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Jack Gottesman & Roofs by Don - Making it Easy for Homeowners - PODCAST TRANSCRIPTION

Jack Gottesman & Roofs by Don - Making it Easy for Homeowners
October 5, 2022 at 6:24 p.m.

Editor's note: The following is the transcript of a live interview with Donovan Morgan and Danny Filippelli of Roofs By Don. You can read the interview below or listen to the podcast. 

Speaker 1:
Welcome to Roofing Road Trips with Heidi. Explore the roofing industry through the eyes of a long-term professional within the trade. Listen for insights, interviews, and exciting news in the roofing industry today.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Hello, and welcome to another Roofing Road Trips with Roofers Coffee Shop. My name is Heidi Ellsworth. Today, we are really road tripping, I mean, virtually. But our guest, Donavan Morgan, is actually in a car right now. I can see you road tripping, and Danny-

Donavan Morgan:
[inaudible 00:00:35].

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yes. Thank you, Donavan.

Donavan Morgan:
No problem.

Heidi Ellsworth:
I mean, where are you going? Tell us where you're at.

Donavan Morgan:
Well, right now, just going from Augusta, back to Atlanta. So just did an inspection on a airport project, and then we had a couple adjuster appointments. So, that's what I did on that side. And Danny's up [inaudible 00:01:02].

Heidi Ellsworth:
Thank you for taking us with you.

Donavan Morgan:
Of course. Of course. Then, Dan the Mansion is on the other side. He's in Atlanta, and then he's getting business done on that side.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yeah. So, Danny, introduce yourself a little bit.

Danny Filippelli:
So my name's Danny Filippelli, AKA, Dan the Mansion. I'm originally from Michigan. I moved around a lot in my life, but I found a home in Atlanta so far. I've been in sales, almost all my life. Teaching, training, and developing is kind of what I specialize in. I'm blessed to be here on Roofers Coffee Shop right now.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Oh, I tell you what ... For everyone who's out there listening to this, I just have to tell you, I'm looking at Danny, and I'm looking at Donavan, and these are two amazing, amazing young men. I want to say, when you say, "All my life," Danny, I'm like, "Okay, that's pretty impressive." You all are doing it. We are also in the company of Jack Gottesman with IKO, who we love. Jack, welcome back to the show.

Jack Gottesman:
But, Heidi, I don't have an AKA, I'm just me. I got to hang out with you guys a little bit longer to get hooked up.

Danny Filippelli:
We're creating the dynasty. We're creating the dynasty.

Jack Gottesman:
Creating the dynasty.

Heidi Ellsworth:
You're Jack. Everybody knows Jack.

Donavan Morgan:
That's your new name, Jack Dynasty.

Jack Gottesman:
Jack Dynasty. All right, I'll do it. I can roll with that. Jack Dynasty, love it.

Donavan Morgan:
There we go.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Oh my gosh.

Donavan Morgan:
[inaudible 00:02:20] where we got the nickname first.

Danny Filippelli:

Heidi Ellsworth:
Right here. Well, I want to start out, Donavan, with you. So you kind of introduced yourself, told us where you're at. But I'd love it if you could kind of just introduce yourself, how you got into roofing, tell us about Roofs by Don.

Donavan Morgan:
Yeah, I mean, I guess I have a maybe unique story, maybe not so unique. I came from a music background. I used to do music in Florida. I'm from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, originally. From there, I had my own business in the moving industry. I wanted to switch it up, so I ended up moving to Atlanta. That's where I ended up meeting Dan the Mansion, Danny Filippelli, where I was just trying to figure out what new adventure to do, what new career to do. But something that could be lucrative, and wouldn't take up too much of my time as well, that I can manage my time. I ended up going into seeing something new with sales and management, but it ended up being AT&T, like door to door with AT&T. I was like, "Ah man." I ended up meeting Danny there.

Donavan Morgan:
While doing the AT&T thing there, I ran into a roofing owner. I was the top salesperson at AT&T, I felt real good, had eight sales that day, see me killing it, and he said, "Hey, you should be doing roofing. You could be doing the same exact thing, but with the different product." I was like, "Oh, I'm the top sales person right now." He was just persistent. So by the third time he asked me, which was maybe three months later, I wasn't so happy with where I was, so I actually took it on. From there, started the roofing. It was something that was, I guess, easy to me, second nature, as far as sales and just figuring out what the actual product was, and learning just the roofing aspect. Then from there, I was able to tell everyone about it. So I told Danny about it, was able to recruit over 50 people, and then it just kind of turned to a snowball effect from there.

