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Generosity Sweeps the Nation in the Roofing Industry

CDG Generosity Sweeps the Nation
October 21, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.

By Dani Sheehan. 

See how local roofing companies are giving back to their communities by donating labor and supplies on roof replacement projects. 

Roofing company donates material and labor to tornado victims in this Amarillo community 

Photo source: ABC 7 News 

After a tornado hit Perryton, Texas on June 15, injuring more than one hundred people, Roof Spotters, Inc. stepped in to support where they could. In an interview with ABC 7 News, Leland Long, president, said, “As a company, Roof Spotters believes in supporting our community and lending a helping hand during times of crisis.” The initial donation was in the amount of $50,000 of material and labor, but the company will also donate ten percent of their gross sales for the rest of the year. Relief efforts take time, and Roof Spotters is committed to providing for their community in any way that they can. 

Local roofing company joins Habitat for Humanity in 46th new home in Clinton County, Ohio 

Photo source: News Journal 

Brandon Troyer, owner of Elite Roofing and Construction, LLC, in Hillsboro, Ohio, wanted to find a way to give back to his community. This July, his company teamed up with Habitat for Humanity, donating their labor and some materials for a roof in Midland. Once completed, Adrien and Tonia Ayers and their family will receive a new home with a no-interest mortgage that they’ve also helped build. Habitat Construction co-chairmen Tom McChain and Tom Matrka, said in the Wilmington News Journal, “We are always fortunate in having local businesses offering services to our cause, and Elite’s involvement with this project has been fantastic. They did a beautiful and professional job and did it so quickly.” 

Veteran’s widow receives new roof at no cost in Spencer, Massachusetts 

Photo source: WWLP 

Red Dog’s Roofing donated their labor earlier this year to provide widow, Jean Belford, a new roof courtesy of the Owens Corning Roof Deployment Project — her husband served for the U.S. Marine Corps. Jean was selected for the new roof through a partnership with Habitat for Humanity MetroWest/Greater Worcester. Thanks to the Roof Deployment Project, over 450 veterans and their families have received new roofs. Red Dog is one of many preferred contractors to help the Owens Corning Foundation with these roof replacements across the country.

Do you know of someone in the industry who is ‘doing good deeds’ in their community? Help us catch them at it. Send news and information to info@rooferscoffeeshop.com. 

About Dani

Dani is a writer for The Coffee Shops and AskARoofer™. When she's not writing or researching, she's teaching yoga classes or exploring new hiking trails.

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