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Guardian Roofing Supports One Warm Coat Initiative

January 1, 2018 at 5:23 a.m.

Guardian Roofing has set a goal to collect 500 coats and raise a minimum of $500.

Washington-state based Guardian Roofing is kicking off a winter coat drive to help their local community and are also participating in the One Warm Coat National Coat Drive program as their way of giving back. They recently provided the following update about their efforts in their company newsletter.

“One of the greatest rewards of having a small business has been the ability to give back to the community. When we first started Guardian, we didn’t have a lot of extra funds so we held our very own winter coat drive and would donate them to the Tacoma Rescue Mission. The peace of mind, safety, and warmth provided by a good roof reminded us of the security, comfort, and warmth one feels when they are protected by a warm coat.

In the frosty days ahead, the need for warm coats will only continue to increase! This is exactly why Guardian Roofing will be bringing back a past tradition to fill our trucks full of warm winter coats! We are officially kicking off our Warm Coat Drive with this December newsletter and next week will begin to collect and deliver them to local charities here in Pierced and King Co.

Even more exciting to us is the opportunity to partner with One Warm Coat! Not only will we be able to provide local support, but any funds we raise will help the over $50 million people in need all across the United States. One Warm Coat is a non-for-profit that’s been helping individuals, groups, companies and organizations across the country to provide over $5 million warm coats and awareness for over 25 years!”

Do you know of someone in the industry who is ‘doing good deeds’ in their community? Help us catch them at it. Send news and information to info@rooferscoffeeshop.com.

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January 2, 2018
With this bitter cold front that has recently hit nearly the entire US, I cannot think of a better way to help those in need. Well done Guardian Roofing on supporting your community.

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