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Heidi and Vickie Show- Did You Know- PODCAST TRANSCRIPTION

Heidi and Vickie Did You Know?
April 28, 2020 at 1:28 p.m.

Editor's note: The following is the transcript of The Heidi and Vickie Show. You can read the interview below or listen to the podcast here. 

Heidi Ellsworth: Good morning! This is the Heidi and Vickie Show, part of Roofers Coffee Shop. It's another Saturday morning. I am Heidi and ...

Vickie Sharples: I'm Vickie!

Heidi Ellsworth: Yay! So, we're here to once again have a fun little 30 minute chat. Vickie, you have some fun things to talk about today.

Vickie Sharples: So, this episode is called, "Did You Know?" [inaudible 00:00:39] we talk and we talk about the Coffee Shop, but what if someone's kind of listened to it and doesn't really know what Coffee Shop is? Or how it came about? So, I know we've told this story a couple times, but I think it bears repeating how we got involved with each other and how the website developed. Then I wanted to kind of visit some of the things that we do on the website so people are really familiar with it because there's so much here. Our website is a little like an iPhone. Sometimes you work it, you love it, but you don't really know all the things that it can do. [crosstalk 00:01:19] I don't want to begrudge the Android people or insult them. So, a long, long time ago I used to do a newspaper on newsprint and send it across the county and it had classified ads in it. It didn't really have an editorial articles. We tried to put safety tips and a few things here and there. We did classified ads and had different advertisers and distributors across the country put ads in it. It was kind of fun and we put it on the counters of all the wholesalers. Eventually, the internet came up. Our first name for our first iteration of the Roofers Coffee Shop was called Roof Expo. So, way back then, I tried to design the site so that we could walk down aisles and do things. Isn't that funny? So, you're thinking about recreating that same thing now.

Heidi Ellsworth: Right.

Vickie Sharples: But back then so I actually owned the domain name Roof Expo and then I let it go because I figured it wasn't tying in good enough with the Roofers Exchange with the newspaper. So, I thought, well, we needed to name it Roofers Exchange. So, the first thing we tried to do was call it that. I went to buy the domain name and the guy said I couldn't buy it because it turned into, if you write Roofers Exchange as one word it turns into roofer sex change. So, they said anything that's [inaudible 00:03:05] it'll just be horrible. It's the funniest story. So, I called it Roof Exchange because you can't leave the S off because people will still be trying to type the S. So, I called it Roof Exchange, but it just wasn't really working for us. So, I needed something and that's why I came to my friend Heidi. Now, I've known Heidi for, I haven't even counted the years lately ... [crosstalk 00:03:29]

Heidi Ellsworth: We met in 1995, Vick. We met '94, '95 in there when I started at [Malarkey 00:03:41] and I started buying advertising from you with Roofers Exchange.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah. I remember that. I remember that and I remember I called you here and there because you were so smart about marketing and advertising, and I really just knew about the roofing industry. I didn't know about marketing and advertising. So, you came up with the name Roofers Coffee Shop. So, explain your thinking with that.

Heidi Ellsworth: Well, it was kind of fun because when you were getting ready to do that, to go online, I had already started ... I had left Malarkey and had started my own ad agency. You and I were doing work bartering and work back and forth together and I was doing some work for you. And you told me this dilemma of roofer sex change. So, I think you probably remember I said, "Give me a night. I got to think about this." Well, as you and I have talked about so many times, some of your best thoughts come in the shower, right, in the morning?

Vickie Sharples: Yeah.