Heidi Ellsworth:
That is amazing. That's amazing. Then, Danny was telling us a little bit about this earlier, so then you decided to start your own business.

Donavan Morgan:
Yeah, yeah, exactly. So you just match progression. So once we started working with the other company, we started advancing. Like I said, we recruited 50 people on my own, and I was training them, we were managing them on our own. Then, there was just things that we wanted to do that we had to ask for, we were able to do right away, things like that. So we decided to spread our wings, and be able to take on this [inaudible 00:05:03] ourselves, and start the Roofs By Don brand.

Heidi Ellsworth:
I love it. I love it. So Danny, when Donavan said, "Hey, you got to come and do this." What'd you think about going into roofing?

Danny Filippelli:
Well, if you've seen Wolf of Wall Street where Leonardo DiCaprio, he's eating breakfast, and he comes in, he's like, "Yo, you show me a check for $70,000. I'll quit my job right now." That was basically me. He showed me his first check, and it was just getting contingencies from customers, just filing claims. I was like, "That's more than I've made here." So the next day, I remember, the boss at the AT&T place was like, "Where you at?" And I was like, "I'm not coming in. I'm doing something else." From there, I was able to change my life around within, I would say, four months.

Heidi Ellsworth:

Danny Filippelli:
It's been a ride so far. I'm very grateful for the opportunity, and the whole industry, what it actually brings to the table.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Donavan, tell me about your business model, residential, commercial. Tell us, how is your business put together?

Donavan Morgan:
Yeah, yeah, of course. So we definitely do both residential and commercial. It was a natural progression. We started with just driving our car, pulling out our ladders outside of our cars. They're wondering, "How did your ladder even fit in there?" Then we started from the 50-square houses, to naturally progressing to go into two-story houses, little higher, little steeper pitches, where we can use our RidgePro now. Then, eventually, the homeowners that owned the million dollar houses, they have businesses. So then, we actually started going to hotels, and gas stations, and things like that. So we definitely do all of it.

Heidi Ellsworth:
That's awesome. That's awesome. Danny, I mean, I know you're both in Atlanta in there, but tell us about the territory. What do you cover with your company?

Danny Filippelli:
We're all over Georgia. So, I mean, we're very big in Atlanta. We're really big in Savannah, and there was just a storm in Augusta. So we have about, I would say, 50 to 60 houses that we're going to be building, as well as some hotels out in Augusta. So we go where the storms are, we go where there's good damage, and that makes our team successful, which makes us successful.

Heidi Ellsworth:
That's awesome. So, Jack, how did you first meet these gentlemen? Tell us that story.

Jack Gottesman:
The story is really easy. I was scrolling through Instagram, I have all of my ... So I'm on the marketing team at IKO, right?

Heidi Ellsworth:

Jack Gottesman:
I'm scrolling through Instagram, and looking at roofs because that's what people use Instagram for, to look at pictures and videos of roofs. I'm looking at all the roofing hashtags, like I always do, and then three days in a row, these contractors from Georgia keep popping up. Then I'd say, "Wait a minute, these guys are using IKO." Then they're boasting about being IKO ROOFPRO Craftsman Premier, and that was the same day that I had reached out to the territory rep, and said, "Who are these guys? I need to meet them yesterday." They're bragging about their ROOFPRO status, they are showcasing some of the most stunning projects that I've ever seen, and they are roofing in a way that many contractors in the world dream of. Real 21st-century roofing and social selling. Social selling like people need to learn how to do.

Jack Gottesman:
I said to myself, "These guys have it figured out. I need to be their best friend. I need to figure out a way for them to be a part of our IKO University, our education portal that we have, in order to train other roofers on how to sell. How to use social media to sell, how to market yourself." The work that they're doing, the innovative stuff that they're doing in terms of music videos, in terms of Instagram stories, in terms of just recaps of projects that they've done, is something that roofers I know across the country are ... Envy is the wrong word. I think, aspire to, is a more appropriate word.

Donavan Morgan:
Thank you.

