure to subscribe. And also, oh, I got to mention one last thing.

Heidi Ellsworth:
We are going to be bringing events from Western Roofing Expo, starting at the very beginning. Karen and I are going to be live coming to you on YouTube. Again, just like we did at IRE, we're coming live from Western States. We'll be showing you all the auctions. So for some reason you can't make it, please subscribe and hit the bell on our YouTube so you can see every minute that we can bring to you from Western States. Thank you so much and we'll get you on the next Roofing Road Trip.

Speaker 1:
Make sure to subscribe to our channel and leave a review. Thanks for listening. This has been Roofing Road Trips with Heidi from the rooferscoffeeshop.com.

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