Heidi Ellsworth: So, that morning I was sitting there and I was, well obviously I was taking a shower, and I was thinking about what to call it. And I remembered how my dad used to go, he was a general contractor, and when he would go to a new town he would stop at the coffee shop because at the coffee shop he could find day labor, he could find information about where to buy the best products, he could find out about local what was going on, he could get directions to where he was going, get a good meal. So, that was always his first stop for information. So, I knew Roofers was going to be Roofers Coffee Shop. Your website would be the first stop for information for the roofing industry. I knew it. Just like it is today. I knew that was going to happen then. It just all made sense.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah. The whole website was built around classified ads initially, but when you said information ... See, to put something out in a publication that comes out once a month it's kind of old news. So, this was a whole new opportunity to provide information I could never put in a printed publication. The classified ads by the time you get it a month later, it's old. The job might be gone. So, this was a whole new amazing world [inaudible 00:06:13] doing this. So, initially people went on to place their classified ads online. We got to the point we were still printing the newspaper that we would get 95% of our classifieds online. Then we would scrape them and then put them in the printed paper, kind of opposite, we would take the live news. Back then people sent in their classified ad, this is so funny, they would fax [inaudible 00:06:41] form with a credit card or they would mail me the classified ad in with a check. We used to do it at no charge in the very beginning and then we started charging $10. Now, it's $25 for a classified ad. So, anyway, right now we charge $25 for a classified. We have different promotions here and there. But if you think about we started doing this in 1994 online, so $25 is only, it really hasn't changed price in 10 years, so I'm pretty proud of the fact that we can do it for that much money [crosstalk 00:07:18]

Heidi Ellsworth: I'm learning some stuff. So, you were online with the classifieds before it launched as Roofers Coffee Shop.

Vickie Sharples: It was Roof Exchange. So, we did it like that for a few years.

Heidi Ellsworth: Yeah, okay. That's right. [crosstalk 00:07:32]

Vickie Sharples: So, yeah. We had the newspaper and we went online. So, we needed to change the name. I'll have to go look because I actually have the original, every single newspaper we ever printed I have a copy of it.

Heidi Ellsworth: Wow.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah. Then we went from black and white to color. It was a big deal. How that grew, it was such a lifetime ago. But anyway, so the classifieds that was originally what it was built around and then we added the forum, which was on the suggestion of my website IT guy, my coding guy, and then we started adding different things. But it really didn't grow until you came on board. I mean, it grew and it had different things, we had safety meetings and kind of all the same stuff that I did, but as far, we had no editorial because I didn't really have a writer and it was kind of just me and information. So, the real growth with the Coffee Shop with the last four years has come with you because you're the one that comes up and goes, "We need to have this section." And then I say, "Oh my gosh. We do?" So, if we go along the top of the site, we have the classified ads. I always kind of did have a directory of advertisers, but we, per your specifications, I give you all the credit of the directory because it's amazing-

Heidi Ellsworth: Oh, the directory. Yeah.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah. It's like a microsite.

Heidi Ellsworth: [inaudible 00:09:13]

Vickie Sharples: Pardon me?

Heidi Ellsworth: It was and it was hard, wasn't it, Vick? It was hard. I remember when we wanted to do the directory there were some tears on all sides during that time. Because remember how the directory looked at the beginning and we're like, "Oh, we hate it."

Vickie Sharples: We got it to where it's like a microsite for customers. The directory probably, I'm proud of a lot of spots on the website, but the directory as far as what it offers our customers and our readers or our viewers, whichever we call the people that visit our site, our visitors [crosstalk 00:09:52]. Because if somebody sends out an email blast, we capture that link and then we put it in. So that if a customer went in and wanted to see Beacon's latest email blast they could see it. I saw Beacon earlier up on the screen so that's what reminded me of them. We have many, many products and services. We have directory, if you're a contractor or do you want to have a directory, although we are not heavy homeowners, we do have a lot of general contractors, architects, [inaudible 00:10:26] that do go in there. But eventually, building owners and homeowners, we will evolve that a little more with something new that we have coming up called Ask a Roofer. [crosstalk 00:10:40] We have our association partners. We have a space for manufacture reps, a space for consultants. So, there's a really good find directory. So, that was something good that we worked very hard over the last four years to build. Well, this is going on our year five of our partnership together on the Coffee Shop. I didn't ever have any editorial. I have no real skill. I mean, I can write a paragraph without being totally embarrassed and I think that I am pretty good at clever headlines, but other than that. That's one of the parts you brought to the table. So, talk a little bit about how important you feel the news part is.