Jack Gottesman:
Being on the marketing team at IKO, I want to get them there, and get them there using Dynasty projects because I'm Jack the Dynasty, right?

Heidi Ellsworth:

Donavan Morgan:
Exactly. Exactly. I love it. I love it. I really appreciate that.

Danny Filippelli:
Signed off, signed off, right there.

Heidi Ellsworth:
So, Donavan, talk about what Jack just talked about, what you're doing. I mean, you said your background was music, and now you got music videos going. Talk about a little bit of the social selling.

Danny Filippelli:
He's a genius.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yeah. I mean, well, first, thank you very much. I really appreciate that, Jack. For real. I mean, as far as with the social media, that's just something that I feel is just our second nature, it's just stuff that we like to do. I think, one thing that I'm a fan of, as far as for our culture, with the Roofs by Don, with Goats4Sales, that's another one of our companies that we use to get salespeople or recruit, is that we like to be true facilitators. So what that means is, roofing is usually what people would think is like, say for instance, you want to be a musician. Atlanta is like the second Hollywood, so Atlanta, everyone goals different, their dreams. Whether they want to be an actor, Danny was acting before, that's when he came to Atlanta. Whether you want to be a rapper, a lot of people want to be rappers [inaudible 00:10:45].

Jack Gottesman:
I was wondering if you were Dan the Mansion, or Jonah Hill, by the way, just based on that last interaction, that's probably you.

Danny Filippelli:
He's a little bit of both.

Donavan Morgan:
After Jonah Hill's diet, yes.

Jack Gottesman:
There you go.

Donavan Morgan:
But, I mean, at the end of the day, we want to be true facilitators, so people in our company, our company culture, they like music. They like the music culture, so we'll amplify that. We'll have, "Okay, let's do music. Let's do a music video. Let me help find sponsors, so that that way I can get you your first paid gig, and that could be a milestone for you." If you're [inaudible 00:11:24] again, we can help you get your first paid gig while you're working at Roof by Don. Why would you want to leave somewhere that's helping you, not with just your regular job, but also with your dreams as well?

Jack Gottesman:
I really want to just say how much I admire that. So, Heidi, the next step of the story is I said I needed to meet them, I said we needed to do something together. So we put a date on the calendar for two, three weeks later, to get out there with the IKO video crew and film them putting on a brand new Dynasty roof on a beautiful home in Marietta. While we were out there, I really got to know them in person. One of the things that Don and Dan were talking about, was how so many people just think that I only have one way to make money, I only have one way to be successful, I only have one way to get to the top. One of the examples that Don gave was music, right?

Heidi Ellsworth:

Jack Gottesman:
He said that a lot of people that he knows just want to try to create music, produce music, become rappers. He said that there are other ways to do it, and if you go into roofing, you can still dig deep and bring out your dreams in, through roofing. That's one of the amazing things about roofing is that it enables us to take all of our talents, and if we're good enough, to bring them into roofing.

Heidi Ellsworth:

Donavan Morgan:
Exactly. Correct. 100%.

Heidi Ellsworth:
And building such a great culture. I mean, such a great culture for your company.

Jack Gottesman:

Donavan Morgan:
Yeah, that's the main thing. To show them that we're here to support. So we have people that they're soccer players, say they're soccer players for a college. Then, "Hey, we're going to sponsor your team." If we have people that they want to be directors, "Hey, you're going to shoot our videos. You're going to help record them." If they make websites, "Hey, make our website." That way, we're all supporting you. I feel like it's good for the ecosystem.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yeah. Well, I have to tell you, Don, that is exactly how Roofers Coffee Shop is too. We have budding musicians, we have work-at-home moms, we have people who are writers, who are novelists. So I just love this. I love hearing this because, I think, it's so important that people can have jobs, really good jobs in roofing, and also go after their dreams and their passion.

Donavan Morgan:
Correct. Correct. Yes. Yes. I love that too. That's one of the reasons why I liked roofing in the first place. I felt like, "Hey, I can actually help facilitate my own dreams." Not just want to be a regular roofer. If I'm in anything, I want to be the best of the best. So I usually say like, "The best person I see roofing is like Bob the Builder." He's the main construction guy, he has his own cartoon, he has the action figures. So right now we're competing to be Bob the Builder, we're working on it.

