When KPost experiences a “business crisis” the first thing we do is turn to the guidelines defined in Gino Wickman's books on entrepreneur operating systems (EOS). We’ll huddle our Level 10 management team and IDS: Identify, discuss and solve the issue. We also reach out to our peer groups, which include an intimate peer group of Commerical Roofing Contractor of the year and a Greg Hayne ESE peer group. We also consult the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) FEI peer groups which three of our managers belong to. In addition to these peer groups, we'll also consult National Roofing Partners (NRP). Finally, we'll reach out to our strategic partners that include:
We'll also try to find out if this is a KPost only crisis or is also occurring in the industry as well.
Steve Little is the president of KPost Roofing & Waterproofing. See his full bio here.
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