Heidi Ellsworth: I think the news really has ... We were the right time, I'm going to say. A lot of it is timing. When people are really looking for things and want to find information. So, what we're finding is over the last, since we started in October of 2015 with this adding things, doing new things, kind of our relaunch, what we've really seen is contractors want information and they're doing a lot of Google searches for that information. And they're also just getting a cup of coffee and coming to our site and sitting down and reading the news because we do four or five blogs a day, we'd really like three to four, but it's been so busy with COVID. They come in here and they can get that information, but I think even more important, they can do research. That's the big change. So, by us having so much on the site on current news, on research, on different projects that are going on, all the different products that, kind of going back to your directory conversation too, when people Google roofing or roof coatings or you name it they're finding Roofers Coffee Shop and they're doing their research. So, that's why we see we have a lot of traffic coming from Google and Bing and all the search engines out there. So, I think that news is so important. We really focus on the industry. I think, Vickie, you and I are a great combination because we kind of keep each other honest. I think you keep me more honest than I keep you honest. But really, do people really care about that article? That was the conversation I think for the first year. Like, "Does anyone care about this article or this story?" Now, we really find that, for the most part, we are trying to always put things out there that people care about. I think that's really the combination of you and I working together.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah. I'm really bad with that. But when you say, "Keep us honest," we're not cheating we're just trying to hold each other accountable for the best quality. We're constantly finding-

Heidi Ellsworth: The best quality.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah. The customer that gives us some information that's of interest to them, but I'm worried that it wouldn't be interesting to anybody else. We have such a good volume. It's kind of hard to monitor everything. So, we just do our best and try to make it as interesting as possible. When news first started out we just were doing little clippettes. Now we're finding people want to read more. Well, I [inaudible 00:14:20] myself.

Heidi Ellsworth: Right.

Vickie Sharples: Wow, that was really interesting about that installation or that particular product, I want to read more. So, that's something that we are going more towards. Being less condensed and actually putting the full all the information we could get. So, that's kind of exciting for me. Another thing-

Heidi Ellsworth: Well, I think too-

Vickie Sharples: Go ahead.

Heidi Ellsworth: Oh. Just real quick. One of the things, and we're not going to go through this on the site so I'm just going to bring it up now because I think it's so important, but one of the biggest gifts that I think you gave me throughout this whole thing was all the time and work you put into the analytics on our site. We can go in the back-end and so can our advertisers and they can see how many people have read and looked at the post. That really has helped, I think, with the blogs too. Because we look every month we have our top five, so we know what people are reading. We know what they like and what they're interested in. I think that's really helped too is just kind of we have that insight of what's popular and what's not.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah. So, what I was going to say is we have years and years of posting. Also, I try and make entertaining and delighting people. I want it [crosstalk 00:15:39] I pick out all the pictures. People send them [inaudible 00:15:44] we do that. So, what we've done is we now have every picture that I've ever touched on the website in some galleries. So, if you want to see fun roofing photos, if you want to see beautiful jobs, if you want to see screwed up jobs, we have that. You want to see little heartwarming stuff? I used to have contests, still do, like the roofing dog. I mean, I don't know I think it's-

Heidi Ellsworth: I love that.

Vickie Sharples: I always tried to do the best roofing truck. We had the most beat-up, that was kind of fun too, old truck. The ugliest truck contest. But anyway, we have fun things and we have all our pictures. So, see that's something, an actual archive. Then I have a lot of antique pictures that I buy of old roofing projects and different historical things. So, that's something kind of fun on the website also is that. And then you've brought us the news. And then we go into all of our resources, the information and stuff that we have on the site. So, I'll just read off and then we can ... Like, for example, now these are things that you thought were important, well both of us, but it was important to put these resources out there because every association for scholarships, for an example, that is a big thing. That is a favorite thing for a lot of the trade associations across the countries to do. These are available to roofing contractors families and different opportunities there. So, we have a scholarship page and we list every single scholarship and how to apply for it. I mean, that's kind of neat.

Heidi Ellsworth: It is. I love that.

Vickie Sharples: We also do awards. Did you have me add the awards page?

Heidi Ellsworth: I did, because I think it's so good for roofing contractors for the company's marketing. They need to be sending their jobs, these beautiful installations they do, they need to be sending them in for awards. So, we wanted to find one place where we could put all the awards so contractors would have a place to go and say, "Oh, we could do that one or that one or whatever."

Vickie Sharples: Yeah. I remember coming across my desk a couple weeks ago. I believe it was Texas Traditions won a metal award.

Heidi Ellsworth: Right.

Vickie Sharples: Was it from the MRA, the Metal Roofing Association?