Heidi Ellsworth:
I love it. I love the fact too ... And a lot of times, what I've seen over the years, is roofing becomes that passion too, because it's so open to doing so many different things. When you start talking to people in this industry about music, you'll be amazed at how many people have some kind of connection to music.

Donavan Morgan:

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yeah, you're right on. Okay. You say something in one of your videos, and it says ... You ask your customers, "Imagine watching HGTV, and this time you're the star." Because I'm kind of totally, I'm obsessed with The Flip It reality shows, and HGTV, and all that kind of stuff. So I love that approach to your customers.

Donavan Morgan:
Thank you. Thank you. I feel like that's kind of the thing that I usually ... But I just started roofing, just like I said, as far as Bob the Builder, I felt like if I'm going to be in roofing, then I need to be the top person. I feel like the top person would probably be on HGTV, or something like that. So even when I started doing my pitches, I was like, "Hey, we're going to make your home a model home again. We're going to make you feel like you're Mr and Mrs HGTV." I'm always making that part of my pitch, all of a sudden, because I guess just that mindset. I feel like, "Okay, we're going to have a reality show, or we're going to have home improvement show. It's going to be on a home improvement network, and everyone in the world is going to be seeing us." That's the work we're basically making its fruition.

Heidi Ellsworth:
That's how Jack found you. Right, Jack? I mean, I love that story that you found them that way.

Jack Gottesman:
Yeah. Because they're great at it, because they're great at it. So another one of the things ... Man, I hate quoting Don right in front of him. But another one of the great things that Don and Dan were talking about when we were together, is about when it comes to social media, the way that the world used to work is you got to keep up with the Jones's, and you want to be the best in your neighborhood. You want to be that HGTV person in your neighborhood. Well, now the neighborhood is the whole planet.

Donavan Morgan:

Jack Gottesman:
Social media expands your neighborhood. When you keep up with your neighbors, you're keeping up with people in different states, and potentially across the country.

Donavan Morgan:

Jack Gottesman:
Donavan, maybe I'll stop quoting you, and just let you and Dan expand on that.

Donavan Morgan:
You're doing a great job. You're doing a great job. You're exactly right. So, as far as what, I guess, the old school way, or what the normal way of thinking is, "Hey, you knock on the door." For instance, or if you're doing a build, then you're supposed to knock around the neighborhood, so you can let other people see that, "Hey, we're doing a build in your area." But with social media, and things like that, really, everyone is your neighbor. So if we're doing a build in Atlanta, Georgia, other people in Atlanta, Georgia is going to see that, and that's showing proof in their area that something is going on. So it's the same thing as far as keeping up with the Jones's, but just on a different platform, and something that's basically what's happening now. It's everyone's in the social media era right now. So just how you say, even the metaverse, they're making their own neighborhoods, people are buying their own real estate. So, at the end of the day, this is what's going on right now. That's what everyone needs to jump on.

Heidi Ellsworth:
To follow up that, Jack and Danny especially, you mentioned earlier that you are taking care of these storms. The storm that just happened in Augusta, which by the way, is my husband's favorite thing because of the Masters. But whenever I hear Augusta, I'm like, "Oh yeah."

Danny Filippelli:
We loved hearing it, and kind of educating ourselves on the Masters as well. Because I'm from Michigan, so I didn't even know the Masters was in Augusta, which is horrible to say, especially being in the interview. But learning that people renting out their houses to big companies, like Rolex and Samsung, actually are getting over $100,000 for a week of them just leaving their house, and going on vacation, and coming back. Those are the houses that we're building because of the storm damage. So it was really cool to learn a little bit more about the Masters, and how prestigious it actually is.

Heidi Ellsworth:
I love it on your website, you guys talk about that, obviously, you help them with insurance claims, but that you also offer financing. I mean, when you're talking about these billion ... I mean, these beautiful homes, you're offering both. So, Danny, may you just talk a little bit about that sales approach of really figuring out what the customer needs, whether it's insurance, financing, in between.