Heidi Ellsworth: It was.

Vickie Sharples: Okay.

Heidi Ellsworth: They are one of our influencers.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah, that's why it caught my eye. Things have to catch my eye we have so much. But I like to think that people don't know. I'm working hard [inaudible 00:18:45] on my vocational schools page because that's an important thing. So, I keep trying to get back to it, that's why I said I was going to have halfway. I keep trying to get back to it. I've put it in the works for a while now, but I finally got the vocational school page up and a couple of opportunities are listed there. Another thing that our good friend and coworker, Karen Sharples, works very hard at keeping track of all the events in the roofing industry, big or small. If you're having an event, we list it. You can go right down a calendar. See that somebody's doing a presentation in Denver. We've got a fundraising event going in Florida. These are all roofing-related events. So, whether they're a training session or a party ... well, we used to have parties and we will again soon. But see there's another thing that's here.

Heidi Ellsworth: Yeah. The events have huge numbers too. When we see those in the analytics and how many people are coming on to look at the calendar and look at what events are coming up, I'm always shocked at just how many people are on there.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah. Well, you can look in your area and find out who's doing what. So, we'll put it in if you're having an event and it's in the roofing industry, no matter what it is. If it's just an open house in one of your roofing yards, we will put it there. See, that's an amazing resource. Like you said, it has huge numbers as far as views go. Another thing that we are just building now, we're building up our training resources page, which is different than vocational schools. So, you have a crew and you want to get them trained somehow, what are the classes available, who has classes, it's mostly around the associations, but I know that there's some colleges that do stuff. So, I'm pretty proud that we try and really keep track of all the opportunities across the country in different ways.

Heidi Ellsworth: Yeah. I think we have. What I love is those kind of things we are helping the associations to get the word out and contractors to find all these different opportunities. The training, the vocational schools, the scholarships, the awards, and sometimes people get a little overwhelmed on that information menu, but it is ... just taking your time and going through those you can get so much great information.

Vickie Sharples: Right. Then one of our favorite things to do is Caught Doing Good. One thing that we look for and want to mention a lot, we try and find those articles and if we can't interview somebody ... I think that's a really ... Roofers are great people. I don't know about [inaudible 00:22:01] I just love my roofing industry [crosstalk 00:22:05] I don't care about any other people but my industry. I know that's silly. So, we have two pages devoted to that in addition to going into the news room and reading Caught Doing Good. You can go down and read stuff from all over the country. But we have a new page that we've put up this year called Giving Back. So, the Giving Back page ... Trent Cotney actually asked if he could ... I think he requested us to put a place to give recognition to all the companies and foundations that are doing great stuff. So, the Antis Foundation has one. Cotney. Oh, Cotney has that great foundation that he's doing for the betterment ... You can go on and read it. It's this charitable giving association. SRS has Raise the Roof Foundation. There's some great things here. If you have a foundation and you're giving back and you have something you want somebody else to participate in this is a great place for it.

Heidi Ellsworth: Yeah. And for contractors out there who are on foundation boards, like the Roofing Alliance or the Chicago Roofing Contractors, I mean, the Davis Foundation, there's so many. Associations have great foundations and charitable groups. We will put all of that on there. We want people to know about it.

Vickie Sharples: Right. What's some other great ... What's one of your favorite parts of the site?

Heidi Ellsworth: Well, you're probably going to get to it, but I love the Read, Listen, and Watch section. That's been a section that you and I have really, I mean, talk about trying things and then kind of backing up and trying something else. Because remember back a couple years ago we were going to call it the Hub. We were going to have the Hub where it was a place to get all this education. Now, a lot of other people out there have called their sites or different things, "Hub." It's interesting. But what we found was that our audience, all of our visitors, everybody who's listening to this, they want to do it on their timeframe. They want to do it how they want to. I think that's part of the generational change. Vickie, you know I don't watch videos. I don't learn. My ADD kicks in and I'm doing something else and pretty soon the video's gone. But I'll sit down and read. Sometimes I will listen to podcasts. But as a generation or just different personalities we all learn different. I love the fact that you and I kind of came up with that realization that people do learn different and so we made the Read, Listen, Watch so they could read it, watch it, listen to it whenever they want to. Maybe it's at midnight when they can't sleep or in the truck on the way to the job site. So really that's turned in ... I mean, that's where our podcasts are and our coffee conversations are there and all of our eBooks that we get from all of our partners. I really love that section. I think it's a section that's only going to get bigger with time because I think there's a big need but people are still figuring it out.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah, because everybody learns differently. It's not right to just provide some interesting information in one format. So, whenever possible, I mean everybody reads stuff but what if you just don't have time? I actually have been so busy. I get a magazine delivered to my iPad once a week because that's how I choose to read things, my books and stuff. I have three weeks worth of magazines. These are little stupid things that take no time to look at. I just haven't had time. So, that's why if we have to drive somewhere our podcast is good. I just think it's a great idea. I don't know anybody else doing this either.