Danny Filippelli:
So mostly what we specialize in is the insurance claim process, so showing them the actual damage to their roof. We do a different approach where we use the drone. With the drone, they're able to see, not only their whole roof, but we're able to zoom in, and comfortably tell them, "Hey, we're not even going to get up on the roof. We're not going to make you feel uncomfortable. We're going to use the drone. Then, we're going to be able to show you pictures." Which a lot of other companies don't even give the proof, they just say, "Yes, there's damage up there, let's file the claim." We actually show the proof, which makes the customer more comfortable with us in the claim process. Then, meeting with the adjuster from the insurance company, we're able to know exactly who's going to be on the roof, and how to really conversate with them, and get them on our side. That's how we're able to get a lot of approvals. We're really good at that point.

Heidi Ellsworth:
I love the fact you're using technology and transparency.

Danny Filippelli:

Heidi Ellsworth:
That's important.

Jack Gottesman:
Sparking ideas for me. I'm writing things down, by the way. You just sparked an idea for me.

Heidi Ellsworth:

Jack Gottesman:
This is what happens when you road trip with great people, you get ideas that are [inaudible 00:19:50].

Danny Filippelli:
Jack Dynasty, number one.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yeah, number one nugget from today. So you all just heard one. Well, I also want to kind of dive into ... I just love the fact that Jack found you guys, and said, "They're using IKO products. Look, they're using the best roof out there."

Donavan Morgan:
You want to hear a cool story about that?

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yes, that's right. Donavan, I was just going to ask you.

Donavan Morgan:
Okay. So cool story about the IKO is ... Okay, so we're going into our own Roofs by Don, and going into our own brand. As far as for a new company, the first thing we were thinking as far as shingles, "Which shingle should we work with then?" So we kind of started doing research, as far as with the other shingles, and one person who really swayed us was Jordan Thomas. He works with SRS, and he really pointed out, as far as the IKO being the better shingle with Dynasty, and he really gave us the differences. Then, once we'd kind of seen the differences, I kind of felt like it puts me into say ...

Donavan Morgan:
Well, I see it through my idol, so like through Michael Jordan when he got with Nike. At first, Converse was the biggest ones, and then he signed with Nike, then he became the biggest. Or with Nike, how they're big. Then Kanye West, he went with Adidas, and all of a sudden, he wears [inaudible 00:21:14], Adidas real popular. So I was like, "I want to work with the best, and I see how IKO is, and we want to start with this campaign." Just as far as the colors, and actually seeing the differences once you put it on the roof, it kind of was a no brainer. It was like, "We should have been picking this from the beginning."

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yeah. I love that. I love that. I mean, let's talk just a little bit about ROOFPRO, right?

Donavan Morgan:

Heidi Ellsworth:
So ROOFPRO, what have you seen coming back to your company by being a part of that, and helping that grow your business?

Donavan Morgan:
Yeah, it's cool. I was speaking with Jim from Roofers Marketers. Congratulations, Jim. They just finished their 100th podcast, their 100th episode. It was one of their episodes, as far as how to be roof influencer. So I seen that they have a partnership with IKO.

Jack Gottesman:
We sure do. Absolutely.

Donavan Morgan:
Yes, yes. So I seen that on the partnership, and we were speaking in reference for a website. He was saying how he could add value, how their business could add value to ours. Because we're a ROOFPRO [inaudible 00:22:21], was actually to get 20% off. So I didn't even know about that, but we got the 20% off, so that's actually real cool right there. Also, what's real cool, is the IKO University. I feel like IKO University ... Also, I just wanted to add on too, for Black History Month, they were real supportive as well. So I see what's different than maybe other companies is the support, and I guess, it just seems genuine. It just seemed like you don't get anything back from it, but just the genuine support, and we thinking that's real cool.

Heidi Ellsworth:

Jack Gottesman:
That's exactly our goal at IKO ROOFPRO, is that we want our contractors to feel that they love IKO, and IKO loves them back. That is how we're going to continue to build our relationship with the organization Roofs by Don, with Danny and Don. It's not only going to be what we do on the roof, but the many things ... We have many ideas that we cannot share quite yet, but for things that we're going to be doing off the roof in 2022, and beyond. So people should definitely, definitely stay on board. And all IKO ROOFPROs out there should check out roofermarketers.com, as well as the other amazing partners that we have, the partner programs that we have. Catch-All is another one that just started this year, you can use that. If you want to be a marketer like these guys, you could use the Catch-All to plaster your name all over the neighborhood. That's definitely another one of the many products that we recommend.