Heidi Ellsworth: No. I don't know anybody.

Vickie Sharples: Look how smart we are. [crosstalk 00:26:28] thing that we have is we have links to other people's stuff, not just our stuff, like the partner videos or the partner podcasts. We list all of their stuff, so not just the podcasts that we're doing and the Read, Listen, Watch content that we're creating. We're tracking whenever possible and then listing all that stuff. This website is really, I think they call it website land, "Robust."

Heidi Ellsworth: Yes.

Vickie Sharples: [crosstalk 00:27:04] is packed. We have well over ... this is shocking, when I heard this I was completely shocked. [inaudible 00:27:12] IT guys when we moved into a new website a couple years ago they said, "Do you realize you have a half a million pages of content?"

Heidi Ellsworth: Holy [crosstalk 00:27:25]

Vickie Sharples: This is legitimate. That's why our ranking is so good. We don't have to pay for it because we have roofing-related content, about a half a million pages that mentions somewhere something to do with the roofing industry. So, I would say, I don't know, but I would feel safe in saying we're the largest website in the roofing industry. [crosstalk 00:27:49] But I mean, I don't want anybody to call me on it, but we have quite a bit of stuff here.

Heidi Ellsworth: The part I love is we've brought things since it launched in 2002, we have every page from the forum. Every conversation from the forum is there since 2002. That's amazing. [crosstalk 00:28:10]

Vickie Sharples: Yeah. Our new How-To page is up. Oh my gosh, isn't that funny? I'm looking at my website as I'm talking to you. The website's constantly evolving, constantly evolving. So, you had our webinar and podcasts specialist engineer, [Meghan 00:28:36], create little how-tos. How to do little things here and there. How to sign up for podcasts, that's how we started it. So, I asked the IT guys to build me a How-To page and they didn't tell me they did it and it's up. So, you can [crosstalk 00:28:52] go down. There's another piece of information. You can see how to sign up for ... subscribe to our podcast. You mentioned you don't do it, you haven't done it much yet because you listen to it on the website because right now we're all staying home and when you're not home you're flying so it's harder for you to listen to podcasts except for on our screen. So, if you want to subscribe to your ... it's a new technology and everybody's going to be doing it, so just hop on board now with us. [inaudible 00:29:30] and subscribe, meaning go to many different things. But anyways, so look at our new How-To page. This is innovation by the minute coming to the Coffee Shop.

Heidi Ellsworth: You know what I love is, we have over the years we'll say, "We really want to do this thing," but we either don't have the resources, we don't have the time, we don't have the money, whatever it might be. And then all the sudden somebody shows up and it works. You had this brain child for all these how-to videos, which I love, and Meghan started doing the podcast and the coffee conversations with us and we realized she could do videos. So, now you have her doing videos and now there it is. It seems like everything kind of happens as it should. But when we were talking earlier I think one of the reasons, and this kind of goes back to the Read, Listen, Watch and the classifieds, is from the very, very beginning when Vickie, when you grabbed that first bulletin board and made Roofers Exchange newspaper, you have been listening to contractors. You've listened to what they want, how they want it, when they want it, and we still do that today. We do surveys, we talk to contractors, we ask them their opinion, we change things, we add things because it's really their site. It's the industry's site and we want it to be what they want. So, we're constantly listening to them to try to make it the best experience possible.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah. That's why we have a survey page. There's a couple of surveys in there. And then we have something new we launched a week ago called Answer Me This where we ask one question. Just answer this one question.