Donavan Morgan:
With the IKO University too, I think, that it's also good for the owners to share with their sales guys as well. So a lot of things that I see people are trying to find courses IKO University already has, it's a one stop shop. So you just need to log in, that's it.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yeah. Well, I just make sure we really pull out that too, what you said earlier about inclusion, and Black History Month. We had a great coffee conversations on Roofers Coffee Shop on Black History Month. IKO has been a leader in diversity, and inclusion, and bringing us all together. So I'm really glad you brought that up, Donavan, because I just think that's so important for our industry.

Donavan Morgan:
Thank you. Thank you. Again, the main thing is when it just feels organic, like authentic. It doesn't feel forced, it just feels normal, natural. It doesn't feel like we're being not included. That's when that's good. [inaudible 00:24:48]

Danny Filippelli:
It's not a PR stunt, it's actually authentic.

Heidi Ellsworth:
It's real.

Donavan Morgan:
Yeah, yeah.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yeah, I know. Well, from my standpoint, IKO was one of the first ones up there helping to sponsor National Women in Roofing, so they have a long history of doing the right things, and being very authentic, which I love.

Jack Gottesman:
Thank you. Thank you for saying that. We're working with Don, and some of the other organizations that he's associated with, to replicate the model that we have at National Limited Roofing into other areas as well. But more on that soon.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Keep me in mind. We want to help. We'll be there in a heartbeat.

Donavan Morgan:
Of course. That sounds great.

Heidi Ellsworth:
I love it. Well, okay, before we ... I just love the direction. Jack said at the beginning, you never know where these Roofing Road Trips are going to go, they kind of weave in and out, which I love. But I do want to make sure we get back to one more thing. Danny, I'm going to start this with you. It's just talking a little bit about IKO products, their warranties, how has that made a difference in your sales? How does that help with closing sales, and with your everything?

Danny Filippelli:
I love IKO so tremendously. I remember, putting the first Granite Black roof on, and I probably took maybe 16 drone videos. I spent an hour just making tons of videos, and showing the customer. It was awesome to see their reaction compared to the three roofs down the street from them. I was like, "You don't want your roof looking like that because it all looks the same. There's no flare to it. There's no dimension where in the light, it looks like this, in the dark, it looks like this." So when we had IKO, it was very easy to sell customers on the color because we were so passionate about the color as well. Not only the color, but just like the mechanics behind it. Having it be a Class 3 impact rating shingle, and being able to sometimes give you discounts on premiums, that's a no brainer too, for the customer.

Donavan Morgan:
I love the [inaudible 00:26:54].

Danny Filippelli:
So there's a lot of bullets in the chamber that you can use to sell the customer, and IKO has a great lineup to do that.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Donavan, go ahead.

Donavan Morgan:
Oh, I was just saying, I love the limited lifetime warranty.

Danny Filippelli:

Donavan Morgan:
As opposed to say, the standards say 30 years. So homeowners definitely feel more comfortable with that as well.

Heidi Ellsworth:
It makes a difference when you go in, and you're passionate about the product, you're passionate about the people, you're passionate about your company, and the culture. That just comes right across to the homeowners, and they want to be a part. They want to feel like that ... What did we say? The HGTV superstar, right?

Donavan Morgan:
Exactly. Exactly. Make them feel like they have a model home again.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yeah. I love it.

Jack Gottesman:
Exactly. If you do it, you can get Dan and Don to do the Matthew McConaughey thing, where he pounds his chest like in Wolf of Wall Street.

Donavan Morgan:
Yeah, exactly.

Heidi Ellsworth:
I'm waiting for the next time. I want to see some of this music. I think we got to bring some of this music out at one of the next [inaudible 00:27:59]

Jack Gottesman:
We'll link to it. It's out there, it's on Spotify.

Danny Filippelli:
It's definitely out there. You got to see the [inaudible 00:28:02] video. It's really nice.

Donavan Morgan:
So from that one, every time there's a roofing conference, or everything, now we have to perform now.

Heidi Ellsworth:

Jack Gottesman:

Heidi Ellsworth:
Yeah, and we'll bring some of the-

Danny Filippelli:
I bring the coil nails. Everywhere I go, I'll bring those coil nails.

Heidi Ellsworth:
I love it.