Heidi Ellsworth: I love it.

Vickie Sharples: "Answer me this," that's how I would say it to you. There's so many different ways, but yes we want to build it to what they want. This is how it has evolved over the years. But it's such an amazing resource and so many people just don't realize all the different places. They'll go directly to the forum. They go directly to the classifieds or they'll go directly to Read and they don't click around. I mean, how many people know that you can click on the top of the website, it says English right there, well if you click down it'll say Spanish or French. Pretty darn great version, except for the ads which [crosstalk 00:32:08] static graphic will not be translatable, but everything else is. The other day I left it on español because I was looking something up, so when I went on to work in the morning I went and I go, "What's happening here?" [crosstalk 00:32:27] Oh, I have it in Spanish. So, I mean, that's a great resource.

Heidi Ellsworth: It really is. I think a lot of times what's happened is, like we said, we really listen to the contractors but there's also a lot of times you and I are just like, "This is important. We need to do this." Sometimes we launch things like before anybody even thinks of it or that they are even that interested in it, so I think that's one of the reasons why the site is so robust. Because what happens is we launch it because in our eyes and our vision we're like, "Oh, this going to be so important, we need to have it," and then it takes a little while for everybody to catch on to it. Then all the sudden, whoosh, it takes off and everybody's into it and it's already there. So, I think it is a really cool combination of listening to the industry but kind of challenging the industry and doing things that no one else is doing.

Vickie Sharples: Well, everybody's been doing podcasts for a while and so that's not new, but it's like all the sudden, whoosh, for us. All the sudden people are listening now and giving us feedback, so that's a prime example. We've been knocking around with that for a while and now all the sudden it's taking off. [crosstalk 00:33:43] So, that's nice. We also have a gift store now.

Heidi Ellsworth: Oh, yeah.

Vickie Sharples: That's been your dream. So, see, [crosstalk 00:33:54] we write it down, even though we don't do it now. We have these board meetings, me and Heidi have giant board meetings with each other, it's serious stuff. I mean, it's exhausting when we're done. But we have these lists of ideas. We don't throw anything away. We just have to wait until it fits in. You've begged me for, not begged me, but this was your dream for four-and-a-half years and I kept saying no because I didn't want to do a sales tax permit. That's the whole reason why. In California, I would have to go through that rigmarole, so that's why I kept saying no. And you go, "We can have somebody else do it." Oh, well, it's not going to be [inaudible 00:34:36] our whole business. But now we've launched it, it's online. We have products there. You can buy [inaudible 00:34:42] logo items from us. Eventually we might add a few things here and there. You can have links to buying direct, buying online. There's products, like smaller companies that aren't wholesalers, you can put a link to their site. You can't buy it from us, but we provide the links for those things if you want to buy a couple little tools, things for smaller companies. We provide that opportunity. I mean, you could go down the rabbit hole of Roofers Coffee Shop for a while.

Heidi Ellsworth: You can. You really can. There is all kinds of great stuff on there. Things that you just have to take a little piece at a time. I know when I'm doing online tours for our partners sometimes I get about 20 minutes into it and I just stop because it's really overwhelming how much we offer, how many resources there are, how many opportunities can be out there. So, I love the fact that we're going over this and sharing that with people.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah. Then we've been working on trying to get people from different industries interested in the roofing industry. I have that in English and Spanish, "Why would you want to be a roofer?" Just so you know, there's a little graphic there that they made me cut half the funny stuff out. You guys all made me. Why you would want to be a roofer. So, we have the more condensed version of that there. I think it's kind of a cute graphic. What was some other fun thing? Oh, our initiatives are on there. If you want a bumper sticker, look up [inaudible 00:36:39] roofer or roofing respect explaining why we did that. Years ago I used to have the we believe. I mean, I'm talking how many years ago? 20 years ago. I still have it. It's a more cartoonish graphic. We believe in roofing contractors. Because that's my underlying thing is that I think roofing contractors deserve a hell of a lot more respect than they get. They are craftsman, they do dangerous work, they do hard work. Is there anything more hard to do than being up on a roof that's 180 degrees? And then being dirty and tearing things off or mopping things on. It's hard work. Or at a slant. I mean, you have to work at an angle. How hard is that? So, that's always been something for me. If you guys want to get a bumper sticker you can go on and get one or a window cling. I know people who go, "Oh, I don't use bumper stickers." Well, you could put in on your propane tanks [crosstalk 00:37:47] or your trailer.

Heidi Ellsworth: Or your outhouse.

Vickie Sharples: Nah. But yeah, there's plenty of places to put a sticker.

Heidi Ellsworth: Well, those stickers we give out at trade shows too and people love them. How many times a week do we get requests for us to send out bumper stickers or window clings? Or roofing respect? That is just the most awesome phrase and people love it. That's your brain child, Vickie. These are the things that really hit the heart of the industry and they're all there on the website where people can come and they can fill out the form and order them and we'll send them out free.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah. The last thing that we're working on, or the latest thing that we're working on is having our own club.

Heidi Ellsworth: Yeah.

Vickie Sharples: We've got it on the site listed and we're just starting. We haven't really finished launching it yet. Called the R-Club. R because that's our ... because it sounds cute. R-Club. [crosstalk 00:39:01] So, we wanted to have a club and recognize some of the people that just want to ... like the old forum guys that have helped support the website. So, that's evolving into quite an amazing thing that we'll talk more about later. But the opportunity to support the Coffee Shop is there and we're building on it.

Heidi Ellsworth: Yes. I think some of these initiatives, very much like the R-Club, they kind of find their way. They find their way to the right spot for the industry. That's one of those ones that's still evolving, so it's really fun to watch to see where it's going to go.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah. We threw it out there.

Heidi Ellsworth: Yeah. [crosstalk 00:39:55] We are a bit bold.

Vickie Sharples: We are a little bit bold. Pretty bold. What do you think about our chat this week? Was it interesting? It was like a training video. I just wanted people ... I just thought it was a good thing to talk about all the things you don't know are there because there's plenty of stuff. That was my idea this morning when I said it, it's just like an iPhone. You don't know all the stuff it does.

Heidi Ellsworth: Right. Yeah, no. I loved it. I think it was great. I hope everyone else out there loves it too because ... Take the time to explore it. Hopefully we've given you some great ideas and shared a little bit of our passion for this website and the community overall. You know what, Vickie? In the next ones we're going to have to talk about Facebook and LinkedIn and stuff because what you do on Facebook no one does. It's so cool. So, we'll have to talk about that in a future Heidi and Vickie Show.

Vickie Sharples: Oh, that'd be interesting. You know that would be fun to talk about. I think I'll like that.

Heidi Ellsworth: Yeah.

Vickie Sharples: Well, the thing is you and I ... I've mentioned it before in an earlier podcast that we were up for an award and we won this year, in New York with all the other publishers. I didn't realize until we went there two years ago that we were actually in the business of publishing. I did not actually realize that. I know that's what I did, but if somebody asked me what I did I would say, "I'm in the roofing industry," because that's how ... I didn't think I was a publisher as far as my title. I do the Roofers Exchange because I'm running information, doing all that, but what I'm actually doing is publishing information for them. It was kind of a weird realization for me. Same thing for you.

Heidi Ellsworth: Yeah. Exactly. We're publishers, but we're part of the roofing industry. That's where our passion is. That's what we love. I always tell people about this site, "It's all about roofing." You're going to love it, but it's all about roofing. I think that's one of the things that's so exciting about it is we stay, that's our focus. We don't go away from that.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah. It's not the plumbers coffee shop.

Heidi Ellsworth: No. Although we talked about that. [crosstalk 00:42:32]

Vickie Sharples: Everybody needs a plumber in their family. I wish I knew somebody that would marry a plumber actually, but I digress.

Heidi Ellsworth: Well, Vickie, I think before we digress too far we probably should end this show because we are at our 30 minutes and maybe a little bit more. I just want to thank everybody for listening. If you have questions or ideas for us, as you can see after talking about this today we are open, let us know. Email us, info@rooferscoffeeshop.com. Please listen to all the podcasts that are out there and like them, subscribe, all that good stuff. So, Vickie, until next week.

Vickie Sharples: Yay.

Heidi Ellsworth: Yeah. Have a great week [crosstalk 00:43:14] Bye.

Vickie Sharples: Bye.

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