Jack Gottesman:
And [inaudible 00:28:17]

Danny Filippelli:
Yes, [inaudible 00:28:19]

Heidi Ellsworth:
I tell you. We'll bring some of the Roofers Coffee Shop musicians too. We'll get us all together, and it sounds like a plan.

Jack Gottesman:
And we'll [inaudible 00:28:23].

Donavan Morgan:
That would be awesome.

Heidi Ellsworth:
I love it. Well, Jack, once again, congratulations. You seem to find the coolest roofing contractors out there.

Jack Gottesman:
Winners, right?

Donavan Morgan:
Thank you. I just want to say thank you to Jack, I'm thrilled as far as with IKO. Thank you for opening our eyes, letting us know that there's a more superior shingle out there. So we definitely are a fan of that.

Jack Gottesman:
Thank you, Don.

Donavan Morgan:
We're a fan of all the colors from the Cornerstone. Obviously, we love the Granite Black. The Glacier, that's my new favorite right now. We put the Glacier on about three houses, within the last two weeks, and the Glacier one really, really stands out.

Danny Filippelli:
It looks great.

Donavan Morgan:
Yeah, no, it really does. Not even just saying that, it really does stand out. So, thank you, guys. Then also we're able to lower some homeowner's premiums with the insurance because they're using the Class 3 shingle. So some of their premiums are actually able to get a little bit lower too. So you're helping us, and you're helping our homeowners.

Jack Gottesman:
That's awesome. Thank you, Don. I love the positive energy. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. I know that we are well on our way to having as good and stronger relationship as IKO already has at Roofers Coffee Shop. So thank you guys, thank you both.

Donavan Morgan:
Thank you.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Thank you. Thank you so much, and hey-

Donavan Morgan:
Thank Roofers Coffee Shop.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Thank you. So I'm going to say, Danny and Don, please send pictures, okay? You know how to get them to us. It's really easy, heidi@rooferscoffeeshop.com, or a go on our site. That's for everybody out there listening. We want pictures. We want to see these beautiful roofs. Black is my favorite, and the Granite. So send them our way, so we can share them out there. IKO has amazing galleries, by the way, on Roofers Coffee Shop. If you go into those photo galleries, they are amazing, and we'll add your pictures right in there with them.

Donavan Morgan:
I'm going to do something better for you, Heidi. What we're going to do is, we're going to take some pictures with us drinking some coffee while the roof is getting built in the background.

Heidi Ellsworth:

Donavan Morgan:
That's what we used to say to our homeowners. Make it easy for them, so they can sit back and enjoy their coffee.

Jack Gottesman:
I love it.

Heidi Ellsworth:
I love it. We're going to send you some mugs.

Jack Gottesman:
We're a home away for [inaudible 00:30:50].

Danny Filippelli:
Coffee up on the roof.

Heidi Ellsworth:
We'll make sure to get you some Roofers Coffee Shop mugs, so there you go.

Donavan Morgan:
Sounds good. There we go.

Heidi Ellsworth:
I love it. Well again, thank you so much. All of you, Jack, Danny, Don, thank you so much for being on this Roofing Road Trip today.

Danny Filippelli:
Thank you for having us.

Donavan Morgan:
Thank you.

Jack Gottesman:
Thank you for having us, Heidi. It's always a blast.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Always a blast. Thank you. And thank you all for listening. Once again, a fun Roofing Road Trip where you're learning something. I mean, right from the ground with his Roofs by Don, check it out. Always check out IKO on the directories, on Roofers Coffee Shop. So many great things happening, especially around the ROOFPRO program. You kind of got a little teaser today, so I'm excited to hear some new stuff.

Jack Gottesman:
Read, listen, watch.

Heidi Ellsworth:
Read, listen, watch. We're going to be right there. Thank you. Thank you for listening to the podcast. Please listen to all the podcasts, all the Roofing Road Trips, under the R, L, W, on navigation, on Roofers Coffee Shop, and on your favorite podcast channel. Be sure to subscribe, hit the notifications, so you don't miss a single Roofing Road Trip. We'll see you next time. Have a great day. Thanks.

Speaker 1:
Make sure to subscribe to our channel, and leave a review. Thanks for listening. This has been Roofing Road Trips with Heidi, from the rooferscoffeeshop.com.

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